Also pretty desaturated and only painted with one #watercolor pot. And also again on the postcard format, which is pretty much my favorite. I rather find the time and patience for small #paintings, although it prohibits to include a lot of detail.
Totally forgot to add links to the other landscape paintings, some of which are also available on my etsy: https://yrrwischillustration.etsy.com/listing/1123160382
#watercolourchallenge #painting #paintingchallenge #arts #artist
And then, if you have 3 #watercolors in your #sketchingtin, it just goes boom. You can paint anything! Honestly, I just love mixing #colours instead of having a huge palette in front of me. it works better for small and quick #sketches though, because you don't have to mix the right color again.
#painting #aquarell #paintingchallenge
I found another #bookmark! Nice to go through all works again for this and both inspring and uplifting! That's another #travelpainting from an old abandoned graveyard near Doolin, next to the Cliffs of Moher.
#watercolor #watercolourchallenge #watercolours #graveyard #celtic #travel #painting #bookmarks
Another two-tone postcard landscape with just two #watercolors from my #sketchingTin.
It's really nice to have a look back at my progress back then!
#watercolorpaint #watercolor #duochrome #landscapepainting
While on the topic of #darkart on #bookmarks , I also tried out other 'colours' then #watercolours: In this case I painted with coffee (brown) and redwine (purple), because I had both in front of me. My favorite #bookmark, I use it myself!
#artist #art
Both on the topic of desaturation and back to #bookmarks, I sometimes also like to paint some darker motives.
#bookmark #artist #illustration #painting #watercolor #darkarts
If you're saying one colour is not enough, I have this one, where I used TWO colours!
#watercolor #watercolourchallenge #watercolours #duochrome #landscapepainting #paintingchallenge
I was asked how my #sketchingtin looked like and that is it. It only holds 3 colours, the brush, a small pencil, eraser and sharpener for the pencil.
But as you can see, you can do quite a lot with just ONE of these colours!
#watercolor #watercolourchallenge #minimalism #minimal #landscapepainting #paintingchallenge
I repeatedly have #mandala phases. It's just relaxing and nice to paint. So when it overlapped with my #bookmark phase, I painted the mandala over a set of #bookmarks. If anyone would buy them, the hope is, that one day all owners would get together and lay down their bookmarks to create the original pattern.
Maybe it would be nice for a #bookclub .
#watercolor #painting #colourful #paintingchallenge
And another movie based #bookmark.
Yes, that was a while ago now, I realize that... My artistic journey is already longer than I was aware of.
#pixelfedart #watercolourchallenge #watercolor #artist #bookmarks #starwars