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Tags: thoughts
David L. Hawk (American management theorist, architect, and systems scientist) has been hosting a weekly television show broadcast on Bold Brave Tv from the New York area on Wednesdays 6pm ET, remotely from his home in Iowa. Live, callers can join…
2.2.2024 22:17What to Do When It’s Too Late | David L. Hawk | 2024[…] Digest of web lecture of “2021/06/16 Keekok Lee | Philosophy of Chinese Medicine 1” at https://daviding.wordpress.com/2023/04/19/2021-06-16-keekok-lee-philosophy-of-chinese-medicine-1/ […]
14.8.2023 19:15Comment on 2021/06/16 Keekok Lee | Philosophy of Chinese Medicine 1 by Sciencing and Philosophizing on Threads in Systems Thinking | Gary S. Metcalf +...[…] 2021/06/17 Keekok Lee | Philosophy of Chinese Medicine 2 […]
25.4.2023 05:22Comment on 2021/06/17 Keekok Lee | Philosophy of Chinese Medicine 2 by 2021/06/17 Keekok Lee | Philosophy of Chinese Medicine 2 | Systems Community of...[…] the first day lecture on Philosophy of Chinese Medicine 1 for the Global University for Sustainability, Keekok Lee continued on a second day on some […]
24.4.2023 18:42Comment on 2021/06/16 Keekok Lee | Philosophy of Chinese Medicine 1 by 2021/06/17 Keekok Lee | Philosophy of Chinese Medicine 2 | Media Queue --> Coev...Following the first day lecture on Philosophy of Chinese Medicine 1 for the Global University for Sustainability, Keekok Lee continued on a second day on some topics: * Anatomy as structure; physiology as function (and process); * Process ontology, and thing ontology; * Qi ju as qi-in-concentrating mode, and qi san as qi-in-dissipsating mode; and * the 4 P's of Chinese medicine.
24.4.2023 18:422021/06/17 Keekok Lee | Philosophy of Chinese Medicine 2[…] 2021/06/16 Keekok Lee | Philosophy of Chinese Medicine 1 | Media Queue –> Coevolving Innovation… […]
24.4.2023 15:41Comment on 2021/06/16 Keekok Lee | Philosophy of Chinese Medicine 1 by 2021/06/16 Keekok Lee | Philosophy of Chinese Medicine 1 | Media Queue –> Coevo...The philosophy of science underlying Classical Chinese Medicine, in this lecture by Keekok Lee, provides insights into ways in which systems change may be approached, in a process ontology in contrast to the thing ontology underlying Western BioMedicine.
19.4.2023 21:052021/06/16 Keekok Lee | Philosophy of Chinese Medicine 1[…] a programming era (1950s to 2007) of computers, the Internet and smart phones; and (3) an emerging cognitive era, with the capacity to write multiple algorithms that could teach a computer to make sense of […]
17.12.2022 06:07Comment on John E. Kelly III | “The Future of Cognitive Computing” | Oct. 13, 2015 | IBM (web video) by Humbly confident adaptability – ted.today[…] between and society and nature” really mean? I had previously written a digest about 2016/09/10 Tim Ingold, “The Sustainability of Everything” (web video) where John Knight is mentioned about 35 minutes […]
25.8.2022 23:06Comment on 2016/09/10 Tim Ingold, “The Sustainability of Everything” (web video) by Sustainability from ecological anthropology: the second life of tr...[…] Question, on slide “If they can get you asking ….] I appreciate Alexander and his colleagues’ work. One thing I’ve noticed, […]
4.4.2022 15:12Comment on Ian Mitroff | “Dirty Rotten Strategies: How We Trick Ourselves and Others into Solving the Wrong Problems Precisely” | Feb. 24, 2010 | Comm...Reblogged this on <a href="https://stream.syscoi.com/2021/04/01/2021-02-02-to-understand-this-era-you-need-to-think-in-systems-zeynep-tufekci-with-ezra-klein-new-york-times/" rel="nofollow ugc">Systems Community of Inquiry</a>.
1.4.2021 06:43Comment on 2021/02/02 To Understand This Era, You Need to Think in Systems | Zeynep Tufekci with Ezra Klein | New York Times by antlerboy - Benjamin P...In conversation, @zeynep with @ezraklein reveal authentic #SystemsThinking in (i) appreciating that “science” is constructed by human collectives, (ii) the west orients towards individual outcomes rather than population levels; and (iii) there’s an over-emphasis on problems of the moment, and…
1.4.2021 03:062021/02/02 To Understand This Era, You Need to Think in Systems | Zeynep Tufekci with Ezra Klein | New York TimesIn the question-answer period after the lecture, #TimIngold proposes art as a discipline of inquiry, rather than ethnography. This refers to his thinking On Human Correspondence. — begin paste — [75m26s question] I am curious to know what art, or…
18.1.2021 02:382019/04/09 Art as a discipline of inquiry | Tim Ingold (web video)How might our society show value for the long term, over the short term? Could we think about taxation over time, asks @carlotaprzperez in an interview: 92% for 1 day; 80% within 1 month; 50%-60% tax for 1 year; zero tax for 10 years.
24.12.2020 03:342019/10/16 | “Bubbles, Golden Ages, and Tech Revolutions” | Carlota PerezFor the @ArchFoundation, #TimIngold distinguishes outcome-oriented making from process-oriented growing, revisiting #MartinHeidegger “Building Dwelling Thinking”. Organisms are made; artefacts grow. The distinction seems obvious, until you stop to ask what assumptions it contains, about the inside and outside of things…
6.12.2020 18:062020/07/13 “Making Growing Thinking” |Tim Ingold (web video)In web conference, #HermanDaly says #EcologicalEconomics used to get attacked from the right, now it's from the left. Panel @revkin @jon_d_erickson @ktkish @sophiesanniti #TimCrowshaw #KatieHorner livestreamed #sustainwhat .
15.4.2020 02:362020/04/09 “Can Ecological Economics Shape a Shock-Resistant Planet” | Herman Daly (web video)Complementing the idea of a @longnow , @nfergus provokes the challenge of a #shortthen as the online social media platforms distract the larger perspectives on history.
8.2.2020 18:332018/11/19 Niall Ferguson | “Networks and Power” |Long Now (web video + audio)Reblogged this on <a href="http://stream.syscoi.com/2019/12/10/2018-10-09-dan-stokols-social-ecology-systems-thinking-psychology-how-to-save-the-world-web-video-audio/" rel="nofollow ugc">Systems Community of Inquiry</a>.
10.12.2019 08:51Comment on 2018/10/09 Dan Stokols, |Social Ecology, Systems Thinking, & Psychology | How to Save the World (web video + audio) by antlerboy - Benjamin...Social ecology and environmental psychology described @dstokols @Social_Ecology , interviewed by @katiepatrick . References #WilliamsJames on attention. Book on Social Ecology in the Digital Age released in 2018.
8.12.2019 00:272018/10/09 Dan Stokols, |Social Ecology, Systems Thinking, & Psychology | How to Save the World (web video + audio)Reblogged this on <a href="http://stream.syscoi.com/2019/08/04/2016-11-07-david-gelenter-consciousness-computers-and-the-tides-of-mind-econtalk-mp3-audio/" rel="nofollow">Systems Community of Inquiry</a>.
4.8.2019 14:37Comment on 2016/11/07 David Gelenter, “Consciousness, Computers, and the Tides of Mind”, Econtalk (MP3 audio) by antlerboy - Benjamin P Taylor