Been watching anime on and off since the 90s and love the amount of content that can be accessed these days. Into all sorts of genres, but currently on a [url=https://sakurajima.social/tags/gundam]#gundam[/url] kick as well as Spy x Family, Buddy Daddies, Kuma kuma kuma bear, etc. So many good shows!
Recently got into [url=https://sakurajima.social/tags/gunpla]#gunpla[/url], and hoping to post a bit about that going forward. Got a giant pile of [i]The Witch From Mercury[/i] boxes here waiting to be built!
Trying to learn a little Japanese for the umpteenth time, but this time with [url=https://sakurajima.social/tags/duolingo]#duolingo[/url]. If you are also trying that and we have interacted at least a little, feel free to shoot me a DM with your username and I'll add you:)
Also into video games, from [i][i] retro [/i][/i] to the latest.
[i][i]I can code.[/i][/i]
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