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Comment on Living in a Fascist Country – Day 16 by Tasha Kostolany


In reply to <a href="">Eva</a>. thank you Eva for that insight.

15.2.2025 00:26Comment on Living in a Fascist Country – Day 16 by Tasha Kostolany

Comment on Living in a Fascist Country – Day 16 by Eva


In reply to <a href="">Tasha Kostolany</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Thank you for your post, Tasha. G is right. Ken Williams and others too.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Regarding the AfD: the party has been established in 2013, by ex CDU members. The CDU is pro-European, they are not. And (guess what?) the AfD is for closer relationships with <em>Russia</em>.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>And... Merkel? That commenter tells BS. The name of the party itself is against her. She is associated to the slogan "There is no alternative" (to liberal capitalism, meaning Merkel sees it as the only viable system). So they called themselves "Alternative für Deutschland" (Alternative for Germany). Then, since at least 2015, they became more blatantly extremist.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>As for the extreme-right propagandists liars and their misguided followers hypocritically parroting the phrase 'common sense' (despite lacking most of it themselves). It is a tactic to:</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:list {"ordered":true} --> <ol class="wp-block-list"><!-- wp:list-item --> <li>Normalize the extreme right nonsense (see how that commenter also tries to normalize Trump and Musk).</li> <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- wp:list-item --> <li>Frame their (in fact) controversial and extreme views as rational and widely accepted.</li> <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- wp:list-item --> <li>Delegitimize their target, portraying them as out of touch or irrational (e.g. against trans people).</li> <!-- /wp:list-item --></ol> <!-- /wp:list --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>This manipulative tactic is akin to psychological projection, observed in psychopathic individuals.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Russia is waging a war against democracy. Not just directly, as in Ukraine. Russia and friends couldn't win militarily against the free world united. They resort to sneaky strategies, leveraging corrupt politicians, bots, and propagandists on social media (let alone the Space Karen that "always wondered why NATO continued to exist"), while exploiting the (often willful) ignorance of those who parrot their manipulative messages. Divide et impera. They incite hate and divide our society, encourage countries to leave the EU, isolate the USA from its allies.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

14.2.2025 05:59Comment on Living in a Fascist Country – Day 16 by Eva

Comment on Living in a Fascist Country – Day 16 by Ken Williams


In reply to <a href="">sandrinedallinvanbeeck</a>. My name is Ken, not John. So, Bodo Ramelow is a "far left" bloke? Tell you something: A "far left" president of a german state is still way more trustworthy than a proto-fascist by the AfD. At least for my jewish friends.

11.2.2025 17:24Comment on Living in a Fascist Country – Day 16 by Ken Williams

Anonymous Issues DIRE WARNING — MAGA is at war with the working class


Anonymous Issues DIRE WARNING — MAGA is at war with the working class #fascism #Coup #trumpCoup #elonmusk #MAGA #illegal #King #TrumpIsACancer #StopTheOligarchy #Oligarchy #Anonymous #Musk #MuskTreason #Resist and #DoNotCollaborateWithFascists in #USpol #mediaFail

10.2.2025 23:44Anonymous Issues DIRE WARNING — MAGA is at war with the working class

Comment on Living in a Fascist Country – Day 16 by sandrinedallinvanbeeck


In reply to <a href="">Ken Williams</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> Dear John. <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> You think this is funny ? Ok … I will explain it for you: <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> Any goverment set the rules how politics has to work for the time after they are elected, right ? <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> The president (or in germany the chancellor) hast the directive competence and choose the ministers for the different departments. Those ministers choose deputies and senior officials. Those senior officials also choose other staff, more down on the ladder, with leading competence, agree ? <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> So since the german goverment is a (rest) coalition of two left wing parties … what direction in politics view would you expect then ? Or would you assume that those departments are neutral and operate in a non-political space ? Not really, right ? <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> What head of (intelligence) intelligence service I meant in particular, was Stephan J. Kramer in Thuringia. This guy was set in office from the former far-left wing minister president, Bodo Ramelow. I´m sure you´ve heard about those two, since it seems that you are from germany ?! <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> When you think a moment about those facts, do you really think my statement is pure, made up nonsense ? <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> That would require a considerable denial of reality, wouldn´t it ? <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> Friendly greetings <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> San <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

9.2.2025 18:06Comment on Living in a Fascist Country – Day 16 by sandrinedallinvanbeeck

Comment on Living in a Fascist Country – Day 16 by Ken Williams


In reply to <a href="">sandrinedallinvanbeeck</a>. "The AfD in germany is flaged as “secured right wing extremist” in only 3 (of 16) states in germany. Those are (surprisingly ?) the ones where this party has the biggest success at elections. And … one of this states have a head of the intelligence service, that is far left wing and also very controversial." You'd call the German Intelligence "far left wing"? HAHAHAHAHA. (Same as Mrs. Weidel, AfD, prominently states in a chat with her Ketamin-Friend Musk, that Hitler was a Communist.) That's your world, your imagination, fueled by the AfD-Narrative and it's pure nonsense. Don't spread it.

9.2.2025 15:44Comment on Living in a Fascist Country – Day 16 by Ken Williams

Comment on Living in a Fascist Country – Day 16 by Ken Williams


In reply to <a href="">sandrinedallinvanbeeck</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Citing Lübbe makes it even worse. Now I get, where Sandrine draw her "common sense" thing from.<br>"Lübbes philosophical work focuses on a theory of <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">modern civilization</a> and <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">liberal democracy</a>. A prominent opponent of the <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">protests of 1968</a> in Germany, he analyzed the acceleration of social change and emphasized the relevance of <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">common sense</a>, traditional <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">virtues</a>, stable political <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">institutions</a> and <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">religious orientations</a> in modern, highly dynamic societies. Criticized by <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">Jürgen Habermas</a> as one of the leading representatives of German <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">neoconservatism</a> in the 1970s and 1980s (...)"</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

9.2.2025 15:35Comment on Living in a Fascist Country – Day 16 by Ken Williams

Comment on Living in a Fascist Country – Day 16 by sandrinedallinvanbeeck


In reply to <a href="">Ken Williams</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> In 1984 wrote the german Philosopher Hermann Lübbe an essay about “Political moralism. The triumph of conviction over judgment”. It is about the "technique", that criticism of National Socialism degenerates into an “instrument of moral and political delegitimization of any current opponent”. <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> This is exact what you guys performing. <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> “Instead of contradicting the views and intentions of the political opponent with factual arguments … one qualifies the person of this opponent by moralizing and publicly … outraged about what kind of person he is.” <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> That is the "new style" in political debate. In the US and in the EU. No one is debating about the pros and cons of an political idea anymore. When you deligetimate the opponent as far right, insane, mental ill or what ever ... it is a very comfy situation. With people who are "obviously" insane ... you don´t need to debate. It is so much more easy, to fight the person and not to come to terms with the idea, itself. <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> For Lübbe, the moralizing form of political debate always harbours the danger of “ending in the triumph of good sentiment over the laws of reason”. Nothing is more in need of criticism than criticism, and no one is less morally and politically exempt than the political moralist, Lübbe points out. <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> “Then the current German bad habit of turning every moral and political issue into an example of anti-fascist sentiment whenever possible degenerates criticism of National Socialism into a rationally used instrument for the moral and political delegitimization of any current opponent.” <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> Example: "Trump followers come in two “flavors” – those people who enjoy hurting others for their own advancement and the the rest who have no critical thinking skills and will be swallowed up by Trumps anti-societal policies." So Trump followers are malicious or stupid. There is nothing in between. So no need to discuss one sigle political view with those creeps. Handy ! <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> The AfD in germany is flaged as "secured right wing extremist" in only 3 (of 16) states in germany. Those are (surprisingly ?) the ones where this party has the biggest success at elections. And ... one of this states have a head of the intelligence service, that is far left wing and also very controversial. Also here ... no details about why they state so. They have even classified the report on which their decision is based as secret. <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> Moreover: The experiment with the frog is an urban legend. Biologists have prooved it wrong. <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> Already in 2019 the Wall Street Journal wrote, that germany has the most stupid energy politic in the whole world. Since then, there is no discussion about the contents of this politicy ... only yelling about "climate change deniers". <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> So in general: When someone states that he has the whole and only truth and all others are in every field idiots or malicious, dangerous scum. I would expect that you question that at some point and look for to balance the arguments . In the past we did this. Nowdays this happens less and less or not at all. This ultimately abolishes a culture of debate. And when you do not debate politicies anymore ... what do we have then ? <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> What I ultimately want to achieve is a little more consideration, a little more disarmament in the linguistic debate and a little less foaming at the mouth. And the other thing is: I wanted to question if a blog about sailing in SL, where the most people often seek some distraction from their hard RL, is the right place to deal with such questions. <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> That´s it from me. Now you can call me names or state that I am an idiot. <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

8.2.2025 23:28Comment on Living in a Fascist Country – Day 16 by sandrinedallinvanbeeck

Comment on Living in a Fascist Country – Day 16 by Ken Williams


In reply to <a href="">sandrinedallinvanbeeck</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Sandrine spricht bewusst die Unwahrheit und spielt mit der Unkenntnis der Menschen außerhalb der BRD über die aktuelle politische Situation in diesem Land.<br>Die AfD ist eine rechtsextremistische Partei, seit Jahren beobachtet vom Verfassungsschutz im Bund und den Bundesländern. Die AdD ist derart rechts, dass sie im Europäischen Parlament sogar von Marine Le Pen, Rassemblement National, aufgrund der "Remigrations"-Phantasie der AfD aus der (ebenso rechtsextremen) Fraktion Identität und Demokratie rausgeworfen wurde. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>"You also have obviously no idea about the content of the AfD party in germany. They stand for the things, the party of the former cancellor Merkel, had 20 years ago. We called it “common sense” here."<br><br>Was sollen das für "things" sein, Sandrine? Du redest BS.<br>Common sense here is to oppose the agreements between a more subtle rightwing but neoliberal party, CDU and an openly ultra-neoliberal and protofascist party, the AfD. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

8.2.2025 21:31Comment on Living in a Fascist Country – Day 16 by Ken Williams

Comment on Living in a Fascist Country – Day 16 by Tasha Kostolany


In reply to <a href="">John L</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Thank you John</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

7.2.2025 02:03Comment on Living in a Fascist Country – Day 16 by Tasha Kostolany

Comment on Living in a Fascist Country – Day 16 by Tasha Kostolany


In reply to <a href="">G</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Thank you G. Hugs</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

7.2.2025 02:02Comment on Living in a Fascist Country – Day 16 by Tasha Kostolany

Living in a Fascist Country – Day 16


“[There are two kinds of dangers we have set up for ourselves.] One: “we have arranged a society based on science and technology in which nobody [ and I mean nobody in the general public] understands anything about science and technology . This combustible mixture of ignorance and power is, sooner or later, going to […]

5.2.2025 12:10Living in a Fascist Country – Day 16

Living in a Fascist Country


My personal reflections “What happened was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to be governed by surprise, to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if people […]

20.1.2025 06:35Living in a Fascist Country

Feedback – Mini Transat


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21.3.2024 21:16Feedback – Mini Transat

Motor Loon’s – Memorial


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15.2.2024 06:09Motor Loon’s – Memorial

Mini Transat by Lalia and Ixeya


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9.2.2024 23:58Mini Transat by Lalia and Ixeya

Kyrenia Merchant Ship


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2.2.2024 18:51Kyrenia Merchant Ship

The Uluburun – 14 century BCE shipwreck


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26.1.2024 20:19The Uluburun – 14 century BCE shipwreck

The “Roar Ege” by Linteus Dench


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24.1.2024 22:38The “Roar Ege” by Linteus Dench

Start-Line Anywhere Committee Boat by N O E (Noelita Noel)


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15.4.2023 17:30Start-Line Anywhere Committee Boat by N O E (Noelita Noel)


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