I’d much rather be behind the camera than in front of it.
You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. Tarangire National Park, Tanzania, 2022.
#africa #africanwildlife #africawildlife #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #eastafrica #monochrome #nature #naturephotography #pentax #pentaxian #pentaxk1 #pentaxk1mkii #ricohpentax #safari #tanzania #tarangire #tarangirenationalpark #wildlife #wildlifephotography #zebra #zebras
Red-Legged Golden Orb-Weaver spider (Trichonephila Inaurata) with its packed lunch. These are big critters, about the size of a hand! Diani Beach, Kenya, 2023.
#africa #africanwildlife #africawildlife #arachnid #arachnids #araña #araneae #bananaspider #eastafrica #goldenorb #goldenorbweaver #goldensilkorbweaver #kenya #kenyasafari #kenyawildlife #nature #naturephotography #nephila #pentax #pentaxian #pentaxk1 #pentaxk1mkii #ricohpentax #spider #spiders #spiderweb #spin #spinne #spinnen #wildlife #wildlifephotography #zenosafaris
Hating life in Özdere, Izmir, Turkiye. The Greek island Samos in the distance.
#beach #beachlife #goldenhour #greekislands #landscape #landscapephotography #mediterranean #mirror #palm #palmtree #palmtrees #pentax #pentaxian #pentaxk1 #pentaxk1mkii #poolside #reflection #reflections #ricohpentax #sunset #sunsetphotography #sunsets #swimming #travel #travelphotography #turkey #turkiye #wanderlust
Sunset over Es Vedrà, Ibiza, Spain. With a Little Planet thrown in for fun.
#baleares #esvedra #esvedrà #ibiza #ibizavibes #island #islandlife #landscape #landscapephotography #littleplanet #panorama #panoramaphotography #pentax #pentaxian #ricohpentax #spain #sunset #sunsetphotography #sunsets
Our Shiva being a reluctant meowdel, giving me his signature "blue steel" pose.
When I first bought my Pentax Q-S1, I read about using Yashica 8mm cine lenses on it. These lenses can be mounted with a D-to-PQ adapter (link below), though only with manual focus and aperture control.
I managed to find an affordable set on eBay: the 13mm f/1.4 and the 38mm f/1.5. The 13mm is particularly interesting—it has a swirly bokeh and, with a full-frame equivalent focal length of 60mm, works well for portraits. However, there is some vignetting.
Focusing at f/1.4 on the small camera display is tricky, so I usually take multiple exposures while slowly moving in, hoping one will be sharp.
D–PQ mount adapter: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/322952265679
#8mm #bokehlicious #bokeh #cat #cats #catsofmastodon #catsofpixelfed #cattitude #caturdayeveryday #chat #cinelens #cinelenses #gatos #gatti #kat #katten #katze #katzen #kedi #kitties #kitty #meowdel #moggie #moggiemonday #pentax #pentaxian #pentaxq #pentaxqs1 #ricohpentax #swirlybokeh #tabby #tabbycat #yashica #猫
Santa Antão, Cape Verde, 2004.
This panorama was stitched together from 12 handheld portrait-oriented shots.
#africa #analogphotography #caboverde #capeverde #capverde #film #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #hiking #hikingadventures #island #islandlife #kapverde #kapverden #kodak #kodakportra #landscape #landscapephotography #nature #naturephotography #panorama #panoramaphotography #pentax #pentaxian #santoantao #travel #travelphotography #wanderlust #westafrica
If birds of prey are your thing, then India must be paradise. It is home to a remarkable variety of raptors, including eagles, hawks, falcons, and vultures. They are not shy either, and any rooftop offers incredible opportunities for birdwatching.
All of these shots were captured handheld using a 70-200mm f/2.8 lens.
#asia #bird #birding #birdofprey #birdphotography #birds #birdsofprey #birdwatching #india #jodhpur #kite #kites #nature #naturephotography #pentax #pentaxian #pentaxk1 #pentaxk1mkii #rajasthan #raptor #raptors #ricohpentax #travel #travelphotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography
I was given this vintage Pentax by a friend who inherited it from his father. Knowing my fondness for the Pentax brand, he thought it would find a good home with me. I must admit, though, I’ve yet to buy a roll of film for it—something I hope to remedy soon.
In a spontaneous attempt at low-key photography, I experimented with various household items to manipulate light. And instead of my K-1 II with a macro lens, I chose my Q-S1 with the 15-45mm to honor the 110’s compact charm.
#110camera #110film #analogphotography #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #cameraporn #film #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #cameraporn #lomography #lowkey #lowkeyphotography #monochrome #pentax #pentax110 #pentaxauto110 #pentaxian #pentaxq #ricohpentax #vintagecamera
Jambiani Beach, Zanzibar, Tanzania.
#africa #beach #beachlife #boutiquehotel #fishing #fishingboat #fishingboats #gourmet #island #islandlife #pentax #pentaxian #pentaxk1mkii #tanzania #travel #travelphotography #zanzibar #zanzibarbeach #zanzibarhotel