Hello! I'm a former [url=https://zirk.us/tags/academic]#academic[/url] who still considers himself a [url=https://zirk.us/tags/historian]#historian[/url]. While I've left [url=https://zirk.us/tags/academia]#academia[/url] behind, I still work as a [url=https://zirk.us/tags/writer]#writer[/url], mostly of essays and history pieces. Some of my pieces can be found in Jacobin, Teen Vogue, Smithsonian, and Belt. My PhD is in [url=https://zirk.us/tags/history]#history[/url], and I studied the anti-apartheid movement in the United States.
Today, I write about a variety of topics. When I can, I listen to [url=https://zirk.us/tags/music]#music[/url] and play [url=https://zirk.us/tags/games]#games[/url].
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