aka White Rock Hams - 147.52 MHz "White Rock Simplex"
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Club members and interested folks are invited to join us for our monthly “First Sunday” informal brunch. We meet at 11 AM March 2 at VFW Hall 6796, 9179 Garland Road (next door to Sonic). Talk-in is on 147.52 MHz. The VFW brunch is open to the public. We had a great turnout in February […]
22.2.2025 19:41Club Brunch 3/2/25This year, Winter Field Day will be an on the air “twofer.” On Saturday January 25, the Dallas Amateur Radio Club will be on the air, and has invited us to join them. The location is the Johnston Outpost YMCA field, 3325 Valley View Lane, Farmers Branch On Sunday, January 26, our club will operate […]
9.1.2025 02:11Winter Field Day 2025Please join us for our next club meeting on Wednesday February 19, 2025 at 6:30 PM in the meeting room at the REI store, 5929 E. Northwest Highway, Dallas. This meeting is open to all hams and anyone interested in ham radio. ** No simplex net this week **
14.12.2024 23:04Club Meeting Wednesday February 19Nets continue each Wednesday at 7 PM on “White Rock Simplex,” 147.52 MHz. Net control duties rotate among several members from various Lake area neighborhoods, assuring that a ham with just a handie-talkie will be able to check in and participate. Typically we have about a dozen check-ins from throughout the Metroplex. We invite all […]
21.8.2024 16:35Join Us on our Simplex NetRocky, Bullwinkle, Boris, Natasha and Mr. Peabody will be playing around White Rock Lake on Sunday March 3 and 17. All foxes will be on air from 9 AM until 6 PM. The WRLARC sponsors fox hunts on the first and third Sunday of each month for all area hams. As a note, when you […]
1.8.2024 00:43White Rock Lake Fox Hunts for MarchIt was a hot one, but the WRLARC Field Day was a blast! Several radios and antennas were set up and lots of radio contacts made. Folks came by asking questions and we enjoyed explaining ham radio to visitors. One unique feature was that the entire Field Day operation was powered by a Tesla Cybertruck… […]
29.6.2024 20:35ARRL Field Day 2024The White Rock Lake area now has another two way radio resource for residents, a GMRS repeater. The General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) was established by the FCC for personal and family use. Unlike amateur radio, a GMRS license does not require testing, and a license can be used by the entire family. Because the […]
29.6.2024 20:22Lake Area GMRS Repeater on the AirField Day is ham radio’s open house. Every June, more than 40,000 hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio’s science, skill and service to our communities and our nation. It combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills all in a single event. Field Day […]
5.6.2024 03:38ARRL Field Day 2024The participated in Winter Field Day on January 27 and 28 at Cedar Hill State Park. Dave K5YR and David KG5VSR had adjoining campsites and invited all club members and interested parties to stop by and put the WA5WRL callsign out on the air all weekend. The weather was great and the band conditions cooperated!
28.12.2023 01:43Winter Field Day January 27 and 28, 2024Amateur Radio supported the Tour des Fleurs Quarter and Half Marathon benefitting the Dallas Arboretum on September 16, 2023 at White Rock Lake. Seventeen hams provided communications from all six aid stations, the marathon medical team, and the start/finish line. Hams also provided continuously updated locations via digital ham radio APRS for the last runner […]
16.9.2023 20:13WRLARC Supports the Tour des Fleurs