Welcome to My World of Character Hallucinations Wendy Crafton, Writer
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Tags: character hallucinations
Back in November 2023, I had a plan to revise my novel during NaNoWriMo. I created guidelines to get me through the month and renamed it ToNoRevMo (Total Novel Revision Month). I posted through the first 16 days, but once again, fell off on posting or completing the project. I did continue with the revisionsContinue reading "Still here, Still revising"
10.3.2024 23:32Still here, Still revisingAt the end of my last post, I said "Hoping with the next update I can say I have actually revised areas of the draft..." If I'd only known what was about to happen.
15.11.2023 01:30Day 14 – ToNoRevMoWell, I did it. On time? No. But I did it! Last Monday was the day to complete Phase 1 — I finished Wednesday. My hallway is now lined on both sides with 11 sheets of paper documenting the entire novel. Was this helpful in any way? Immensely! I highlighted the main/side character’s names eachContinue reading "Day 10 – ToNoRevMo"
11.11.2023 02:17Day 10 – ToNoRevMoIf you haven’t been following along, I am on a mission to revise my draft into a submittable novel by end of the month. The goal is five complete pass-throughs which means reviewing at least six sections a day during the month of November. You can read the initial thought process here MyNoRevisMo and here Counting Down toContinue reading "Day 7 – ToNoRevMo"
7.11.2023 23:51Day 7 – ToNoRevMoIf you haven’t been following along, I am on a mission to revise my draft into a submittable novel by end of the month. The goal is five complete pass-throughs which means reviewing at least six sections a day during the month of November. You can read the initial thought process here MyNoRevisMo and hereContinue reading "Day 4 – ToNoRevMo"
4.11.2023 16:40Day 4 – ToNoRevMoIt’s day two of Total Novel Revision Month, and, so far, I am on track. The goal is to review/revise at least six sections each day with the final goal of making five full passthroughs of all sections. I’ve decided to make this first passthrough about the who, where, what in each section. I haveContinue reading "Day 2 – ToNoRevMo"
2.11.2023 23:52Day 2 – ToNoRevMowell done...
10.4.2022 19:19Comment on Here Comes the Plot Bunny… by Anthony"Keep on writing; keep on keeping on. I've. found that the way to keep on writing -- even without equipment is to just do it. Remember some of the most important things, songs, deals, were first written on napkins or scraps of paper, long before they ever reached the laptop stage. I love writing; I'll do that for as long as I am able to do so. Writing is freedom, long before the ropes are cut". ©2022 Linda Perry
26.2.2022 08:21Comment on Permission Granted by alindaperryI think that is one of the great things about using a blog. You can play around with ideas and save them in your drafts folder of publish them in short parts. Later you can develop them into a novel. I have not so much several projects in my mind, but definitely several characters that are growing and developing and acquiring layers and layers of backstory and emotional reactions.
14.7.2021 21:19Comment on One Little, Two Little, Three Little Fictions by CARAMELI hate to be pedantic … no, that’s not true …. I love to be pedantic (and that may be why my writing is so dull) ….. but …. rules are NOT meant to be broken. Rules are meant to be followed, for that is the very nature of rules – making a rule that is meant to be broken is like making a circle that’s meant to be square – its self-contradictory. But here’s the thing. Breaking rules (that are meant to be followed) is terrific fun. It makes you feel young and powerful and daring and rebellious. There is a limit, of course, to the thrill one can get from breaking the same rule over and over again. I made a rule, for example, that required me to write something (even if only one sentence … just a few words) half-decent every day. After about 30 years of unrelenting disobedience I admit that the novelty is wearing thin.
7.6.2021 10:53Comment on Rules are Meant to Be Broken. Right? by Richmond RoadI've learned to enjoy the questions. As you said in your comment, the answers fill in along the way. I like the thought of my character having some privacy and not revealing everything to me. It's on a need to know basis, and, apparently, I don't need to know! <3
23.3.2021 01:23Comment on Q’s Without the A’s by Wendy CraftonWriting has gotten better for me. Not so much with the following the rules part, but I'm closer to goal than I was when I wrote this blog post. Thanks for the comments!
23.3.2021 01:21Comment on Rules are Meant to Be Broken. Right? by Wendy Crafton