A mind with knowledge is a terrible thing to waste. Tribute to my mentor. The world has lost a true hero, a teacher and a legend. Alan's tireless work will stand as an inspiration for generations to come. We thank you Alan, for all you have done for humanity.…
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19.1.2024 14:05Farewall to Alan by Tessa
19.1.2024 13:44Carol – tribute to alan watt
Alan Watt CTTM LIVE on RBN 50 Who’s Been Talking In My Head Dec 12, 2007 by Alan Watt ~ Cutting Through the Matrix Publication date 2007-12-12 Topics Direction We are being Herded Towards, Legalism, Common Law, Silence is Consent, Police State, Controlled Predictable Society, Orwellian Phase, Voice-to-Skull, Audio Spotlight, Sound Beamed into Cranium, Customized Audio Messaging, Corporations, Security Services, Cecil Rhodes’ Will, Lord Rothschild, Jesuit System, Front Organizations, Crown, Aristocracy, Parallel Government, Lord Alfred... Continue Reading →
17.1.2024 20:00Who’s Been Talking In My Headby Alan Watt ~ Cutting Through the Matrix Publication date 2006-03-16 Topics Late night talk shows, Pied Pipers, Counter-Intelligence, Overpopulation (Population Control), Inoculations / Vaccinations, Proper-Ganda, The Masonic Rule Book, New age fads/ fear of Death, Immortality, Advertising techniques, Groupthink – Schooling system, Black Helicopters – Men in Black, Census / Domesday Book, Bloody Revelation, The Twin Towers of J & B, Cult of the Moon, Wandering in the wilderness, Napoleon ... Continue Reading →
17.1.2024 18:14Alan Watt on Eye on the Future March 16, 2006This is one of the typical good ones of Alan , in the old days AI TEXT TO SPEECH TRANSLATED IN TWO MINUTES 🙂 There will be some minor glitches in it but… : yeah i mean i think that it could be killed i was on the radio... Continue Reading →
17.1.2024 17:11Hepseboah & Alan – Eye On The Future – Part 2Used an AI engine for a quick transcript as they does not exist .. no not even on the ” official” site.. TWO HOUR INTERVIEW Interview on the Internet Archive ( hour 1 ) : In your home, at work and around the world, broadcasting without borders,... Continue Reading →
17.1.2024 17:02Hepseboah & Alan – Eye on the Future part 1There is a certain calmness here , now, had a good sleep after a week of not so good sleep, this tension, restlessness is gone, feel at peace now, like the objective , showing what those creatures are really made of, is done. There is not much anger anymore. We went as far as we... Continue Reading →
17.1.2024 09:05Alan Watt Mystery 22- SilenceIt was remarkable, to me at least, to see, than once the evidence trickled in , in the other group, suddenly , all discussion and fantasy stopped…. the group is drowing in hoopla and speculation, and than the proof rolls in, bit by bit and there is this eardeafening silence, have you noticed that…... Continue Reading →
16.1.2024 16:29Alan Watt Mystery 21 – VerdictsUnfortunately…………….. Either Melissa or Debess have gone in to full censorship mode, sad to say, so just proofing two and two equals four is verboten now, hate speech or ” harassment” kid you not, it is that bad now. So my Bitchute channel, being the old age of eh seven days….six days …..got blocked... Continue Reading →
15.1.2024 20:31Alan Watt Mystery 20 … More Censorship… A few days ago, mrs Debess, Jo Leigh, send me a reply with a strange content, she said, I will never monetize on the work of Alan Watt…I am unsure why she said that as I did not ask her anything in that direction ….so I found that a bit strange…that is why... Continue Reading →
15.1.2024 12:25Alan Watt Mystery 19 – Porkies DebessMrs Debess was so kind to send me a few short notifications. I must admit , I did no see them, as my mind was so busy with other things in the last period. Only saw it today, yes she did mention she would use my work, the CTTM censorship video, on her own channel... Continue Reading →
14.1.2024 15:00Alan Watt Mystery 18 – The FutureAnd now, as I am sipping my tea….dare I say , in glory ? Yes I can…the mission is fulfilled in happiness. Very pleased with the results. We should be satisfied, it has all come to the light , it has all come to pass, to some extent by my own intervention but I... Continue Reading →
14.1.2024 00:48Alan Watt Mystery 17 – At PeaceFor those of you who may wonder , if the exposing of the clowns of CTTM is over , including mrs D, yes think we have done a good job. It is clear cut now, there are no more questions. It is disrespectful to Alan, regardless of the reasons they may have. Could not care... Continue Reading →
14.1.2024 00:27Alan Watt Mystery 16Link to video Of course now I have to put it out, the copy and paste thing form debess her deleted post… MY FRIEND FROM THE GARDEN – VID DELETED BY YOUTUBE IN OCT., 2019 channel image debess 29522 subscribers i hope that you’ll find some meaning in this. It’s possible... Continue Reading →
14.1.2024 00:09Alan Watt Mystery 1514.1.2024 00:05Alan Watt Mystery 14
Amazing developments have happened today !! Have to make a video of it, will do that soon… Luckily I have saved all evidence !! As all evidence is now, guess what, deleted, she blocked me from commenting, deleted all my comments….deleted my video from her channel…..yep she did it all…head line and sinker….ALL of it….... Continue Reading →
14.1.2024 00:00Alan Watt Mystery 13Voila, now it is here too, you have to shed light on such matters, evil prefers secrecy , they do not like the light on their work. We have nothing to hide, we put it all in the open. Just asking the obvious questions, as whatever happened since the takeover, it is surely not kosher,... Continue Reading →
13.1.2024 23:57Alan Watt Mystery 12And round and round it goes….. well , as far as I can tell, my task is completed. That´s all we really can do, shine the light on them, for all to see. Will they go nasty ? Well, they already have, many times, the question should be, will the nastiness ever stop ? Well,... Continue Reading →
11.1.2024 20:17Alan Watt Mystery 11 – The LightCecelia Thanks, a periphery look and I can see a lot of work has gone into the contents of the website. It’s also has beautiful illustrations. Enerky It is good, made it years back….around the time he passed…maybe even a bit before that…it is certainly not perfect…or complete or whatever, that never was the... Continue Reading →
11.1.2024 14:32Alan Watt Mystery 10In order to not get immediately destroyed by the venom hate crew of cttm , best to self police here…. anonymized alan and hamish 🙂 copied from fb ,jan 11 2024 11:00 Paris time In short we love Alan Watt and personally I would love to put all his works up here but that... Continue Reading →
11.1.2024 10:05Alan Watt Mystery 9