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Tagged entries ("economic") - Page 1/1
Markierte Einträge ("economic") - Seite 1/1
- This is a personal profile, on which I would try to post the best of economic news and cultural heritage from all...
Achieving The SDGs – Not Future But Now
- Whether we are household, state, commons or market - Learn how each economic actor can help achieve the Sustainable Development...
- Director general of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation Ambassador from 2016 President of the...
- Economic adviser to rogue...
- Recently graduated mature student. - FineArt University of Chichester Watching brief on Special Economic Zones. Hates rancid...
Culture War, Class War | Culture War Is Class War Disguised. The Wealthy Elite–the "Filthy Rich"–foment Culture War In Society To Distract And Cover Their Real Economic Motives. Culture War, Class War Explores The Resulting Cultural Divide–how It Was Inst
- Culture War is Class War disguised. The Wealthy Elite--the "Filthy Rich"--foment Culture War in society to distract and cover...
- An account focused on highlighting the differences in economic outcomes under Democratic and Republican policies, often with...
- Bennett Professor of Public Policy, University of Cambridge. Research: digital economy, productivity, economic...
- Economic theorist, amateur photographer, amateur singer...
- I'm a millennial software engineer coming trying to figure out life and economic...
- FEP represents 29 national associations of book publishers of the European Union and the European Economic Area. We are the...
- Member Gesellschaft für kritische Philosophie (GKPN) M.A. Economic Journalism, M.A. German Philology 📚 Solidarity:...
- Championing economic security for everyone! Advocating for policies that ensure job opportunities as a fundamental...
- Economist | innovation, competition, law&economics | Assoc. Professor Uni Mannheim - Head , Competition & Innovation at ZEW...
- Gary Martin, St. Clair Township Ontario. Photos and musings, farm and travel, local politics, and economic development... All...
- Gay Furry Male polytheistic agnostic. “I favor the Norwegian economic model, plus universal basic income, as a starting...
- Passionate about economic system change towards a sustainable and rigteous future Together building that in...
James Wernicke – Ideas About Social, Environmental, And Economic Responsibility
- Ideas About Social, Environmental, And Economic...
Joi Chadwick – MSW, CSW. Community Practice Social Worker
- I’m Joi Chadwick and I’ve been sown ‘n’ grown in the top of the boot since 1983. I am a macro social worker concerned...
- Historian interested in Social and Economic History, Colonialism, the Maritime World and Global...
- Anti-monopoly Legal Counsel at American Economic Liberties Project, State & Local Policy, based in...
- Math teacher at "Elina Matei Basarab" Technologic Economic High School Administrative Manager at Psiho Succes...
- PhD-student at Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University. Housing, segregation &...
- Independent researcher, economic history, academic writing, values-based design, aficionada Hispanic...
Epsilon Clue
- A leading economic...
- Discussing passenger and freight rail, its connections to transit and other non-car options, and the economic, environmental...
Sidama Crisis Monitor – Monitors Political, Governance, Economic And Social Challenges In Sidama, Ethiopi
- Monitors political, governance, economic and social challenges in Sidama,...
- development & applied micro Uni Vienna. social & economic networks and impact...
Truth Is In The Art: Unveiling The Masses Banned From Social Media
- Discover the truth behind the art in this intriguing blog post. Uncover the hidden messages that the masses are banned from...
- Political philosopher at the crossroads between critical theory and economic thought. Assistant Professor at Tilburg...
- Fiction Writer. Stories in Still: The Journal, 100 Word Story, Streetlight Magazine, and others. Guest edited The Hong Kong...
- Economic anthropology, museums, Pacific, Aberdeen/Edinburgh and some other...