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In defense of the Black Bloc | Disproving the accusations against those who wear masks

Disproving the accusations against those who wear masks

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Comment on Mexico City riots, December 2012 by Lacey


Lovely blog yoou have

13.3.2025 03:33Comment on Mexico City riots, December 2012 by Lacey

Comment on “Jo Tambe Estava al Parlament” by Megan


Hello maate nice blog

23.9.2024 11:28Comment on “Jo Tambe Estava al Parlament” by Megan

Comment on Soy compañero! by Counterinsurgency: dousing the flames of Minneapolis | Anti Government


[…] not mean this is true. In fact, social media “evidence” is extremely prone to suggestion. As documented here, the rumor that a black bloc protester was unmasked as a cop went viral after a 2012 protest in […]

4.6.2020 19:02Comment on Soy compañero! by Counterinsurgency: dousing the flames of Minneapolis | Anti Government

Comment on “Jo Tambe Estava al Parlament” by No nos engañarán : Como la revuelta en Chile ha sobrevivido y burlado la represión del estado y unas preg...


[…] en Chile y más allá. No obstante, cuando sea que el pueblo consigue ganar a las autoridades en cualquier parte del mundo, los que dan por hecho que la única protagonista de la historia sea el estado […]

13.11.2019 02:29Comment on “Jo Tambe Estava al Parlament” by No nos engañarán : Como la revuelta en Chile ha sobrevivido y burlado la represión del estado y unas preg...

Comment on Taksim Square, Istanbul by Not Falling for It: How the Uprising in Chile Has Outlasted State Repression : And the Questions for Movements t...


[…] of disruptive activities to delegitimize social movements in Chile and elsewhere. At the same time, all around the world, whenever ordinary people manage to get the better of the authorities, those who […]

13.11.2019 02:29Comment on Taksim Square, Istanbul by Not Falling for It: How the Uprising in Chile Has Outlasted State Repression : And the Questions for Movements t...

Comment on Mexico City riots, December 2012 by 10 years after police murder on #Alexis: A world without police – Enough is Enough!


[…] never mind that American anarchists have learned about the tactic not only in Europe but also in Latin America, where it is widely popular. The denunciations cannot be taken seriously as criticisms because […]

25.11.2018 09:15Comment on Mexico City riots, December 2012 by 10 years after police murder on #Alexis: A world without police – Enough is Enough!

Comment on Mexico City riots, December 2012 by A world without police: Peter Gelderloos | The Free


[…] never mind that American anarchists have learned about the tactic not only in Europe but also in Latin America, where it is widely […]

6.7.2017 10:27Comment on Mexico City riots, December 2012 by A world without police: Peter Gelderloos | The Free

Comment on False Accusations by Don’t need a strike to revolt against the State: report-back from the December 18th night demo | Anti Government


[…] Further resources countering the agent provocateur narrative: In defense of the Black Bloc: disproving the accusations against those who wear masks […]

23.12.2015 05:26Comment on False Accusations by Don’t need a strike to revolt against the State: report-back from the December 18th night demo | Anti Government

Comment on False Accusations by Pas besoin d’une grève pour se révolter contre l’État : Réflexions sur la manif nocturne du 18 décembre » Montréal Con...


[…] Plus de ressources réfutant la thèse des agents provocateurs : In defense of the Black Bloc: disproving the accusations against those who wear masks […]

22.12.2015 03:29Comment on False Accusations by Pas besoin d’une grève pour se révolter contre l’État : Réflexions sur la manif nocturne du 18 décembre » Montréal Con...

Comment on False Accusations by Don’t need a strike to revolt against the State: report-back from the December 18th night demo » Montréal Counter-info...


[…] Further resources countering the agent provocateur narrative: In defense of the Black Bloc: disproving the accusations against those who wear masks […]

22.12.2015 03:26Comment on False Accusations by Don’t need a strike to revolt against the State: report-back from the December 18th night demo » Montréal Counter-info...

“Jo Tambe Estava al Parlament”


On March 29, 2014, many hundreds of people took the streets of Barcelona to protest in support of the people facing charges for the blockade of the Catalan Parliament in June 2011, currently facing trial at the infamous Audiencia Nacional in Madrid. During the protest, many people were masked and some attacked banks and other […]

27.5.2014 15:03“Jo Tambe Estava al Parlament”

Taksim Square, Istanbul


In one of the greatest revolts of 2013 and in the midst of strong economic growth, Turkey blew up in a series of riots and occupations that began with the simple defense by anarchists and environmentalists of the last green space in the center of Istanbul, Gezi Park. In reaction to the police repression, hundreds […]

27.5.2014 14:56Taksim Square, Istanbul

The Day of the Combatant Youth


In Chile, people in the streets celebrate the Day of the Combatant Youth every March 29, the anniversary of when police, in 1985, killed two brothers, Rafael and Eduardo Vergara Toledo, participants in the resistance against the Pinochet dictatorship. Their mother bravely began protesting and organizing events to keep their memory alive, and to celebrate […]

1.4.2013 18:54The Day of the Combatant Youth

Extradition to Canada for G20 Black Bloc


It was recently revealed that the Canadian government is seeking five US citizens suspected of participating in the black bloc in Toronto during the G20. This may be one of the first times people have been extradited for mere property damage. Alex Jones and all the other bloggers and conspiracy theorists who maintained that the […]

1.3.2013 17:17Extradition to Canada for G20 Black Bloc

The Reichstag Fire


In 1933, Marinus van der Lubbe, a dissident communist from the Netherlands, burned down the Nazi parliament. Immediately, the Communist Party feared blame would be placed on them, and they began a campaign to smear and bad-jacket van der Lubbe, calling him a mentally handicapped or psychologically unstable homosexual (to them, this was an insult), […]

14.1.2013 21:09The Reichstag Fire

The Mapuche


The Mapuche, an indigenous nation from South America, were never defeated by Spanish colonizers. The Mapuche are a decentralized or “circular” society and fought back against colonization much more effectively than the hierarchical Inca. In fact, after beating the Spaniards, their territories were recognized in perpetuity. This treaty was only broken in the 1880s when Chile […]

6.1.2013 23:28The Mapuche

Sherlock Holmes


Guy Ritchie’s 2011 film, Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, includes one of Hollywood’s favorite tropes, the deluded revolutionaries. In this case, anarchists carrying out bombings in 1890s Europe are a tool of the evil Professor Moriarty, bent on driving the major powers to a world war so that he could profit through his newly acquired armament industries. […]

6.1.2013 23:14Sherlock Holmes

Genoa 2001


In July 2001, the 28th G8 summit took place in Genoa, Italy. 200,000 people protested, and the spectacle of the summit was disrupted by heavy rioting. Police militarized the city and attacked protesters indiscriminately, torturing many detainees. A Black Bloc of anarchists from across Europe damaged banks and corporate property, while many other protesters participated using […]

6.1.2013 23:03Genoa 2001

The Battle in Seattle


This 2007 Stuart Townsend movie with Woodie Harrelson and Charlize Theron, portrays the anarchists as a fringe group in the 1999 Seattle WTO protests that stole the show. They also suggest the police infiltrated the Black Bloc to incite rioting and property damage. It’s no surprise that Hollywood wants to rewrite the story of a […]

3.1.2013 18:15The Battle in Seattle

The Oka Crisis


In 1990, Mohawk warriors masked their faces, took up arms, and defended their lands against the Canadian military. From Warrior Publications, “The Oka Crisis of 1990 involved the Mohawk territories of Kanehsatake/Oka & Kahnawake, both located near Montreal, Quebec. The standoff began with an armed police assault on a blockade at Kanehsatake on July 11, […]

3.1.2013 18:13The Oka Crisis


