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12.11.2023 20:12What to do with new technology…
Die kleinere Tochter unterhält sich im Garten mit ein paar anderen Kindern und ich höre nebenher wie sie philosophiert: “Unsterblichkeit ist aber auch eine Schwäche! Also zum Beispiel wenn die Welt explodiert, dann schwebt man ja nur noch alleine im Weltall rum.”
4.6.2023 20:07Die Tücken der UnsterblichkeitIn reply to <a href="https://wildente.vivaldi.net/e-mail-folders-and-whats-wrong-with-them/comment-page-1/#comment-653">wildente</a>. I didn’t know about labels syncing between vivaldis. I need to try that, it may actually be good
25.6.2022 01:53Comment on E-mail Folders and what’s wrong with them. by saduranIn reply to <a href="https://wildente.vivaldi.net/e-mail-folders-and-whats-wrong-with-them/comment-page-1/#comment-649">saduran</a>. To the point of syncing: Labels are in fact synced via IMAP, it's just that the implementation used to be not compatible between clients. Not too long before the release of Vivaldi Mail M3, the devs made the Vivaldi default labels compatible to Thunderbird (and also Evolution, I think?), and the flags are compatible to Apple Mail (which I have to believe, because I don't have a way to test this). So if you give a label to an email, you will also have the same email labeled the same way in any other Vivaldi or Thunderbird client on any another PC. Search filters are indeed not synced, I assume this will come at some point with Vivaldi. But if you set up your search filter to apply a label, you might be halfway there - it's just that in order for an email to carry a (synced) label, it has to first run through the filter of the PC. To the point of setting up filters that stay: I'm just allergic against the concept of setting up any sort of ruleset for the sake of "organization". Emails are not papers that need to be put into a physical folder on a shelf to be found, emails can easily be found in any pile of data. If you have a current need to find an email, do a search and then save that search to stay available in the panel (as a filter) then all is good - you set it up when you need it, so you get your return on invest. You'll end up with plenty of saved searches at some point where I wonder if you actually need them. Again ... emails are made to be found.
24.6.2022 19:08Comment on E-mail Folders and what’s wrong with them. by wildenteNice point of view. Just a downside i see is where you use more than 1 PC to check for emails. Let's say just a desktop and a laptop PC. Then you see emails from both with IMAP but usually, almost all imap clients i tried (i think even m3 don't do it) don't synchronize tags and search filters between them so i would lost all those tags from emails when looking for them in anothes PC. Also is i sometime need to reinstall email client. This is mainly the reason i still keep folders.
24.6.2022 17:30Comment on E-mail Folders and what’s wrong with them. by saduran“Schöner Vollmond heute, nicht wahr Kleine?” “Ja super schön und Papa wusstest Du, also der Mond, der ist ja von einem Asteroiden <hier Sendung-mit-der-Maus-Wissenswiedergabe> und ich will unbedingt mal wenn ich groß bin was mit dem Mond machen!” “Jetzt willst Du also Astronom oder Astronaut werden? Ich dachte Du willst Paläontologe werden!?” “Ich werde einfach … Continue reading "Einmal Traumberuf mit allem bitte"
17.12.2021 19:00Einmal Traumberuf mit allem bitteIn reply to <a href="https://wildente.vivaldi.net/e-mail-folders-and-whats-wrong-with-them/comment-page-1/#comment-644">quhno</a>. I agree that automatic filtering and marking things as read has its uses depending on your workflow, and some functionality there is welcome (but remember, a rule is still just a foward working filter). I do that with notification mails sent by a tool at work which can't be turned off. In my case that's just a dedicated spam filter. You can also imagine usecases where you need to be able to find something in your archive once needed, but you will not be require to read it on receipt. You say "...mail overload and I need to be able to filter all non important stuff out ...". Sounds a lot like spam to me. If it is not important, I don't want to receive it in the first place. If I receive it, I need to judge whether I need to deal with it now if it can wait a bit (in which case I just leave it unread, or better yet, put them to sleep for a while to reappear in unread after xy days https://forum.vivaldi.net/topic/53412/mark-as-read-for-xy-days-or-follow-up-in-xy-days-label or copy the mail into a calendar entry for a defined follow up time https://forum.vivaldi.net/topic/53410/copy-email-to-calendar-entry-task-or-create-calendar-entry-from-email).
24.6.2021 19:26Comment on E-mail Folders and what’s wrong with them. by wildenteIn reply to <a href="https://wildente.vivaldi.net/e-mail-folders-and-whats-wrong-with-them/comment-page-1/#comment-643">wildente</a>. Well - filters instead of folders are the way, But they must allow me to sort certain things our of my inbox (which M2 could, but M3 cannot). I suffer with the problem of mail overload and I need to be able to filter all non important stuff into their own categories (I have only 21 atm) so that I don't have to wade through all of them immediately. That way I can read "unimportant" stuff it on my leisure and react immediately if something is on fire, because the filter shows a count of unread mails. PS: Attachments are the bane of my existence. I hate them with passion, almost as much as HTML mails. There are better ways to show web-pages than by sending them via e-mail and I am perfectly capable to load stuff from the web instead of having my mailbox clogged with base64 encoded cat pictures and videos ;)
24.6.2021 10:08Comment on E-mail Folders and what’s wrong with them. by quhnoIn reply to <a href="https://wildente.vivaldi.net/e-mail-folders-and-whats-wrong-with-them/comment-page-1/#comment-641">janrif</a>. I assume you mean that because I never delete email, the space that I get from my mail provider fills up? This question is not really related to whether you use folders or not, and there are individual ways on solving this problem depending on your needs. With POP3 there is no problem anyway because there is no sync, so just delete mails on the server. Below some thoughts for IMAP - In my case, for my main mail account I have my own domain with plenty of space anyway, so let the Gigabytes of data trickle in, no problem. - You could of course just delete emails you don't need - Since most of the space required comes from emails with attachments, you might filter for mails with attachments (which Vivaldi Mail M3 does not support yet but hopefully soon, as M2 did), export them, delete online, import to an offline account -> now they are available in M3 in an offline account, but still there in your unified inbox. I've done this with all my university mail account when I graduated too many years ago and was not allowed to continue using it. :-)
19.6.2021 10:28Comment on E-mail Folders and what’s wrong with them. by wildenteHow do you handle filling your free allotted space, i.e. Google, etc
15.6.2021 15:30Comment on E-mail Folders and what’s wrong with them. by janrifIn reply to <a href="https://wildente.vivaldi.net/the-no-frills-email-workflow/comment-page-1/#comment-480">Gabriel</a>. The Vivaldi mail client needs quite a bit more work, but the email workflow I describe here does not depend on using Vivaldi's mail client M3. The distribution of views (received, spam, favorites, ....) also has no impact on the workflow, but only on finding emails you have read in the past and that you need to find now. From what you say I would conclude you are looking for a workflow that includes folders, which is ok, but the whole point I make here is that is what you should not do. The entire concept of marking an email as a "favorite" is strange to me, it's a concept derived from bookmarking webpages that you want to visit regularly, or putting a good old letter in a frame and hanging it like picture on the wall. But to be clear, there's nothing wrong with your request, it's just not my personal way of doing things. Conceptually, it doesn't make sense to place an IMAP folder "favorites" from any one account under the unified inbox (which Vivaldi Mail calls "All messages"), because if you have 5 mail accounts and only one has a "favorites" folder, then it just doesn't belong in "all messages". But if you use the Label "favorite", you can use that on all your mail accounts and do not have to copy IMAP folder structures from Account A to Account B. If you feel strongly about this, I suggest you write a mail feature request in the forum, because the likelyhood that any Vivaldi developer reads this conversation is close to zero :-) https://forum.vivaldi.net/category/194/mail-client
25.4.2021 12:24Comment on The no frills email workflow by wildenteSorry about my English because it is not my native language. Although the browser has improved a lot, the mail option needs to improve a lot in regards to the distribution of the imap folders, but I know that this is difficult because having a high number of users each has their own way of distribute them. In my case, I find it difficult to make sense of the current distribution, I would have preferred a distribution similar to that of the mail application in Windows 10, that is, a UNIFIED INBOX (that the application links all the inboxes of each account in a single tray), FAVORITES (showing the imap folders that one considers important after the inbox, in my case, they are the spam folders of each account) and just after showing the options ALL MESSAGES, UNREAD MESSAGES, etc. .
22.4.2021 22:33Comment on The no frills email workflow by GabrielFeel good with the simplest of all email workflows. Receive, read, mark as read. No strings attached.
21.4.2021 18:19The no frills email workflowEmail folders are just a huge waste of your time. Here's why.
3.4.2021 11:40E-mail Folders and what’s wrong with them.Wie ja bereits erwähnt hat unsere Kleine die große Schwester beim Sprücheklopfen inzwischen eingeholt. Ganz wie das große Vorbild leidet auch die Kleine nicht unter Zweifeln bezüglich ihrer Rolle in der Welt und was eigentlich Sache ist. Zum einen ist da die Identität. Sie hat wie so viele andere auch, und wahrscheinlich kaum überraschend, zwei … Continue reading "Klare Vorstellungen"
8.11.2017 20:02Klare VorstellungenSieben Jahre sind die Töchter also auseinander. Als die liebe Ehefrau im Sommer die im Garten spielende kleinere Tochter neu “Gartenzwerg” taufte, wollte die Große nicht hintenanstehen. Darf ich also vorstellen? Kleine Tochter, aktuell 2,5 Jahre alt –> Gartenzwerg Große Tochter, aktuell 9,5 Jahre alt –> Fruchtzwerg Außerdem haben wir hier unseren Mitbewohner Rotbart und seine … Continue reading "Sägespäne"
11.1.2017 20:11SägespäneDie Große Kleine ist inzwischen 9. Irgendwie hauen Kinder ab so etwa 8 Jahren Alter einfach kaum noch ungeplant lustige Sprüche raus, entsprechend verwaist war dieser Blog. Nun gibt es aber eine knapp über zwei Jahre alte kleine Kleine, und da geht’s nun offenbar los. Irgendwo habe ich mal ein Sprichwort aufgeschnappt: “Zwei Dinge kommen nie zurück: … Continue reading "Und vorbei war’s mit der Ruhe"
30.10.2016 16:25Und vorbei war’s mit der RuheDie große Kleine sagt schwer verkleidet: “Ich bin eine Sonnenelfe! … Papa, weisst Du eigentlich, was der Unterschied zwischen einer Fee und einer Elfe ist?” “Äh… nein?” “Elfen sind viel weniger tussig!”
2.5.2015 12:50SelbstseinschätzungSodele. Nachdem my.opera ja die Schotten dicht macht und http://my.opera.com/WildEnte/blog/ bald nur noch einen 404 Fehler ausgeben wird, habe ich meine Ergüsse samt und sonders hierher nach Vivaldi.net übertragen. Irgendwas muss der Mensch doch in seiner Freizeit tun. Es kann sein, dass aufgrund dieses Umzugs das eine oder andere Bild in irgendwelchen Einträgen nicht mehr vorhanden … Continue reading "Umgezogen!"
18.2.2014 19:23Umgezogen!