I’m in your Nintendo Switch
Tags: nintendo
Photon catch from my backyard: The Flaming Star Nebula in Auriga
🔭🧪 #astrophotography
Eero the cat
5.1.2023 16:23Eero the cat
Cat wash #cats
2.1.2019 13:57Cat wash #cats
Dog teeths
28.12.2018 18:07Dog teeths
Now Witness the Firepower of this fully Armed and Operational Battle Station
28.12.2018 15:47Now Witness the Firepower of this fully Armed and Operational Battle Station
28.12.2018 15:23Bonfire
28.12.2018 02:02Cheers
Road trip
27.12.2018 22:27Road trip
#c64 #commodore #8bit #retrocomputing #buttons #commodorelyfe
26.12.2018 14:27#c64 #commodore #8bit #retrocomputing #buttons #commodorelyfe
Crazy cat gentleman #selfie
26.12.2018 14:01Crazy cat gentleman #selfie