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12.12.2024 20:18Charge Forward interview and podcast.
In reply to <a href="https://vatheredneckway.com/2024/10/06/enough-is-enough/comment-page-1/#comment-65">Anonymous</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Some VSOs have weaponized the threat of having something taken away if additional claims are filed. Taking that position lightens the work load of the VSO at a substantial cost to the veteran.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
7.10.2024 19:25Comment on Enough is enough! by jamescripps<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>While I am unfamiliar with this county's Veteran Service office, nor have I ever met Mrs. Hunt, I can state this is very common among both VSO's, and VA employees. The myth's are common:</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:list {"ordered":true} --> <ol class="wp-block-list"><!-- wp:list-item --> <li> You cant get over 100 percent, so you should not file any more claims. </li> <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- wp:list-item --> <li>Dont appeal an award, such as the effective date, or you could lose the benefits you have. </li> <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- wp:list-item --> <li>Dont apply for any new conditions, or an increase, because Va will reduce you instead. That is dont poke the bear. </li> <!-- /wp:list-item --></ol> <!-- /wp:list --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>If your VSO does repeats any of the above myths, consider another VSO, or, like Mr. Cripps, file a complaint. There are regulations regarding reductions, such as 38 CFR 3.344 which protect Veterans from reductions unless you have actually improved under ordinary conditions of life. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Myths like the above are widespread and often repeated and HURT Veterans, often keeping them in poverty, or even homeless. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
7.10.2024 13:07Comment on Enough is enough! by AnonymousSubject: Request for Immediate Action Regarding Cheatham County Veterans Service Office To whom it may concern, I am writing to formally request the resignation or dismissal of Mrs. Angela Hunt, Director of the Cheatham County Veterans Service Office (VSO), due … Continue reading
6.10.2024 03:55Enough is enough!<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>harges! With technology that we developed, you can achieve top-ranking placements on Google and Bing without SEO or Pay Per Click. Simply provide your target keywords, and watch your website soar to the number one spot. Let us show you the process and you'll be amazed at the results.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
30.9.2024 12:03Comment on MY CONTACT INFORMATION (the author) by AnonymousNORTH TO ALASKA! I am a Vietnam era veteran. I joined the military in July, 1967. I performed various jobs in the military, primarily I served as a 95B20, “Military Policeman”. My added skill identifier designated me as a military … Continue reading
26.9.2024 03:24NORTH TO ALASKA! “But we came up two feet short”!Friday, October 23, 2009 To the Staff Writer with the Ashland City Times who asked me the agent orange related questions. In answer to your first question, the address of the meeting place is correct, we are right next to … Continue reading
24.9.2024 03:37HENRYWorking under the guise of a federal fish and wildlife officer, (Game Warden), I worked in the rear areas of Fort Gordon many miles out from the main post. I mostly worked alone and had no friends. Headquarters company, to … Continue reading
23.9.2024 14:12My Exact exposure details.In reply to <a href="https://vatheredneckway.com/2023/01/18/so-you-were-denied-the-cpafc-caregivers-program/comment-page-1/#comment-61">Anonymous</a>. hang in there and expect a remand back to the VHA and never give up!
22.9.2024 04:06Comment on So, you were denied the CPAFC caregiver’s program ??? by jamescrippsIn reply to <a href="https://vatheredneckway.com/2024/09/18/just-the-way-that-it-is/comment-page-1/#comment-59">Anonymous</a>. 615 417 0730
22.9.2024 04:04Comment on Just the way that it is! by jamescripps<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>Well buddy, we are now in the end of Sept 2024 and My claim has been sitting with a judge for a decision for two months now. That being said, I'll have my new decision any day now and I'll keep you in the loop on what happens. Hoping for the best bro. </p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->
In reply to <a href="https://vatheredneckway.com/2024/09/18/just-the-way-that-it-is/comment-page-1/#comment-59">Anonymous</a>. My contact info is on this site, but while I am hospitalized you can contact me on my cell at 615 417 0730.
18.9.2024 14:46Comment on Just the way that it is! by jamescripps<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>i would love to chat</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Jim Renneker</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
18.9.2024 14:25Comment on Just the way that it is! by AnonymousThere were 58,220 fatal American casualties during the Vietnam war, according to the Vietnam Conflict Extract Data File. (DCAS) When we soldiers of the Vietnam war came home, unbeknown to us,, we brought something terrible back home with us. What … Continue reading
18.9.2024 00:20Just the way that it is!In reply to <a href="https://vatheredneckway.com/2024/08/19/this-is-the-first-video-of-a-series-onhow-to-apply-for-veterans-benefits-and-what-for/comment-page-1/#comment-57">Anonymous</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>My contact information is available at my vatheredneck.com web site.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
30.8.2024 23:30Comment on This is the first video of a series on,HOW TO APPLY FOR VETERANS BENEFITS, AND WHAT FOR! by Anonymous<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>i would appreciate on who to contact about Fort Gordon and Agent Orange. I was station at Gordon 1970-1971. I need info on Fort Gordon at that time. James Cripps or any one from vatheredneckway.com. Please advise.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>james P Renneker Sr</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
29.8.2024 18:56Comment on This is the first video of a series on,HOW TO APPLY FOR VETERANS BENEFITS, AND WHAT FOR! by Anonymoushttps://www.facebook.com/1308985230/videos/2276560039371736 MORE TO COME AS THE VIDEOS ARE CONDUCTED AND COMPLETED. THE WHOLE VIDEO INTERVIEW, FROM BEGINNING TO THE EN IS HERE.
18.8.2024 23:58This is the first video of a series on,HOW TO APPLY FOR VETERANS BENEFITS, AND WHAT FOR!As you know, I don’t have VBMS, but I was dealing with this stuff long before VBMS ever came along. My twenty years experience and my old crystal ball reveals the plan. Time will tell how well it still works. … Continue reading
20.4.2024 06:08My advice to a service officer in a friend’s claim.News broadcast from WTVF News Chanel 5 Nashville TN. https://youtu.be/uoC2YFVHhec?si=Ms6nMfFuFHV2Aa0c Broadcast from WRDW News Chanel 12, Augusta GA. https://www.wrdw.com/content/news/I-TEAM-Could-the-children-of-those-exposed-to-Agent-Orange-at-Fort-Gordon-also-be-affected-by-the-toxin-561359041.html
11.4.2024 22:36Children and grand children of Agent Orange???https://www.wrdw.com/2024/03/13/i-team-update-was-agent-orange-stored-fort-eisenhower-years-longer-than-previously-thought https://www.wrdw.com/video/2024/03/14/i-team-update-what-does-agent-orange-testing-site-fort-eisenhower-look-like-today https://www.wrdw.com/2023/02/13/i-team-documents-highlight-those-sprayed-betrayed-fort-gordon https://www.wrdw.com/content/news/I-TEAM-Could-the-children-of-those-exposed-to-Agent-Orange-at-Fort-Gordon-also-be-affected-by-the-toxin-561359041.html Below is a broadcast from WTVF Channnel 5 CBS News https://youtu.be/uoC2YFVHhec?si=Ms6nMfFuFHV2Aa0c All of this and more at WRDW.com/agent orange Also Google my name, James M. Cripps
29.3.2024 04:19The latest WRDW Chanel 12 Fort Gordon Agent Orange Use News Broadcast.