programmer, (former) moonkin, nasty woman, geek@bananabull's geekier halfwould give left pinkie to work at #nasa, building stuff at #prisma until then🇺🇸 in 🇳🇴 #trondheim, vestkyst bestekystformerly and, also #golang #...
✍️Write rieview ✍️Rezension schreiben 🏷️Get Badge! 🏷️Abzeichen holen! ⚙️Edit entry ⚙️Eintrag bearbeiten 📰News 📰Neuigkeiten posted 1 attachment: "#stradeBianche is really something else #procycling "
8.3.2025 11:14#stradeBianche is really something else made a new post: "ok legit did #uciwwt get a new social media person because they are on fire lately #procycling #stradebianche #couchpeloton "
7.3.2025 19:38ok legit did #uciwwt get a new social media person because they are on fire lately made a new post: "tfw you realize you've accidentally scheduled social activity on #stradeBianche day :flan_rage: "
7.3.2025 16:38tfw you realize you've accidentally scheduled social activity on #stradeBianche day posted 1 attachment: "holy crow that's cool #weather #polarvortex ([from here](
7.3.2025 12:44holy crow that's cool #weather #polarvortex ([from here]( made a new post: "ok #gotosocial / #activitypub people, are federated edits a little wonky? i posted [this]( the other day, and then updated it the next morning. on b...
5.3.2025 14:14gotosocial federation posted 1 attachment: "oh for the love of pete [e], security lead at mozilla and [co-chair of the w3c web application security group](, [says](https://in...
3.3.2025 23:25oh for the love of pete [e], security lead at mozilla and [co-chair of the w3c web application made a new post: "sysadmin: it's always dns embedded eng: it's always heap allocations webdev: it's always user input cloud eng: it's always `vitest`"
3.3.2025 15:24sysadmin: it's always dns embedded eng: it's always heap allocations webdev: it's always user input cloud eng: it's always ` made a new post: "ok well that was absolutely classic #avdb and that's not a spoiler because you can't be sure exactly what i mean by that #ohh25 #couchpeloton #procycling"
2.3.2025 15:37ok well that was absolutely classic #avdb and that's not a spoiler because you can't be sure exactly what i mean by that made a new post: "pro tip: wearing your headset while you go hang up your laundry so you can keep following the belgian bike race commentary only works if you understand the belgians doing the commentating."
2.3.2025 15:16pro tip: wearing your headset while you go hang up your laundry so you can keep following the belgian bike race commentary made a new post: "> trentin, with his aero chin i really enjoy these glimpses into carlton kirby's personal how-to-identify-a-rider mnemonics #kbk25 #procycling #couchpeloton"
2.3.2025 14:04> trentin, with his aero chin i really enjoy these glimpses into carlton kirby's personal how-to-identify-a-rider mnemonics made a new post: "i've seen a truckload of people respond to [the latest self-own]( from with "ok, i'm switching to #librewolf." ...
2.3.2025 08:10i've seen a truckload of people respond to [the latest self-own]( posted 1 attachment: "i know, i should be outside on #openingWeekend, but i want to watch and also i'm lazy #ohn25"
1.3.2025 15:37i know, i should be outside on #openingWeekend, but i want to watch and also i'm lazy made a new post: "ok everybody swap over to the women's #ohn25, they just went live and there's like ELEVEN MINUTES GAP with like 40km to go #couchpeloton #procycling "
1.3.2025 15:09ok everybody swap over to the women's #ohn25, they just went live and there's like ELEVEN MINUTES GAP with like 40km to go posted 1 attachment: "kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuung #ohn25 #couchpeloton #procycling "
1.3.2025 15:02ohn25 posted 1 attachment: "THIS TIMING THO #ohn25 #procycling #couchpeloton "
1.3.2025 14:43THIS TIMING THO #ohn25 #procycling posted 1 attachment: "alpecin on a mission in g3 over here #ohn25 #couchpeloton #procycling "
1.3.2025 14:19alpecin on a mission in g3 over here #ohn25 #couchpeloton posted 1 attachment: "traffic jam up the molenberg #ohn25 #couchpeloton #procycling "
1.3.2025 14:11traffic jam up the molenberg #ohn25 #couchpeloton posted 1 attachment: "nobody panic, pidcock got a new shoe #ohn25 #proCycling #couchpeloton "
1.3.2025 13:41nobody panic, pidcock got a new shoe #ohn25 #proCycling posted 1 attachment: "pee break! #couchpeloton #ohn25 #procycling "
1.3.2025 13:11pee break! #couchpeloton #ohn25 made a new post: "i feel personally attacked"
1.3.2025 11:42i feel personally attacked