Visual artist, now living in Barcelona. Probably, with our work we will not be able to change the world, but I like to think that we can give to others a little bit of hope. What is art for, if not to create new resistance territories and share them? Probablemente con nuestro trabajo no podremos cambiar el mundo, pero me gusta pensar que al menos podemos ofrecer un poco de esperanza. ¿Para que sirve el arte si no para crear nuevos territorios de resistencia y compartirlos con los demás?
Tags: barcelona compartirlos esperanza podremos probablemente probably resistance resistencia territories territorios
RSS-Bridge tried to fetch a page on a website. But it doesn't exists.
#0 index.php(72): RssBridge->main()
#1 lib/RssBridge.php(103): DisplayAction->execute()
#2 actions/DisplayAction.php(68): DisplayAction->createResponse()
#3 actions/DisplayAction.php(117): FeedMergeBridge->collectData()
#4 bridges/FeedMergeBridge.php(82): FeedExpander->collectExpandableDatas()
#5 lib/FeedExpander.php(21): getContents()
#6 lib/contents.php(110): HttpException::fromResponse()
#7 lib/http.php(26)
14.3.2025 18:35Bridge returned error 404! (20161)