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Scott Fegette

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Fediverse, ahoy!


I’d installed a Fediverse WordPress plugin a while back but it wasn’t publishing at the time, but apparently an auto-update fixed whatever wasn’t working – here’s a hello world to anyone paying attention on Mastodon/Fediverse/etc! It’s very likely I may redirect my other account here as I’d far prefer to manage my own server instance,
-> Continue reading Fediverse, ahoy!

23.2.2023 17:49Fediverse, ahoy!

Mountain Bikers on Crashing


This beautiful short film is so painfully real for me it’s hard to watch without getting clenched up. Getting a second chance at life was a precious gift, but damned if I’m not already bombing bikes again for exactly these reasons. The first minute of dialogue alone is a nearly verbatim transcript of internal dialogues
-> Continue reading Mountain Bikers on Crashing

28.7.2020 01:51Mountain Bikers on Crashing

For all The Mamas


I was so proud to be part of this lovely single on both bass guitar and aerial footage. Happy Mothers’ Day to all the mamas who put in their love, energy, and patience day in, day out. All our love.

10.5.2019 19:51For all The Mamas

Water Cruise


It was pretty amazing flying low over the estuary yesterday.  I mostly just glided along the waterways and low-tide paths.  Enjoy, and please like/follow/subscribe on my YouTube channel if you dig it 🙂

18.11.2018 21:19Water Cruise

A New Kind of Flying


Once more for the record, I’m an adrenaline addict. No talking my way around that, either – it’s a fact. I jumped out of planes for years, my most brutal injuries have been willingly self-inflicted, and the feeling of calm and peace after huge adrenaline surges is one of my most favoritest feelings in the
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3.4.2018 10:23A New Kind of Flying

New Crazymakers Single – “Still Keep Coming Back”


Y’all.  We’ve got a brand new single/video for ya today! “Still Keep Coming Back” was one of the first songs we worked up for the Crazymakers recording sessions last year, and it’s still one of my favorites to play.  The video shoot for this one was a hoot – we spent all day in a
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22.3.2018 14:25New Crazymakers Single – “Still Keep Coming Back”

New Crazymakers Live Track – “Just Can’t Get Enough”


Fresh music today – a live video take of a previously unreleased track, “Just Can’t Get Enough”.  Cause sometimes you just can’t. The song was recorded a few months back at the Ojai Underground Exchange. My bass tone is my beloved Fender Jazz 5 with a little Darkglass B7K Ultra fuzz/distortion inserted firmly into an
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4.3.2018 06:46New Crazymakers Live Track – “Just Can’t Get Enough”

New Crazymakers Single – “Unchained Melody”


Aw, yeah.  A beautiful re-imagining of an old classic you might remember. Iggy sings her heart dry on this one, and it’s a contender for my favorite of the 18 tracks I worked on in the studio with the lovely Crazymakers last year. That said – to give major props where props are due –
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9.2.2018 20:22New Crazymakers Single – “Unchained Melody”

New Crazymakers Single – “All Caught Up”


Although the EP has been out for a few months now to great reviews, the Crazymakers just released the first official single/music video from our upcoming full-length album  – the first of three videos shot over the holiday season.  I really dig this song’s groove and feel, and Iggy’s lyrics and vocals really seal the
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14.1.2018 17:20New Crazymakers Single – “All Caught Up”

Musicians and Road Warriors


It’s easy to fall victim to the stereotypes of the working musician – for both the musician and fan alike. A life of public adulation, excess, and grandiosity (is that a word?). The exquisitely tortured artistes extracting beauty from life’s poignant moments all gypsified and moving nomadically from town to town. But the reality of
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5.1.2018 04:17Musicians and Road Warriors

The Thomas Fires


Natural disasters are a tragedy on many levels, but they can also help you focus on what's truly important.

6.12.2017 19:32The Thomas Fires

6 Habits Guaranteed to Boost Your Productivity


I was a really disorganized kid. My room looked like a war zone, my internal clock was always about 30 minutes late, and my life was a series of minor emergencies strung together by random chance. I spent so much time trying to keep up with my day-to-day responsibilities that my bigger life goals seemed
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2.11.2017 19:486 Habits Guaranteed to Boost Your Productivity

Using 3rd Party Drum Plugins with Ableton Push


The Ableton Push is a super-flexible songwriting tool and its Drum sequencer view is particularly helpful for building out beats quickly. But when you add a third-party drum plug-in to a MIDI track, Push only gives you its general melodic keyboard interface, not the super-handy Push drum pad and sequencing interface. If you want to
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2.6.2017 19:33Using 3rd Party Drum Plugins with Ableton Push

Remembering Jesse


You can learn a lot about yourself by observing how you process loss and grief.

21.5.2017 15:46Remembering Jesse

Musical cross-training


If there’s one title that should be on my gravestone, it’s ‘bassist’.  I know this, it’s the foundation of who I am.  But I’ve got to admit a dirty secret – being relegated to 4 (or more commonly, 5) strings isn’t enough to quell my need to learn.  Musical cross-training is my new jam.  And I’m
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4.4.2017 00:15Musical cross-training



I woke up suddenly around 3:30am this morning.  It wasn’t just a minor stirring amidst the sheets, a quick mid-sleep water break or dazed round-trip to the bathroom.  My eyes came fully open and my head was clear, although my thoughts were anything but.  I’d gone to bed early after my Sunday rehearsal and a quick dinner. However, despite pleasant
-> Continue reading Equinox

20.3.2017 20:35Equinox

5 Business Skills You Need – Beyond the Degree


Is a traditional college degree enough to compete in today’s workforce? A recent Today.com article suggests that potential employers aren’t just looking for targeted skills. They want a broad set of skills that reach beyond your job-specific role into business, analytical, and interpersonal areas. Being an expert in your particular field of knowledge is critical—but
-> Continue reading 5 Business Skills You Need – Beyond the Degree

2.3.2017 20:555 Business Skills You Need – Beyond the Degree

Gear Acquisition Syndrome, or NAMM – Day One


Winter NAMM is starting today, so my diagnosed case of gear acquisition syndrome is going full flare-up. Here's what's calling out to my wallet today.

19.1.2017 19:39Gear Acquisition Syndrome, or NAMM – Day One

Install a Badass or Omega bridge on your bass.


Badass II bridges add tons of sustain and definition to basses, but if they don't come pre-notched they're tricky to install. Here's how to do it.

6.1.2017 19:30Install a Badass or Omega bridge on your bass.

Looping a loop on bass guitar


A quickly improvised bass guitar loop, my first real attempt at live looping. If you've got suggestions or requests, let me know - this was fun. Enjoy!

3.1.2017 17:04Looping a loop on bass guitar

Comment on Seriously wrecked by Scott


In reply to <a href="https://www.bigdark.com/seriously-wrecked/#comment-236">Anthony G. Williamson</a>. Thanks, Anthony- great to e-meet you!

20.11.2013 16:50Comment on Seriously wrecked by Scott

Comment on Seriously wrecked by Anthony G. Williamson


I didn't make it onto the prerelease program while you were at the helm, but I've been a fan of your work for more than a decade. What a powerful story. Glad to hear you are doing so well!!

19.11.2013 21:29Comment on Seriously wrecked by Anthony G. Williamson

Comment on Seriously wrecked by Scott


It's mah Dreamweavaz in force! Thanks for the kind words, I miss you all a ton :)

19.11.2013 00:57Comment on Seriously wrecked by Scott

Comment on Seriously wrecked by Sheri


Glad to hear you're on the road to recovery, Scott, and that you will be around a long time to kiss your son and wife. Take care!

18.11.2013 20:57Comment on Seriously wrecked by Sheri

Comment on Seriously wrecked by Alejandro Gutierrez


Scot!! I'm so glad you're ok. I can't believe you had to go through all that... Very well-written btw - riveting to read it. Glad you're healing up - you're really tough man - all the best in your recovery!

18.11.2013 20:25Comment on Seriously wrecked by Alejandro Gutierrez

Comment on Seriously wrecked by Zach Stepek


A very intense read, my friend. I'm glad to hear that things are improving. Was worried about you there for a while. Full recovery takes time, but you'll get there! You've got this!

18.11.2013 19:07Comment on Seriously wrecked by Zach Stepek

Comment on Seriously wrecked by Gary Coyne


Scott, David P pointed people here and I'm glad he did. Like Chris said, you wrote both effectively and beautifully. I do LOTS of road biking but I've always been scared of mountain bikes, especially the kinds of things you (used to?) do. I'm too old for that kind of stuff. Once your better (and with your spirit you will be), if you ever want to go on a "normal" road bike ride, let me know.

18.11.2013 18:51Comment on Seriously wrecked by Gary Coyne

Comment on Wallet love by Scott


In reply to <a href="https://www.bigdark.com/wallet-love/#comment-229">Wendy</a>. Hah- awesome and ironic, that's like the one I used before I got this one! I've got a great folding pattern I used to use with any tabloid-sized newspaper to make 'em as needed, FWIW. :D

18.11.2013 02:21Comment on Wallet love by Scott

Comment on Wallet love by Wendy


Mitch used a wallet like that for years. This is his favorite now. http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-20103978-1/my-dot-matrix-camouflaged-mighty-wallet-just-dont-throw-it-out-if-you-find-it/

18.11.2013 01:59Comment on Wallet love by Wendy

Comment on Seriously wrecked by Tom Barclay


Scott, I was captivated by the emotional description of your near death experience. I wish you all the best for a continued and full recovery.

18.11.2013 01:48Comment on Seriously wrecked by Tom Barclay

Comment on Seriously wrecked by sarah alley


You've capture the perspective one gets when faced with your own mortality and understand what's really important (the big and small things). Been there and personally take each day as a gift. Good luck with your recovery.

16.11.2013 16:11Comment on Seriously wrecked by sarah alley

Comment on Seriously wrecked by Jason Gutierrez


Glad that your still with us. Did not know it was that bad. We'll be praying for your recovery and your family. Has to be rough on everyone to see you hurt. Love you bro. You know, you're a pretty good writer. I know this guy... Get well amigo.

16.11.2013 13:17Comment on Seriously wrecked by Jason Gutierrez

Comment on Seriously wrecked by Doug Benson


Beautifully written, Scott. Best wishes for a complete and lasting recovery.

16.11.2013 06:45Comment on Seriously wrecked by Doug Benson

Comment on Seriously wrecked by Joseph Linaschke


Holy shit. Thanks for sharing, and my god, best wishes for a complete recovery. Wow.

16.11.2013 04:49Comment on Seriously wrecked by Joseph Linaschke

Comment on Seriously wrecked by Phil Squirrellex Clevenger


Perfectly written Scott.

16.11.2013 03:31Comment on Seriously wrecked by Phil Squirrellex Clevenger

Comment on Seriously wrecked by Anissa Barton-Thompson


Chris said it perfectly... absolutely floored by your story, and thankful for the life lesson. I'm sorry that your reminder was so painful for you, but I believe God for your rapid healing. Bless you, Scott.

16.11.2013 01:03Comment on Seriously wrecked by Anissa Barton-Thompson

Comment on Seriously wrecked by Scott


Thanks, all- feels good to actually write it all out and get it off my chest. It's amazing friends like you that make life so worthwhile, after all. :)

16.11.2013 00:25Comment on Seriously wrecked by Scott

Comment on Seriously wrecked by John Feld


Scott, this is very moving. Please continue to take good care of you, and thank your lucky stars you have such a lovinf family. Stay well.

15.11.2013 23:48Comment on Seriously wrecked by John Feld

Comment on Seriously wrecked by Chris Georgenes


I'm emotionally torn between learning of the horrible event that happened to you and how beautifully you wrote about it.

15.11.2013 23:43Comment on Seriously wrecked by Chris Georgenes

Comment on Seriously wrecked by Pete


Oh boy ... Get well soon!

15.11.2013 22:56Comment on Seriously wrecked by Pete


