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Visited the community center Woodbine today. Fairly big space with workshops, gym, office and hang out areas in the middle of Ridgewood, Queens (New ...

Visited the community center Woodbine today.
Fairly big space with workshops, gym, office and hang out areas in the middle of Ridgewood, Queens (New York City). Really cool, and I wish we had something like that in Copenhagen. It had Folkets Hus vibes but even more user driven I would say.
#woodbine #nyc #communitycenter

13.3.2025 01:19Visited the community center Woodbine today. Fairly big space with workshops, gym, office and hang out areas in the middle of Ridgewood, Queens (New ...

Montreal late winter #caturday #catsofpixelfed

Montreal late winter
#caturday #catsofpixelfed

12.3.2025 14:52Montreal late winter #caturday #catsofpixelfed

Miam miam #momofuku #nyc This chard/kale - kumquat - mimolette cheese salad = Yes.

Miam miam #momofuku #nyc

This chard/kale - kumquat - mimolette cheese salad = Yes.

12.3.2025 01:39Miam miam #momofuku #nyc This chard/kale - kumquat - mimolette cheese salad = Yes.

Good poodle tea cup size. I think it looks like a lamb.

Good poodle tea cup size. I think it looks like a lamb.

10.3.2025 14:45Good poodle tea cup size. I think it looks like a lamb.

Pixelfed quality content. @malterod it was haskap berries on rice pudding with olive oil!

Pixelfed quality content. @malterod it was haskap berries on rice pudding with olive oil!

9.3.2025 16:04Pixelfed quality content. @malterod it was haskap berries on rice pudding with olive oil!

Billeder fra workshoppen i Haslev om laktofermentering, arrangeret af Grønhverdag (, en forening der promoverer mere bæredygtige ad...

Billeder fra workshoppen i Haslev om laktofermentering, arrangeret af Grønhverdag (, en forening der promoverer mere bæredygtige adfær i det daglig dag.

Jeg delt en 4 timer workshop om surkål! Det var fandme sjovt.

Den grønne brochure er en crash course zine i laktofermentering jeg har skrevet. Jeg kalder den stadigvæk for udkast for zinen fordi den er ikke helt fulproofed færdig. Inshallah jeg få det gjort ind slutningen af 2025, så den kan deles i alle steder.

#lactofermentation #workshop #more #sauerkraut #brinesideoflife

6.3.2025 16:15Billeder fra workshoppen i Haslev om laktofermentering, arrangeret af Grønhverdag (, en forening der promoverer mere bæredygtige ad...

Det var en fornøjelse og en frugtbar læringsproces at lave en stor portion surkål for første gang i mit liv. At gå fra at være en almindelig hjemmekok...

Det var en fornøjelse og en frugtbar læringsproces at lave en stor portion surkål for første gang i mit liv. At gå fra at være en almindelig hjemmekok, som er surkål afficionada til at få 20 kg kål fra og tænke: OK, nu skal vi klare det.

Jeg kaldte dette 'Kimch'ish', fordi det smagsmæssigt minder om kimchi, mens det faktisk er en krydret kinakålssurkål.

At arbejde med høj kvalitet af etisk dyrkede ingredienser gav mig motivation.

At dele denne sjove oplevelse med Tannie og Linne på deres sidste @groentmarked i år var en sjov oplevelse.

Mere af dette!

PS: Spørg mig gerne efter opskriften, hvis du vil, og lav din egen derhjemme.


It was a pleasure and a fruitful learning process, to make a big batch of ferments for the first time in my life. Going from casual homecook sauerkraut afficionada to getting 20kg of cabbage from Mosegården farm and be like: OK now deal with it.

I called this 'Kimch'ish' because it reminds you of kimchi taste wise, while being only a spicy napa cabbage kraut.

Working with high quality ingredients grown ethically gave me motivation.

Sharing the fun with Tannie and Linne at their last Grønt marked (Farmer's market) of the year was a fun experience.

More of this!

PS: You're welcome to ask me for the recipe, so you can make yours at home.


#fermentation #sauerkraut #regenerativeagriculture #csa

6.3.2025 16:00Det var en fornøjelse og en frugtbar læringsproces at lave en stor portion surkål for første gang i mit liv. At gå fra at være en almindelig hjemmekok...

Colors of late fall. Steel, plastic and life. Grateful for last season, hibernating now, waiting for the spring to bloom. Can't wait! #nomaprojects 0...

Colors of late fall. Steel, plastic and life.
Grateful for last season, hibernating now, waiting for the spring to bloom. Can't wait! #nomaprojects


Still Hibernating in March 2025

6.3.2025 15:56Colors of late fall. Steel, plastic and life. Grateful for last season, hibernating now, waiting for the spring to bloom. Can't wait! #nomaprojects 0...

Remembering fall's bounties 19.12.23 #basket #mushroom

Remembering fall's bounties


#basket #mushroom

28.2.2025 18:41Remembering fall's bounties 19.12.23 #basket #mushroom

Ready for travelling #flying #suitcase #levitation

Ready for travelling

#flying #suitcase #levitation

28.2.2025 16:10Ready for travelling #flying #suitcase #levitation


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