Mostly physics and astronomy stuff
Tags: astronomy
Replica of a Galileo made telescope (1609) and the Newton telescope design (1673), illustrating the difference in size between Galilean refractive design and the much more compact Newtonian reflective telescope. Parque de las Ciencias, Granada. #physics #astronomy #historyofscience
5.3.2025 12:48Replica of a Galileo made telescope (1609) and the Newton telescope design (1673), illustrating the difference in size between Galilean refractive des...
Bohr model of the Radium atom, early 20:th century #physics #historyofscience
10.2.2025 05:26Bohr model of the Radium atom, early 20:th century #physics #historyofscience
Opened vacuum chamber for optical experiments at unknown* beamline in the #LIDYL laser laboratory. #physics #laser #attosecond (*If any names were given I forgot, and the website has no trace of this facility)
4.2.2024 20:16Opened vacuum chamber for optical experiments at unknown* beamline in the #LIDYL laser laboratory. #physics #laser #attosecond (*If any names were giv...
The first reliability engineering on the web.
4.12.2023 08:09The first reliability engineering on the web.
A Newtonian telescope and a Galileo style refractive telescope. #physics #astronomy Also shown is the title page of Galileo's Sidereus Nuncius which made him first to announce seeing mountains on the moon #historyofastronomy
28.11.2023 19:47A Newtonian telescope and a Galileo style refractive telescope. #physics #astronomy Also shown is the title page of Galileo's Sidereus Nuncius which m...