A place for general news, support ect for the trans community. Rules: [ol] [li]No racism, sexism, homophobia, or otherwise bigoted commentary[/li] [li]You may post pictures of your own transitioning but if you are going to post multiple pictures in a short amount of time p[/li] [/ol] lease keep it contained to one thread. 3. no surveys or studies [b]New rules effective March 8th, 2022:[/b] [ol] [li]no debate. If you had a demonstrably better solution to trans healthcare you would be bothering the medical community, not this one.[/li] [li]no misinformation. comments/posts containing unverified conspiracy theories are subject to removal and a possible ban[/li] [/ol] icon is the transgender symbol from the openmoji project licensed CC-BY-SA 4.0: [url=https://openmoji.org/library/#emoji=26A7]openmoji.org/library/#emoji=26A7[/url] icon license: [url=https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/]creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/[/url]
Tags: commentary creativecommons demonstrably emoji homophobia misinformation transgender transitioning