Musician from [url=]#Leipzig[/url]. Born at 332 ppm in [url=]#DDR[/url]. When I was 13 the iron curtain fell - one of the strangest events I experienced. When the dust settled I started making music. Just released my first EP "Arbeit oder Liebe" ('love or labour '), whose title track I wrote in a dream. [url=][/url] Torsten Torsten aus Leipzig macht Musik. Schreibt [url=]#Lieder[/url], singt und spielt Gitarre, [url=]#Hackbrett[/url], [url=]#Duduk[/url] und [url=]#Loopstation[/url]. =) [url=]#nobot[/url] [url=]#creativecommons[/url]
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