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Tagged entries ("battlestargalactica") - Page 1/1
Markierte Einträge ("battlestargalactica") - Seite 1/1
- I am the WTCM. My wife gave me that nickname, and no you can’t have it. College football is my game of choice....
- Icelandic/American author. BE RUDE, GET BLOCKED. BLM AntiRacism AntiTrump AntiMusk AntiBigotry AntiFascism. Born 1972. IT...
- I love 80s music/movies, Anime Comics Horror SciFi GenX LGBTQ Angel BattlestarGalactica Babylon5 Buffy DrWho Farscape...
- Angeleno from New Orleans. I enjoy cocktails, French fries, and science fiction. Former KCRW & KCSN DJ now doing streaming...
- I'm a Trekkie, Scifi Fan,Toy Collector. Spending most of my time chilling out these days. I watch a lot of Trek,Scifi,...