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Tagged entries ("struggling") - Page 1/1
Markierte Einträge ("struggling") - Seite 1/1
- ... And still struggling Autrice d'un blog en jachère, bêta testeuse pour soignants, podcasteuse de la schneck, mère plus...
- Engineer at Microsoft. Mom. Struggling to find time to learn the piano and music theory, slowly getting there! Previously...
Sarah Boon –
- Welcome to Autistically Sarah! I'm Sarah, and I became a neurodiversity advocate in 2019 when I discovered I am autistic and...
- trained to be tofu wokist struggling with...
- Need to go through my library and start filling in what I own. Not sure how much actual reading I'll be doing, since I'm still...
- Mom. Spouse. Teacher. Researcher. Still alive. Struggling human working for justice. IN local Moms Demand Action lead....
- Smol derg with big social anxiety; please don't take it personally if I'm slow to get back to you about something! Please give...
- Ex head chef for the Sindrali family. Now a free mare for the first time in her life, she has been struggling to learn decision...
- Cromulent, but not perfectly so. Dilettante. I write and sometimes make music. Mostly I read a lot and try to make things...
- She/they Seeking asylum in Germany. I don't feel safe there as a transgender person anymore. Struggling to integrate here,...
- I like computers, struggling to code, and excessive amounts of video games. Social Democracy...
Gay Men Kissing Toots
- an instance running of a pi in my home. please do not ddos my pi, it is already...
Hoxton Park Buyers Advocate & Mortgages Made Simple
- Struggling with property or loan choices? Hoxton Park Buyers Advocate & Mortgages simplifies the buying process for...