Unlike other social networks like the soon-to-be-deceased #GooglePlus, Diaspora and other federated social networks don't have a central authority to perform #moderation. Mostly that means that there are a few lost souls whose behavior could be described as troll-like. You may find content you don't like, offensive and unwelcome comments on your posts, etc. This is an unpleasant side-effect of Diaspora's design: the platform doesn't need to bow to the rules and regulations of a single government, making it much harder to censor content. (Individual pods are subject to regulations of the government where they are hosted; but the network as a whole isn't.)
You have a few choices.
You can go to the user's profile page and Ignore them. Ignored users won't be able to follow you or see your posts, comment on your posts, or @mention you in their posts or comments, although they can still comment on posts of others you follow. Like an old flame, there's no way to avoid crossing paths again.
You can report a post or comment. This is actually a bit tricky to understand. Let's say your account is hosted on diaspora.x.com
and the troll has an account hosted on diaspora.y.com
. If you report the troll, the message goes to the administrator of diaspora.x.com
where they are given the option of removing it from your pod. The content will still exist on other pods (remember the thing about no centralized moderation?).
You can reach out to the administrator of (in the above example) diaspora.y.com
and make the case that the user should be banned. Realize that the troll still may open a new account somewhere else, and several trolls have been known to do this.
OK. But that's also the way the system works. You can feel free to make suggestions for improving the system, or better yet, write a fix submit a pull request and make it available to everyone. I've advocated for some kind of machine-learning algorithm to help manage unpleasant content, but I haven't sat down to build one yet.
Thanks for signing up, and I hope you can see past the trolls and make some new friends here!
(Please comment on corrections, opinions, etc.)
22.10.2018 10:04Attention all #newhere!Loads of you have been signing up to diaspora* pods. It's fantastic that you've joined us!
Here's a few tips for getting started:
We're so pleased that you've all decided to give diaspora* a try, and hope that you quickly find your way here, and enjoy getting connected with people and content.
<3 diaspora*
#neuhier #newhere #nouveauici #nuevoaqui #diaspora
10.12.2016 17:54Hello and a big.
Met een paar minimale aanpassingen wordt de wet er toch weer doorgedrukt:
Raad van State heeft stevige kritiek op nieuwe aftapwet
Het toezicht op de geheime diensten is onvoldoende in nieuwe plannen van minister Ronald Plasterk (Binnenlandse Zaken, PvdA). Dat schrijft de Raad van State, de belangrijkste kabinetsadviseur, in een vrijdag gepubliceerd advies. (...)
Lees ook:
> Persbericht: Plasterk wil onschuldige burgers massaal tappen met sleepnetwet
> Encryptie van communicatie bittere noodzaak, plak dicht die brief!
Tags: #nederlands #aftappen #afluisteren #geheime_diensten #aftapwet #aivd #privacy #sleepnetmethode #ctivd #bulkinterceptie #bewaartermijn #sleepnetwet
28.10.2016 18:02. Met een paar minimale aanpassingen wordt de wet er toch weer door...Vandaag was er dan de uitspraak in het kort geding van o.a. BIT tegen de Nederlandse Staat om de #bewaarplicht stop te zetten. #privacy
Ladies and gentlemen... We won!
Uit met die dataretentiedozen!
19.3.2015 20:05Vandaag was er dan de uitspraak in het kort geding van o.a. BIT teg...Positieve uitspraak! Rechter maakt een einde aan bewaarplicht communicatiegegevens.
#Bewaarplicht #Freedom #Privacy
19.3.2015 19:58Positieve uitspraak! Rechter maakt een einde aan bewaarplicht commu...Morgen dient het kort geding van o.a. BIT tegen de Nederlandse Staat om de #bewaarplicht stop te zetten. Op https://ideas.bright.nl/editions/vrijdag-13-februari/bewaarplicht/Z0RVqAAkfIJM7URD5gShgbRrJK8B9zUcHQ lees je hoe onze advocaten onze kansen inschatten. #privacy
17.2.2015 10:09Morgen dient het kort geding van o.a. BIT tegen de Nederlandse Staa...From @timkmak at Twitter:
Putin arrives at airport, gets in line at customs
Customs officer: "Occupation?"
Putin: "No, just visiting!"
17.2.2015 09:53From @timkmak at Twitter: Putin arrives at airport, gets in line at...https://stopdebewaarplicht.nu/
Stop de #bewaarplicht, nu! #privacy
17.2.2015 03:36https://stopdebewaarplicht.nu/ Stop de #bewaarplicht, nu! #privacyHi @[David Morley](http://diasp.nl/people/4d0564183dac139f3d0008e0), I just brought up a pod and added it to http://podupti.me/. I see it in the list. The list shows it located in US where it should be NL. Could you change the location of diasp.nl to NL?
Great work on http://podupti.me/ by the way. :)
14.8.2014 22:41Hi @David Morley, I just brought up a pod and added it to http://po...