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Tagged entries ("publications") - Page 1/1
Markierte Einträge ("publications") - Seite 1/1
- Les Archives de littérature du Moyen Âge (ARLIMA) ont été fondées en 2005 à l'intention des étudiants et chercheurs...
Joseph Young :: Artist
- Joseph Young is an artist creating soundwalks, performances, site-specific projects, gallery and museum installations, films...
- AFCC is 38 film critics for Atlanta-based publications committed to promoting film art and culture locally and...
- humble learner of AI I like sharing international publications AI is a powerful...
- A mutual aid network of ScholarLed DiamondOA publications in anthropology and adjacent fields, sponsored by Libraria. Toots by...
- 🌚 speculative fiction writer from Vancouver 🐀 words in publications by @ApparitionLit, Apex Books, Shoreline of Infinity,...
être Conscient – Pour Une Autre Conscience Humaine
- bienvenue au cœur de la conscience blog ~ beaucoup plus de textes et poésie à explorer les mots ~ esprit des jours & accord...
- Start your journey through the best of Europe's arts, gastronomy, traditions and high-end craftsmanship. Euronews Culture, your...
- Think ahead! Euronews Next covers innovation, business, science, technology and the new economy from a European perspective, to...
- Events, publications & news about the philosophy of astronomy & cosmology within the EU. Posts by the COSMO-MASTER...
- Evolutionary biologist, photographer and professor (Lund, Sweden). Preferred pronoun: comrade. Publications: Photos:...
- A North Sider. A story teller living in an absurd world. A narrator, teller of tales, spinner of yarns. Frank Sonderborg was...
In-Sight Publishing | “Your Life Is An Expression Of All Your Thoughts."
- (Updated January 15, 2025) In-Sight Publishing Publication Location: Fort Langley, British Columbia, Canada Publisher: In-Sight...
- Author & Academic | Research specialism, the role of creativity in enabling 'future-proofing' digital engagement | Books...
Perspectives – History, Religion, Politics, Culture, And Travels In The Islamic World
- About this site I write about history, politics, religion, culture, travels, and conflict in the Islamic World, viz., the...
- Articles from Metroland Media's Niagara Region publications, covering St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, Welland, Fort Erie,...
- British Baritone//Opera//Advocate of suppressed voices//By-lines The Guardian//BBC Radio 3 Broadcaster//Debut book coming April...
Irish Left Archive Podcast (@ILAPodcast) • Activity
- A podcast looking at Left politics in Ireland from the Irish Left Archive. We talk to activists, writers, historians,...
Love, Sevvie
- the collected publications of sevvie...
Shmaes – Physics – Physics And Science
- Stéphane H. Maes’ Physics Pages: The Multi-fold Theory Compilation of the Multi-fold theory, related research and web site:... – News Publications'
- News...
Éditions Verbum Bible – In The Service Of The WORD Of God / Au Service De La Parole De Dieu
- Éditions Verbum Bible s'engage à rendre disponible la Parole de Dieu à travers des publications des Bibles et autres...