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Comment on Travel Items by jonathanpeterson

<p><a href="" rel="ugc">@nikto</a> I love travel gear tips. Lori does packing cubes, I'm a roller. Your other organizer bags are way too fancy - try these. Lori keeps getting more <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a></p><p>Lori packs our shampoo, shaving creme, etc. in these - they're awesome. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a></p>

4.6.2024 18:42Comment on Travel Items by jonathanpeterson

Travel Items

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Comment on Some random thoughts on programming by Maintenance Man

Say it ain't so. Us mediocre programmers need some hope for the future. Heheh.

7.9.2010 18:12Comment on Some random thoughts on programming by Maintenance Man

Comment on Some random thoughts on programming by Leon

Oh, I guess for that post you'll earn a lot of flames from mediocre guys who think that they will be great one day. Especially nowadays when everyone and his mother see themselves as coders because they can hack up some javascript/ruby code :)

7.9.2010 16:39Comment on Some random thoughts on programming by Leon

Comment on Some random thoughts on programming by Joel Wilson

Couldn't agree more about programming skill or JS. The best programmers I've ever known generally don't have a comp-sci education (myself included). In fact, the single best I've ever known personally was an English major a couple of papers away from his Doctorate. He found programming and never looked back. As far as JS, I agree that its "appeal" (for lack of a better word) is simply because it's the only trick in town. As a language it sucks for anything more than basic functionality. Although I use jQuery professionally, I find it sad that we have to resort to bloated frameworks and layers of abstraction to try and hide the basic weakness of the underlying language.

7.9.2010 15:54Comment on Some random thoughts on programming by Joel Wilson

Comment on Some random thoughts on programming by Oisín

Alan is spot on here. Perhaps the idea that many programmers overlook useful, basic heuristics for programming (such as "shorter functions imply more manageable code, so break down your functions until they are small") ties in with one theme of the OP, that programming has become more complex in terms of frameworks and maybe language expressiveness. When I started programming, it was on the horrible bare-bones no-frills Commodore 64 Basic interpreter, followed a couple of years later by a lovely language called GFA Basic on the Atari ST, and then by 68k assembly and C. Maybe those formative years of just playing about, writing programs with minimal focus on libraries, industry standards and "frameworks", were helpful in learning how to solve problems and write code. But these days I spend more time reading articles about flashy programming/library techniques than actually thinking about and writing programs. It could be the case that novice programmers nowadays jump too early onto this wheel, without spending the time doing simple, pure programming, so that they don't sufficiently develop these key abstractions and heuristic tricks for managing complexity.

7.9.2010 15:47Comment on Some random thoughts on programming by Oisín

Comment on Some random thoughts on programming by Alan Balkany

Sometimes the "hacker" is just someone who's very familiar with the problem domain. An average programmer may appear to be a "hacker" to their coworkers when they're re-implementing a system very similar to what they implemented at two other jobs. They already know what works best, and the mistakes they've made in previous implementations. I think most people don't program as well as their potential because the best practices haven't been communicated to them. For example, I see many programmers who don't seem to know that reducing function length is a good way to keep complexity manageable. The best practices are still being worked out; the field of software development is still in its infancy, compared to more mature disciplines such as mathematics and mechanical engineering.

7.9.2010 15:15Comment on Some random thoughts on programming by Alan Balkany

Comment on Some random thoughts on programming by Jeffrey Lanham

Right on. After working in computers and programming for 27+ years, I have to agree. Programming is, unfortunately, something you inheritly understand or you don't. You can teach semantics, but not the thought processes that go along with it. That being said, great programmers start as mediocre programmers, but quickly rise. Mediocre programmers tend to rise to somewhat competent and then stay there. That's, unfortunately, the way it is. Great article.

7.9.2010 15:13Comment on Some random thoughts on programming by Jeffrey Lanham

Comment on Some random thoughts on programming by Bob Gibson

Very good points. I can relate... I started programming, in Basic & Fortran, ... 40 years ago. ;-)

7.9.2010 14:47Comment on Some random thoughts on programming by Bob Gibson

Comment on Some random thoughts on programming by Michael Fever

Yeah, I'll have to admit that was pretty random. I am an ok programmer, not great, but better than mediocre. I approach every job the same however by looking at what needs to get done and then by what is going to be required later to maintain it. Sometimes being OK is all you need to be.

7.9.2010 14:24Comment on Some random thoughts on programming by Michael Fever

Comment on Some random thoughts on programming by Jonathan Palethorpe

22 years ago when I started in programming I could mess about at home doing a bit of BASIC and at work I wrote green screen sales and invoicing apps in COBOL '74 using ISAM files. Nowadays programming is many times more difficult- ISAM files have been replaces with all singing all dancing SQL databases with a host of frameworks designed to access them (no in-language stuff as in COBOL with ISAM) - the green screens have been replaced with name your weird and wonderful GUI framework of choice (WPF in my case) and the languages themselves are now many, varied and unreadable to those not in the know. I much prefer doing development work now but there are times when I still hanker after a bit of green screen/ISAM/MOVE W01-FOO TO W02-BAR

7.9.2010 12:52Comment on Some random thoughts on programming by Jonathan Palethorpe


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