illustration + drawing. Most of my drawings are done on paper using pencil or ink, the coloring is often done digitally.
Stadt für Alle! Neues Buch nun auch gedruckt. Wir haben Initiativen in Leipzig interviewt, die gegen Versiegelung, Gentrifizierung und für mehr Grün kämpfen. Eine Anleitung zum Handeln! Online lesen hier
#leipzig #stadtfueralle
Another illustration i made for a book about people in Leipzig fighting against the construction of brownfields and backyards that have become green spaces. The publication is available here
#leipzig #urbanesgruen #urbangreenspace
And another illustration not totally done yet for a book I'm making about the destruction of urban green spaces. This image is based on an interview with people whose backyard will be constructed on, their garden has already been destroyed. The tree cutters called the cops because a spontaneous protest had formed preventing them from doing what they were paid for. .
#illustration #urbangreenspace #biodiversity
Editorial illustration for a website, in the color scheme of that website, illustrating diversity.
#illustration #drawing #zeichnung #diversity
pine trees
#pinetree #kiefer #pin #inkdrawing
infrastructural drawings: last in the series (for now). In February 2024, a farmer in Saskatchewan found the debris of a SpaceX Crew Dragon trunk on his farm. There might be many more events such as this one in the future. Wikipedia has a list of items of space debris that fell on Earth since 1960.
#illustration #infrastructuraldrawing #spacejunk #spacedebris #starlink #spacex
infrastructural illustration: there are more than 31,000 objects floating in Earths' orbit that are considered space junk. It's even been considered that intelligent civilzations who start to go into space, end up covering their home planets in space debris, making it impossible to leave.. hence we never meet alien life forms.
#spacejunk #satellites #starlink #kesslersyndrome #infrastructuraldrawing #illustration
infrastructural drawing: long exposures of the sky show trails of satellites. Starlink currently has 6,700 satellites in orbit, and they plan to shoot more than 30,000 up there. This is not only a visual problem, but also an issue for radio telescopes on Earth which cannot "hear" space anymore.
Internet via satellite is really bullshit though, it's useful for very remote places, sure, but most of Earth's internet traffic goes through submarine cables, which are waaaay faster, easier to maintain, and create much less junk.
#illustration #infrastructure #infrastructuraldrawing #starlink #spacejunk #satelliteinternet
This is now a little series of infrastructural drawings. Here, Starlink satellites being sent into space.
(I'm not at all defender of this type of technology, as follow-up posts will hopefully show. Maybe the fact that one can barely see the Big Dipper in this image is a sign of that already.)
#infrastructuraldrawing #infrastructural #illustration #femaleillustrator #starlink #starlinkinternet
next in the series of infrastructural drawings, mobile phone antennas on a mast and electric grass.
(Actually the grass is drawn from the AMP Slot 1 CPU Terminator 788555)
#infrastructuraldrawing #infrastructure #mobileantenna #mobilenetwork #CPUterminator #illustration #illustrator #femaleillustrator