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In reply to <a href="https://www.jim-easterbrook.me.uk/2024/11/kato-rhatische-bahn-model-couplers/#comment-197">Jim</a>. Hi Jim, Thank you for your prompt response. The Ge4/4-II was indeed supplied with a set of Arnold couplers, so do the R-w wagons, but the Allegra did not. Instead, I found a set of replacement couplers of the same type as fitted to the set. As far as the Bernina Express coaches are concerned, I don't know yet. According to the tracking information the parcel has arrived at the pick up point, but I haven't received any notification yet.
17.2.2025 14:50Comment on Kato Rhätische Bahn model couplers by Peter WolfIn reply to <a href="https://www.jim-easterbrook.me.uk/2024/11/kato-rhatische-bahn-model-couplers/#comment-196">Peter Wolf</a>. I don't think the Kato buckeye couplings will work with their RhB models - they're designed for USA style rolling stock. I'm surprised Kato are no longer including Arnold/Rapido couplers with the RhB models. There's been a little plastic bag of them tucked into every set I've bought.
17.2.2025 09:26Comment on Kato Rhätische Bahn model couplers by JimHi Jim, I find your article most insightful, as I am at the same stage you were in 2020. Two weeks ago, I received my first order from Banzai Hobby in Japan. A follow up order will be delivered next week to complete my layout, allowing me to install the unitracks on a hollow core door. Unfortunately, not all train sets I wanted were available, so I have to, for the time being be content with the RhB Allegra set and the Ge4/4-II locomotive, as well as some Bernina Express coaches and the 4 car log wood wagon set. The Glacier Express has to wait until stock is once more available. Having searched the internet for weeks, your article finally shed some light on the subject, which is good in one way, the search for a concrete answers to the RhB coupling system problem is over, but leaves me with a bigger problem what to do next. I am living in South Africa where one is forced to import every little bit and pieces at exorbitant shipping cost. I assumed that every set would be supplied with Arnold couplers, but that is not the case. As you said, the couplers installed to locomotives and rolling stock takes the fun out of the hobby and I would be quite happy to install any couplers that can easily be installed to the RhB locomotives and rolling stock. Would I go wrong by ordering the Arnold couplers or the KATO 11-702 or 11-707 that I can simply uncouple with a toothpick or bamboo skewer? Being a novice in this hobby, I would very much appreciate your views. Regards, Peter
16.2.2025 15:16Comment on Kato Rhätische Bahn model couplers by Peter WolfIn reply to <a href="https://www.jim-easterbrook.me.uk/2017/11/astromedia-copernican-orrery-kit-part-1/#comment-194">Michel Zadoroznyj</a>. That doesn't sound like the sun on mine - maybe they've changed the design. My sun is like a ping-pong ball with a lamp inside it. A magnet on its underside sticks to another magnet held inside a paper tube on top of the orrery.
26.12.2024 09:38Comment on AstroMedia Copernican Orrery kit – part 1 by JimHi Jim, We’re having a bit of difficulty with getting the sun together. Do you have any tips? We can’t seem to understand how the light, sun magnets and foam pieces come together and sit atop the paper tube. The instructions for this part re not very clear, and wondering if you could shed some light on this. Thanks, Mike
24.12.2024 16:52Comment on AstroMedia Copernican Orrery kit – part 1 by Michel ZadoroznyjI had to do this in the context of a scientific instrument. Determining the positions of edges in each colour band precisely and repeatably was quite challenging - made more so, I seem to remember, by the Bayer filter. Calculating a regression among the channels was interesting as all of the measurements suffered from errors, so the normal least-squares wasn't the right approach. So - someone does read your blog posts after all!
21.12.2024 13:46Comment on Chromatic aberration in digital photographs by Philip AtkinIn April 2020 I bought my first model train set – a Kato N gauge Rhätische Bahn (RhB) loco, carriages, and track. This came with normal “Rapido” couplings fitted and a set of “close couplers” that look a bit more like the central buffer on the real thing. The close couplers minimise the distance between ... Read more
14.11.2024 12:23Kato Rhätische Bahn model couplersIn reply to <a href="https://www.jim-easterbrook.me.uk/2011/04/lemon-sorbet/#comment-183">John Curtis</a>. It's a hangover from the Larousse I took the recipe from. And the amount of juice you get from a given weight of fruit depends on many things.
1.7.2024 08:09Comment on Lemon sorbet by JimJust wondering why you need to measure the density. I would trust the accuracy of digital scales, but I'm not sure I'd trust the accuracy of a measuring jug. If you weigh the ingredients, I would have thought the density would be spot on.
30.6.2024 12:21Comment on Lemon sorbet by John CurtisIn reply to <a href="https://www.jim-easterbrook.me.uk/2016/11/improving-my-wilesco-traction-engines-wheels/#comment-178">MIKE AARON</a>. The spacers I'm referring to are short lengths of 6 mm diameter brass tube that slide over the axle between fire box and wheel to keep the wheel in the right place. Replacing the wheels with ones that have wider hubs requires shorter spacers. Your roller obviously has wider wheel rims than my traction engine so I assume it has longer spacers, or maybe Wilesco do something different to position the wheels. I've not had a roller so I don't know how they're made.
11.4.2024 15:55Comment on Improving my Wilesco traction engine’s wheels by JimHi :0), I'm a newish collector and modeler of small live steam being Mamod and Wilesco and at the moment I'm rebuilding a Wilesco D365 'OLD SMOKEY' roller. Mamod rear wheel castings into Wilesco rear wheel rims is already completed but I'm a little confused in respect of fitting a new axle? I've read the new axle from CJW Steam section on your 2016 Wilesco traction engine wheel exchange and it's the reference to spacers and so on that confuses me. I know it's an old article but it's the only one that I have found to help me and why there are no up to date articles on this Wilesco modeling subject I don't know so any help you can offer me will be useful, regards Mike.
10.4.2024 17:04Comment on Improving my Wilesco traction engine’s wheels by MIKE AARONI was struck by this observation I read recently on a model train forum: You get what you pay for. If a piece of software is worth nothing to the person who wrote it, what does that say about it? I can only assume the author has little experience of using or writing open source ... Read more
25.1.2024 16:42Amateurs do it for loveA couple of years ago I wrote a blog post pondering why I have a web site. At that time I had a blog on Google’s “Blogger.com” platform and a hand-crafted web site hosted elsewhere. My hosting company had recently increased its prices a lot, which prompted me to ask why I have a web ... Read more
6.10.2023 09:28My blog has moved!Five years ago I wrote about my first attempt to make Hungarian sour cherry soup. My recipe has evolved a little since then, so I thought it might be useful to record the current version. Serves 2.
23.6.2022 08:58Hungarian sour cherry soup revisitedYou might already know that I have my own web site http://www.jim-easterbrookme.uk/. It’s a modest affair and I don’t update it very often – the last change to the main page was in November 2015. Recently my web hosting provider withdrew the “lite” package I was using and migrated me to another package, at more ... Read more
4.12.2021 15:33Why have I got a web site?A few months ago I converted my N gauge train set to DCC operation. As well as fitting DCC decoders to my locomotives I also converted the points by fitting a tiny decoder in each one. This makes setting up a temporary layout (I don’t yet have any sort of permanent layout) nice and easy ... Read more
27.11.2020 13:43A simple model railway DCC accessory controllerIn my last post I wrote about my attempts to measure vignetting in the lenses I use with my DSLR camera. Another lens problem that the camera can correct (but only for Canon lenses) is lateral chromatic aberration. To determine the amount of correction my lenses need I printed out a simple test chart and ... Read more
11.11.2019 16:46Chromatic aberration in digital photographsA few years ago I wrote about some experiments I’d done with measuring and correcting vignetting in digital photographs. (Some cameras have such correction built in, called “peripheral illumination correction” or similar.) I recently purchased a second-hand 10-18 mm wide angle lens for my DSLR. Measuring its vignetting using my previous method is difficult as ... Read more
22.10.2019 14:31Digital photograph vignetting revisitedI’m a huge fan of the Aardman Animation children’s TV series “Shaun the Sheep”. Although it’s nominally a children’s programme there is a lot in it for adults as well. I particularly like the references to things that not many children would be aware of. Here are a few that I’ve spotted. I’ll add more ... Read more
11.9.2019 08:38Shaun the SheepI recently bought my first Raspberry Pi Zero W, a tiny little computer just 3 inches long and 1½ inches wide (in its case). I intend eventually to get it working with pywws (some weather station software I wrote a while ago) and I’ll be adding to this blog post as I go along, to ... Read more
24.5.2018 18:25Setting up a Raspberry Pi Zero W to run pywws