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C.L. Who Writes – Stories, thoughts, and essays by C. L. Who

Stories, thoughts, and essays by C. L. Who

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Stupid Thoughts

If a Woodchuck could chuck wood, would a Woodchuck chuck wood at Chuck? Because he’s a dick and deserve it. If is is then what is is? If puking is throwing up, is shitting throwing down? Is ‘She sells sea shells on the sea shore’ a euphemism? Is She a prostitute? If so what is... Continue Reading →

20.2.2025 07:22Stupid Thoughts

Americans Don’t Value Honesty

Honesty is a virtue, or it is supposed to be, but if you look at American culture and American politics you would see that it is not valued in America. I am an American and it has been my subjective experience that Americans are some of the most dishonest people in the world. I know... Continue Reading →

17.2.2025 05:12Americans Don’t Value Honesty

What if Humanity is Insane?

I had a thought, a question that has consequences on animal intelligence, AI, and alien intelligence. Is what makes us such a powerful species an insanity? Humans put paint on a canvas and we see meaning in the image the paint makes. That abstract thinking, seeing meaning where there objectively is none, allows us to... Continue Reading →

17.2.2025 02:45What if Humanity is Insane?

The Fermi Paradox Is Not A Paradox, It Is based On Bad Assumptions

If aliens exist, where are they? This is an old question. It was once asked by Enrico Fermi and has since become named after him, called the Fermi Paradox. Is it a paradox though? Only if certain assumptions are made. The Fermi paradox is based on several faulty assumptions, that intelligent life is ancient, that... Continue Reading →

12.2.2025 23:57The Fermi Paradox Is Not A Paradox, It Is based On Bad Assumptions

I Pity the Rich

It is true that money buys happiness, but money can only buy so much. After one and one’s family’s basic needs are met, more money will bring diminishing returns in happiness, and after enough money no amount will buy one iota of happiness. After a certain amount it is up to the individual to find... Continue Reading →

8.2.2025 06:39I Pity the Rich

10 More One Sentence Stories

I’m not mad that you cheated, I’m mad that you didn’t invite me! In the desolate post apocalyptic remains of the world, there was only Stan. And The Lord said: “Man, I don’t know how it happened, I got wasted and when I woke up the universe was there.” Well, he died the way he... Continue Reading →

6.2.2025 02:3810 More One Sentence Stories

For those depressed on this unholy day

For those depressed on this unholy day, remember, of the 341,963,408 people in the US, 244,666,890 are eligible to vote, of those eligible only 156,302,318 voted, that is 64%. Of those who voted thump got 77,284,118 of the votes. That is 32% of the of the eligible voting population, of which over a third did... Continue Reading →

20.1.2025 20:11For those depressed on this unholy day

A Man And His Goddess

Alchma Mel brought his victim into the temple, pushed her onto the floor, barring the door from the inside. Alchma wore his old, dented armor, his head was shaved, he head two scares across his face. The victim wore a stained orange dress, and had brown curly hair, her arms were tied behind her back,... Continue Reading →

19.1.2025 05:30A Man And His Goddess

I Got Lost

I know all the trails outside of Treemont that are knowable. But somehow I found one unknowable. It was a nice day, birds chirping, the sun shining, and all that. I got out of the car, looked at the sky, nice and blue. I walked a trail I had walked a hundred times. I’m not... Continue Reading →

4.1.2025 03:16I Got Lost

A Trade With The Ghoul King

The place was dark, smelled of dirt, rotting compost, and rotting meat. Main Allan stood in the dank room holding a lantern. He could hear creatures moving in the darkness outside the illuminated aria. Finally one spoke, it had claimed to be the Ghoul King. “Do you have it?” It asked greedily. “I do.” Main... Continue Reading →

2.1.2025 08:59A Trade With The Ghoul King

Comment on Why Futurists Get So Much wrong by Why the Future Doesn’t Look Like the Future – C.L. Who Writes

[…] That was a lie, everything is complicated. The problem starts with futurology. Futurology (not to be confused with artistic futurism) is the attempt to predict future of social and technological developments using past and current trends. Futurologists have a bad track record though, there is much that has been predicted that has yet to come and many technologies we have that few predicted. The problem is, these “futurologists” ignore the facts that those trends can unpredictably change, people find new ways of living and using technology that…. […]

25.10.2024 21:47Comment on Why Futurists Get So Much wrong by Why the Future Doesn’t Look Like the Future – C.L. Who Writes

Comment on Finding Each Other by When the Exes Crash the Wedding – C.L. Who Writes

[…] Finding Each Other […]

22.8.2024 04:42Comment on Finding Each Other by When the Exes Crash the Wedding – C.L. Who Writes

Comment on The Runaway by When the Exes Crash the Wedding – C.L. Who Writes

[…] The Runaway […]

22.8.2024 04:42Comment on The Runaway by When the Exes Crash the Wedding – C.L. Who Writes

Comment on The Runaway by Finding Each Other – C.L. Who Writes

[…] The Runaway […]

4.8.2024 07:07Comment on The Runaway by Finding Each Other – C.L. Who Writes

Comment on AI is Doomed by The Abject Failure of Self Driving Cars – C.L. Who Writes

[…] “AI” self driving cars are all hype. Hype feeds FOMO which feeds investment. Executives, investors, and […]

7.5.2024 01:08Comment on AI is Doomed by The Abject Failure of Self Driving Cars – C.L. Who Writes

Comment on “AI” is Already Failing by The Abject Failure of Self Driving Cars – C.L. Who Writes

[…] Like “AI” self driving cars are all hype. Hype feeds FOMO which feeds investment. Executives, investors, and tech bros who don’t understand technology, all trying to get in on the next big thing and they think self driving cars are that next big thing. At some point a product needs to come out, just to prove to investors that they are not wasting money. If the products are not ready, the executive will ignore that. The sycophants around them might have even convened them that the technology does work. Even if they know it doesn’t work they might justify putting it out there with “we need the data from self driving cars being on the streets to make them work”. That last part ignores the property damage, injuries, and deaths that these self driving cars are causing, or maybe the executives don’t care that it will cost people lives. Either way we have a technology that is not ready, has causes injuries and deaths, all because of hype, FOMO, and the desire to get ahead of the next big thing when no one know what the fuck that will be. […]

7.5.2024 01:08Comment on “AI” is Already Failing by The Abject Failure of Self Driving Cars – C.L. Who Writes

Comment on Capitalism’s Fatal Flaw by The Abject Failure of Self Driving Cars – C.L. Who Writes

[…] The investors lost money, and no one learned a goddamned thing. Now we see this repeating with “AI” and self driving […]

7.5.2024 01:08Comment on Capitalism’s Fatal Flaw by The Abject Failure of Self Driving Cars – C.L. Who Writes

Comment on Putting AI Hype into Perspective by The Abject Failure of Self Driving Cars – C.L. Who Writes

[…] this cycle people have been looking for the next big thing, trying to get on on the ground floor and ride it up to the millionaires suite. 3DTV and 3D […]

7.5.2024 01:08Comment on Putting AI Hype into Perspective by The Abject Failure of Self Driving Cars – C.L. Who Writes

Comment on Evil is Stupid and Stupidity is Evil by Capitalism’s Fatal Flaw – C.L. Who Writes

[…] people who are filled with self interest tend to rise up in systems (they also tend to be stupid as evil is stupid), this is where governments can help. By breaking up companies that grow too large, preventing […]

4.5.2024 01:52Comment on Evil is Stupid and Stupidity is Evil by Capitalism’s Fatal Flaw – C.L. Who Writes

Comment on AI is Doomed by “AI” is Already Failing – C.L. Who Writes

[…] I’ve put the hype for “AI” in perspective of past tech failures, and I’ve pointed out how it is doomed. The doom has already […]

23.4.2024 23:43Comment on AI is Doomed by “AI” is Already Failing – C.L. Who Writes


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