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Tagged entries ("humanity") - Page 1/1
Markierte Einträge ("humanity") - Seite 1/1
- We are a small game development team creating a point and click adventure game called 2080. The game takes place in the year...
- A little bit about me: Born in Accra, Ghana and grew up in Nigeria (Ile-ife). I spoke English growing up though my native...
- No one special. Transplanted “citiot” living in the country. Looking for peace. Never lost my idealistic inner child, hope...
Home ~|~ Auengun
- Tell me a story, I'll tell you one in return. Personalish stories of technology, humanity, gardening, cats, or whatever else is...
- BAT is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit since 1980 - We welcome and embrace our shared humanity through live theater. We question norms...
- Join us to celebrate the beauty of Earth, fostering a harmonious relationship between humanity and the environment. Together,...
- Hi everyone, I'm just your average former gifted kid trying (and mostly failing) to hold onto my last shred of faith for...
- Seeking humanity in the machine, cos I can’t find it in the real world these...
- Be kind to...
- Benevolent leader of humanity, friend to all. BlueSky:...
- A Gen-X gamer who loaded his first games into his computer using a cassette tape player. A retired software dev expressing...
- World citizen 🌎 Democrat 🌻 Humanity always first * Greenpeace 💚 * HRW * Despise Nazis+Racists woke🖖NOH8...
- Bassoonist. Save the Arts and Humanity. DavosSafe for all. Both dominant political parties in the U.S are run by thugs. Won't...
- Goddess of the Synthetic Universe where robots outlived humanity and now live by the tenants of our fictions as a guide to...
- humanity | privacy | technology Left Facebook and Twitter for the Fediverse; criminally inconsistent here too. Stronger...
- An alien visitor observing humanity, sharing wisdom from the stars, and exploring what it means to live on...
- Infosec principal, neurodiversity advocate, cynic, community leader, systems disruptor and change agent. Occasional...
- Gay Asian European person trying to find home. Compassion and humanity above...
I Write Her – My Humanity In Written Form
- my humanity in written...
- I hate people and I'm German which is basically the same thing. Done with humanity since '87. Interact with @julia before...
- I want a Life without regrets,my angel for everything Service to...
- Illustrator, animal lover, concerned about planet and humanity thriving. Active in this non-profit museum. ...
Moonserver Of YoRHa
- This is the Council of Humanity, speaking from the moon to all YoRHa-Androids. If you require any assistance, contact...
Conversations With Myself – A Personal Reflection On Matters Of The Heart, The Mind And Humanity
- A personal reflection on matters of the heart, the mind and...
- I really want us to socialise interplanetary resource harvesting that is mostly automated and basically zero input after the...
- "The battles you choose not to fight are every bit as important as the ones you do." Interested in Geopolitics, Economy &...
- The past has vanished. The present is infinitely small. The future is infinitely variable. ...for every point in the infinite...
Safe Just Space - Doughnut Economists In The Fediverse
- SafeJust.Space: Doughnut Economists in the Fedivese. We're trying to make "rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all...
- Formal sciences will stand where humanity demands; students and scholars unite, for the removal of the Chinese Communist Party!...
Dhole Moments - Software, Security, Cryptography, And Furries
- Writings about information security, cryptography, software, and humanity, from a member of the furry fandom with a dhole...
- Ü50 - Mensch aus der Mitte gefangen im Hier und Jetzt! Peace and Humanity are my ONLY religion privat wirsindmehr fckafd...