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Comment on AMD, you infected my PC with zombies! by sleeper6

In reply to <a href="">netscapenavigator</a>. Your solution looks like the most clean solution out there, but still you can not be sure if Microsoft decides to reinstall them by force through windows update or "windate" (ha, HA, h ... ok, no one is laughing). Manufacturers are releasing patched drivers which are completely ignored by Microsoft. It happened a lot of times to me, even on Nvidia and Intel drivers. That is why I always check and update drivers by myself and at least once a year I choose "complete reinstall", which will uninstall old driver, clean setup files and install new driver. Also drivers installed by PC builder are not a holy grail.

7.1.2025 15:04Comment on AMD, you infected my PC with zombies! by sleeper6

Comment on AMD, you infected my PC with zombies! by netscapenavigator

Nvidia and Intel, unfortunately installs a lot of junk beside their GPU too, these days. It is why, I do not install their software. I use 7Zip to extract the setup file (it is extractable) and have Windows search the folder for the drivers (Inf files).

7.1.2025 11:49Comment on AMD, you infected my PC with zombies! by netscapenavigator

AMD, you infected my PC with zombies!

In spring 2024, I completed Vivaldi’s developer build assistance transition from Goma to the newer Reclient system. Goma and Reclient are remote build assistance that can perform compilation of files that you need to build, but do so on remote computers (workers), managed by a backend server, resulting in a cache of build results that […]

7.1.2025 11:35AMD, you infected my PC with zombies!

Comment on Broken Windows Updates by ingolftopf

👍👍 Thank you very much for your always interesting contributions.

27.2.2024 01:32Comment on Broken Windows Updates by ingolftopf

Broken Windows Updates

Every month Microsoft releases security updates on the second Tuesday of the month in order to remove security problems in the installations of the Windows Operating System. January 9th was no exception, but this time there was a problem. One of the updates (KB5034441) failed with the error number 0x80070643, and kept failing on several […]

22.2.2024 11:59Broken Windows Updates

Comment on The trouble with Chromium translations by Yngve

In reply to <a href="">kaludon209</a>. This is about the translation of the text used in the browser itself, specifically the original texts coming from the Chromium project. What you are having issues with is the translation of online web pages, using the translation service.

27.9.2022 20:04Comment on The trouble with Chromium translations by Yngve

Comment on The trouble with Chromium translations by kaludon209

Same is happening to me, I like to browse on some french forums and since yesterday it's ot offering to translate, I used to fix this issue by refreshing the page but now nothing is working anymore, I've even tried enable the "Offer to translate pages that aren't in a language you read" option but it's already enabled. i wonder if it's a glitch. Also I tried to download google translate add-on but it's garbage since I need to manually enable it every time I change pages

26.9.2022 01:05Comment on The trouble with Chromium translations by kaludon209

The trouble with Chromium translations

Most applications that are intended for a broad international audience have their UI translated to various languages, the number of which can vary widely, depending on the resources of the vendor, especially their ability to recruit translators. Vivaldi is currently being translated to 91 languages, a few more than Chrome. Under the hood Vivaldi’s UI […]

21.9.2022 14:52The trouble with Chromium translations

Microsoft, you broke Visual Studio!

One of the most important tools when developing software is a good development environment, called an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), with at least an editor, build functionality, debugger, and being able to go directly from a compile error listed in the compiler output to the broken part of the code. On Windows, my primary tool […]

14.9.2022 15:04Microsoft, you broke Visual Studio!

Comment on Are Rockport XCS shoes still hiding under a rock? by ingolftopf


7.9.2022 23:53Comment on Are Rockport XCS shoes still hiding under a rock? by ingolftopf

Are Rockport XCS shoes still hiding under a rock?

Back in (pre-covid) 2019 I posted an article asking where the nice things disappeared to, including where the shoe brand I have been using for ~20 years walked off to. It was 8 (now 10) years since I had last been able to buy any Rockport XCS shoes (which is the only ones I have […]

16.8.2022 14:42Are Rockport XCS shoes still hiding under a rock?

Comment on Soooo … you say you want to maintain a Chromium fork? by john5

It's not just chromium, though... It's an example of the saying that if you want to make a cog-wheel with 50 teeth, you can't just add a tooth to a cog-wheel with 49 teeth.

20.7.2022 08:13Comment on Soooo … you say you want to maintain a Chromium fork? by john5

Comment on Soooo … you say you want to maintain a Chromium fork? by ingolftopf

Thank you for this informative, nicely written, detailed article.

20.7.2022 00:30Comment on Soooo … you say you want to maintain a Chromium fork? by ingolftopf

Comment on Soooo … you say you want to maintain a Chromium fork? by chas4

:fork: 1st There is a lot people don't realize when making a browser, and you list many of the issues a browser has when using Chromium.

6.7.2022 22:01Comment on Soooo … you say you want to maintain a Chromium fork? by chas4

Soooo … you say you want to maintain a Chromium fork?

Photo by Ari Greve (Note: this article assumes you have some familiarity with Git terminology, building Chromium, and related topics) Building your own Chromium-based browser is a lot of work, unless you want to just ship the basic Chromium version without any changes. If you are going to work on and release a Chromium-derived browser, […]

6.7.2022 18:50Soooo … you say you want to maintain a Chromium fork?

Comment on Microsoft! You broke my backup system! by chas4

The other thing about cloud backups is that it requires an internet connection. Any different with the build update of Windows 10 20H2 (the build after 2004)?

15.11.2020 04:51Comment on Microsoft! You broke my backup system! by chas4

Microsoft! You broke my backup system!

Backing up the data on your computer is one of the most frequently given advice to computer owners, and there are a number of ways to accomplish it. The oldest way is to copy the data to an external media. Originally this was tapes, today it will frequently be one or more external harddrive or […]

27.10.2020 11:47Microsoft! You broke my backup system!

Ars Technica’s privacy-invading Privacy Policy update

Ars Technica is one of the major technology news sites I follow, as it carries a lot of interesting stories about computer, general technology, and science news. Last week, however, reading the site became much more difficult. In relation to the California Privacy law going into effect January 1st, the owner of Ars Technica (and […]

9.1.2020 14:17Ars Technica’s privacy-invading Privacy Policy update

Sophos: An update

Two weeks ago I posted an article about the occasional problems of getting false positives in security software fixed, and specifically about our recent problems when trying to solve a problem related to a Sophos security product. A user had reported being prevented from using Vivaldi to browse the net by their company’s firewall. Some […]

24.10.2019 15:03Sophos: An update

The problem with unsophosticated customer support

False positives causing a legitimate application to be blocked is a common problem with security software, and if not handled properly and quickly, it is one that could hurt, or even destroy a security product’s credibility, or in the worst case, the credibility of the entire sector. It is therefore very important that whenever a […]

9.10.2019 12:42The problem with unsophosticated customer support


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