Reject Merge Requests at Hanzo Studio [url=]#TechLead[/url] Code [url=]#typescript[/url] / [url=]#javascript[/url] for a living ([url=]#ReactJS[/url] [url=]#VueJS[/url] [url=]#NextJS[/url]) [url=]#Git[/url] [url=]#Bash[/url] [url=]#Awk[/url] enthusiast. [url=]#FZF[/url] everything! Cook [url=]#TruitaDePatates[/url] at [url=]#electronics[/url] as a hobby (pcb design of [url=]#keyboards[/url], [url=]#audio[/url]) Used to do some [url=]#photography[/url] (was even published once) Reblog ≠ endorsement Toots reflect personal opinion & are auto deleted after 1 week
Tags: audio awk bash electronics fzf git javascript keyboards nextjs photography reactjs techlead truitadepatates typescript vuejs