urban citizen living in vienna. Profilbild: Ein räumlich gefaltetes schwarzes Textil mit quadratischem Muster. location earth. city vienna. work art / architecture / furniture / citymaking. passion gardening / Recht auf Stadt! [url=https://pixelfed.de/@tofposse@chaos.social]@tofposse@chaos.social[/url]
Die Zwergmarille Aprigold Prunus armeniaca hat jetzt auf unserer Grätzloase ihren ersten Winter verbracht. Bin schon gespannt auf den Frühling, die ersten Blätter und vielleicht auch Blüten.
Laut eines mir bekannten Bauern aus dem Waldviertel ist der Winter bald vorüber, da bereits die Gänse angekommen sind.
#Zwergmarille #Prunusarmeniaca #garden #garten #grätzloase #tofsgarden
it was a great monday working in the studio. I love beeing here! atm I am finishing some shelfs for a new customer. it´s a kitchen project we already work on for many month, finally all the decisions are made and we start building.
#favouritefurniturereplacement #viennesefurniture
#plywood #birchplywood #plywoodfurniture #custommadefurniture
#appliedarts #appliedart
#angewandtekunst #fortheloveofply
In 2009 I build my first piece of furniture, this stool made of found, weathered wood. I was interested in the function of a body and its relation to the human body. since then I build more and more furnitures in my little workshop here in vienna. since some years I manufacture all these objects under the label of FAVOURITE FURNITURE REPLACEMENT.
More coming soon . .
#ffr #favouritefurniturereplacement #madeinvienna #stool #furniture #viennesefurniture #custommadefurniture #hocker #möbelbau
#appliedarts #appliedart #appliedartsdesign #angewandtekunst #art
Weiß ist eine meiner Lieblingsfarben im Garten. Die Gemüse-Gänsedistel blüht gerade mitten im Februar. Die gelbe Blüte verwandelt sich nun von gelb zu weiß.
#GemüseGänsedistel #Sonchusoleraceus #garten #garden #TofsGarden
closeup of the yellow round clay object from the last picture.
no title (click&treat)
29 x 24 x 4 cm (rectangle object)
40 x 12 mm (round object)
#art #mastoart #artistframe #contemporaryart #pixelfedart #lehm #clay #mud #linseedoil #lime
Within the last two years I started to experiment and work with materials I did not use before. this wall-piece is made of a found and weathered woodenartist frame, a leftover plywood plate with linseed oil paint and a little round object made of mud/clay, swamp lime paint and pigments.
no title (click&treat)
29 x 24 x 4 cm (rectangle object)
40 x 12 mm (round object)
weathered wood, plywood, linseed oil paint, mud (clay), swamp lime paint, pigments
#art #mastoart #artistframe #contemporaryart #pixelfedart #lehm #clay #mud #linseedoil #lime
I finished this piece in 2024. It´s part of my Bananas Series that I started in 2009. This body of work is related to banana boxes, a waste-product of the worldwide capitalistic circulation.
The artist frame of this piece has no glas, its made of black stained wood and a leftover plate of plywood. The ingres paper with a grid made with linseed-oil is mounted with magnets.
no title (bananas series)
27,5 x 24,5 cm
ingres paper, linseed-oil, magnets,nails,stained wood, plywood
#art #mastoart #artistframe #contemporaryart #bananaseries
Kleine, modellhafte Skulpur aus Lehm und Rabitzgewebe (Ziegel und Draht) aus 2024.
Ohne Titel.
Die Größe ist variabel und hier in ca 10x15x5cm ausgeführt.
#lehm #rabitz #skulptur #sculpture #mastoart #art
In the process of slowly quitting insta I will slighltly change the concept of this account. TofsGarden will bill just one of many collections.
These pictures are about some serious neighbourhood business. This is an old cart I found on the street, gave him a new wooden transportation surface, made of found wood.
I bought a combination lock and connected the cart with a found steelchain to a municipal bike rack.
now it is ready to use for me and the neighbours who need to transport stuff. his name is mad max.
#stuwerhood #neighbourhoodassistance #careandrepair #solarpunk #madmax #rechtaufstadt #wemgehörtdiestadt
Auch der Januar bringt Blüten im städtischen Vorgarten. Der Stängellosen Schlüsselblume (Primula vulgaris) ist kein Monat zu winterlich.
#Schlüsselblume #StängelloseSchlüsselblume #primulavulgaris #garten #garden #TofsGarden