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Tagged entries ("thoughts") - Page 2/6
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- Sex, drugs, and obscure thoughts about capitalism, and technology. Also art, functional programming, logic, formal systems...
- Random thoughts and opinions from Americas 4th largest city. Often yankees, newyork and brooklyn but mostly...
Ruminations Of A Canadian Geek | The Thoughts And Ruminations Of A Roleplaying Geek
- The thoughts and ruminations of a roleplaying...
- programmer, foss advocate, compression nerd people are awesome I boost a lot: fleshing out an idea enough to make it...
- Ottawa based Spouse, uncle, theatre technician, actor/singer. Singer in The 8-trax Throwbacks. Actor in several award winning...
- an old guy who likes Werder 💚🤍 and F1 🏎️ and sometimes express my thoughts as they...
- I'm a deer! I draw and bleat, both often in a saucy way. 18+ content 30s I'll be posting my art here, but primarily using this...
- Hopes, Dreams, Determination | Neo-hippy foxcat | 35 | Glow, Flow, Goo, & Love | Previously @Catoxed, Omnikink Extraordinare |...
- 💼 DFIR for Cisco Talos Incident Response. Thoughts are my own. 📝 Blog: ✨NBA • Comics • Movies/TV • Tekken...
Chris Raible
- thoughts my brain deemed important enough to convert into...
[ Click?bait ]
- Much more than just clickbait: moods, thoughts, opinions and occasional rants. Often about technology, (tech-)culture and...
Clockwise – Intellectual Thoughts
- Intellectual...
C.L. Who Writes – Stories, Thoughts, And Essays By C. L. Who
- Stories, thoughts, and essays by C. L....
- A space for those who value thinking. Join us, share your ideas, and let our thoughts...
- My photos + thoughts & bad jokes on living w/Chronic pain/fatigue/disability etc Photographer DisabledArtist...
- Love people, social cohesion, deep thoughts and having my mind changed by good...
- Hi all, you can call me, Fea. I'm a hobby gamer, free-time writer and hobby artist. This blog will be a random mess of posts...… – Thoughts And Ideas Of A Dyslexic Designer/developer
- Thoughts and ideas of a dyslexic...
CupsOfSilver – Coffee Thoughts, Written By Theo Sterling
- Coffee Thoughts, Written by Theo...
- Infosec 'Professional'. Technology Enthusiast. Thoughts are...
Musings Of The Chief Rabbit: Bonnie Parrish-Kell | Thoughts & Opinions About Marketing, Branding, Social Media, And More From A Retired MarComm Professional
- Thoughts & Opinions about Marketing, Branding, Social Media, and More from a Retired MarComm...
- GVSU Math Professor, MTBoS, co-author of Designing Math Adventures, co-host of Teaching Like Ted Lasso — Thoughts are my own...
Thoughts From The Void – Where Thoughts Wander And Wonder.
- Where thoughts wander and...
Daveybot – A Blog Covering Some Of The Thoughts Of Dave Morris. It'll Mostly Be Architecture, Lighting, And Photography-based, But Don't Hold Me To It.
- A blog covering some of the thoughts of Dave Morris. It'll mostly be architecture, lighting, and photography-based, but don't...
Media Queue --> Coevolving Innovations | What Thoughts Are Going Into David Ing’s Ears?
- What thoughts are going into David Ing's...
- Thoughts on things. Sometimes entertaining. Sometimes informative. Nothing is an endorsement and always...
DevNel – Thoughts Of Faith And Being A Wannabe Developer By Kyle.
- Thoughts of faith and being a wannabe developer by...
$ Cat /dev/random > /dev/null 2>&1 – Unplugged Thoughts And Ideas… Basically, Screaming To The Void!
- Unplugged thoughts and ideas… Basically, screaming to the...
- Just needed somewhere to write my thoughts and feelings down as they appear throughout the day. I have trouble with writing...
Digital Polity – Weeknotes, Pixels, Jobs, And Thoughts On Digital Government
- weeknotes, pixels, jobs, and thoughts on digital...
- Recently come out as Transfem 40 year old queer, geek and Illustrator. Will post a mixture of Illustration and random...
Dr. Jen's Recovery Readings - The Official Blog Of Dr. Weeks
- Thoughts, writing and research relating to addiction recovery, sexual addiction, trauma, and parenting in the digital...
Earnest Pettie’s Rough Draft – Half-formed Thoughts From Earnest Pettie
- Half-formed thoughts from Earnest...
ED! Thomas Excels Equally In Awesomeness & Modesty
- Hi, I'm eD!, and I'm interested in Things & Stuff. These are my thoughts on those...
Eirenicon Llc – Ideas, Thoughts & Information
- Ideas, Thoughts &...
Ellie Kennard - Photography And My Thoughts In Story Form
- Photography and my thoughts in story...
- A Montco, Pennsylvania based instance to share thoughts with friends and read what's going on in the world. Established October...
- Part Schwäbisch. Enjoy travelling, writing, cooking and driving - generally not at the same time though. Thoughts and...
- My own space for longer-form thoughts on a variety of topics. You know how I like to...
Ophelie Marin- The Excitable Gurelle – Mental Gymnastics And Cranial Mayhem. Living With A Rare Tuberous Sclerosis And Alpha Gal Syndrome, Healing From Traumatic, Disordered Family/community Systems.
- Blog Just some ideas and thoughts.Love you, mean it. Mastodon...
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