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Tags: thoughts
In reply to <a href="https://thewavesofwords.wordpress.com/2025/01/08/story_rebellionofsenses/comment-page-1/#comment-29">विभूतीराज उटणे</a>.
मनाने मनावर घेतलं तरच शरीर व्यवस्था नीट चालू राहील.
छान. मनाने तयारी दाखवलीये म्हणता काम होईल अशी आशा आहे. नाहीतर परत हे कार्यकर्ते संपावर जातील.
12.1.2025 12:35Comment on ज्ञानेंद्रियांचा संप by विभूतीराज उटणेझोप लागल्यावर नेहमीप्रमाणे शरीरव्यवस्थेची बैठक सुरु झाली. मनाचा त्रास होऊ नये म्हणून त्याला दुसऱ्या खोलीत स्वप्नपट सुरु करून दिला गेला. इकडे सगळी मंडळी आपापल्या जागी बसली. प्रधान ‘मेंदू’ यायचे होते, दिवसभराच्या कामांनी तेसुद्धा थकून गेले होते. आज त्वचा, नाक आणि जीभ यांनी एक आवेदन तयार केले होते. प्रधान मेंदू आल्या आल्या त्यांनी त्यांच्या समोर आपले […]
8.1.2025 03:30ज्ञानेंद्रियांचा संपIn reply to <a href="https://thewavesofwords.wordpress.com/2023/12/26/the-beauty-of-missing-things/comment-page-1/#comment-13">Anonymous</a>. Thank you!
19.12.2024 14:17Comment on The Beauty of Missing Things by Mandar Kulkarniओंकार पांडव लिखित श्री छत्रपती संभाजी महाराजांवरील मराठी वीररसपूर्ण काव्यरचनांचा संग्रह
26.10.2024 03:15Book Review : शंभू बावनीप्रणव सखदेव लिखित नवतरूण वर्गाचे चित्रण असलेली कादंबरी
19.10.2024 02:30Book Review : काळेकरडे स्ट्रोक्सडॉ. बाळ फोंडके लिखित विज्ञान-गुप्तहेर कथासंग्रह
12.10.2024 02:45Book Review : खिडकीलाही डोळे असतातTruth and Knowledge are two sides of a same coin, in my opinion. But why is it so? Let's find out with this article.
8.9.2024 04:30Truth about the truthIn reply to <a href="https://thewavesofwords.wordpress.com/2024/08/31/zinnia/comment-page-1/#comment-26">Anonymous</a>. धन्यवाद!
31.8.2024 16:55Comment on झिनिया by Mandar Kulkarni<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>khup chhan</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
31.8.2024 16:55Comment on झिनिया by AnonymousIn reply to <a href="https://thewavesofwords.wordpress.com/2024/08/31/zinnia/comment-page-1/#comment-24">Anonymous</a>.
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>जणू काही झेनिया शी हितगुज चालायचं तुझं येता जाताना अकोला मंगरुळपीरला छानच</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
31.8.2024 11:48Comment on झिनिया by Anonymousमॅजेंटा रंगाची अनभिषिक्त सम्राज्ञी... निसर्गचित्र कलेची सुरवात... प्रस्तुत आहे झिनिया!
31.8.2024 07:30झिनियाम्हणायला जावं तर करवंदी आणि तुळस ह्या दोन्हीही वनस्पती एकाच जातकुळीतल्या. मात्र वेगवेगळी, किंबहुना दुसऱ्या टोकांवरची आयुष्ये जगत असताना केवळ माणसांच्या इच्छेखातर एकाच अंगणात जेव्हा त्या येतात व एकमेकींशी संवाद साधतात तो नेमका कसा उलगडतो ह्याची ही कथा.
7.7.2024 05:49करवंदी आणि तुळसIn reply to <a href="https://thewavesofwords.wordpress.com/2024/05/28/anadimianantmi/comment-page-1/#comment-22">Anonymous</a>.
Thank you!
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>masta!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
28.5.2024 13:41Comment on एक उत्कट आव्हान: अनादि मी, अनंत मी… by AnonymousIn reply to <a href="https://thewavesofwords.wordpress.com/2024/05/28/anadimianantmi/comment-page-1/#comment-20">Anonymous</a>.
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<p>अद्वितीय </p>
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ह्या संपूर्ण कवितेत स्वा. सावरकरांनी ज्या उत्कटतेने आणि प्रतिभेने आपल्या मनातील भावना मांडल्या आहेत त्यांना तोड नाही. त्यांच्यासारखा क्रांतिकारी, देशभक्त आणि मातृभूमीसाठी मृत्यूशीदेखील लढायला तयार असलेला कवी पुन्हा होणे नाही. 'आत्मबल' हे त्यांनी ह्या कवितेला दिलेले शीर्षक आहे. ही कविता वाचल्यावर आणि ऐकल्यावर ह्या शीर्षकाची सार्थता आपल्या लक्षात आल्याखेरीज राहणार नाही.
28.5.2024 08:52एक उत्कट आव्हान: अनादि मी, अनंत मी…In reply to <a href="https://thewavesofwords.wordpress.com/2024/03/02/what-is-fair/comment-page-1/#comment-18">Anonymous</a>.
Thank you!
#Love Frm मंगरूळकर
In reply to <a href="https://thewavesofwords.wordpress.com/2024/03/02/what-is-fair/comment-page-1/#comment-16">Anonymous</a>.
Thank you so much
It truly reminded me of my childhood where me and my siblings used to enjoy these fairs alot !!
4.3.2024 16:22Comment on What is fair? by AnonymousIn reply to <a href="https://thewavesofwords.wordpress.com/2024/03/02/what-is-fair/comment-page-1/#comment-14">Anonymous</a>.
Thank you!
As my childhood also gone in mangulpir I know everything you say i memories all that moments i experienced
4.3.2024 15:05Comment on What is fair? by AnonymousThe article presents a vivid description of a traditional fair, known as Jatra or Mela in Indian languages. Located in the town of Mangrul, the fair offers a variety of experiences including rides, circus and magician shows, and shopping.
2.3.2024 03:30What is fair?The journey of your communication is like walking on a wooden bridge. You don't realise when you have started walking on it. But once you look down, you might get scared. When you get comfortable enough with it, you are confident once again. Similar is my journey as told below.
18.2.2024 16:30A Journey of Beginning CommunicationIn reply to <a href="https://thewavesofwords.wordpress.com/2023/12/26/the-beauty-of-missing-things/comment-page-1/#comment-9">Anonymous</a>. Enjoyed it!!
25.1.2024 16:16Comment on The Beauty of Missing Things by AnonymousIn reply to <a href="https://thewavesofwords.wordpress.com/2024/01/25/to-write-in-air/comment-page-1/#comment-11">Anonymous</a>.
Thank you so much!
Beautifully penned :)
25.1.2024 15:34Comment on To write in the air: No more Fiction by AnonymousHave you ever thought if you could create something out of blue, out of nowhere? If you have not done it yet, then I am sure this piece of writing will help you out!
25.1.2024 13:30To write in the air: No more Fictionसहसा माणूस कविता, लेख, निबंध, पत्र असं काहीतरी लिहीत असतो. तेही कधीकाळी शाळेत परीक्षेच्या प्रश्नात विचारलेले असते म्हणून. पण हे पत्र आहे एका विशेष कवितेसाठी ..
14.1.2024 03:30एका कवितेस पत्रIn reply to <a href="https://thewavesofwords.wordpress.com/2023/12/26/the-beauty-of-missing-things/comment-page-1/#comment-9">Anonymous</a>. Thank you so much!
6.1.2024 17:18Comment on The Beauty of Missing Things by Mandar KulkarniGlad to enjoy it.entertaining
6.1.2024 17:13Comment on The Beauty of Missing Things by AnonymousWhat is my/our identity? Who am I/ Who are we?These questions have always worried the human mind. Can we truly answer it? Let use see if we can.
5.1.2024 11:30I identify as a human/beingIn reply to <a href="https://thewavesofwords.wordpress.com/2023/12/26/the-beauty-of-missing-things/comment-page-1/#comment-7">Anonymous</a>.
Thank you so much Mithila, I am glad you enjoyed it !
Hi Mandar, you have put your thoughts so well, especially your childhood instances that you have shared giving altogether a different twist to convey the message (at least my take - don’t take life too seriously, enjoy every bit of it). Appreciate the good in life, the amazing thing about ordinary moments is how they can turn into precious moments! Keep writing and sharing! Best wishes :) - Mithila
26.12.2023 11:20Comment on The Beauty of Missing Things by AnonymousIn reply to <a href="https://thewavesofwords.wordpress.com/2023/12/26/the-beauty-of-missing-things/comment-page-1/#comment-5">Anonymous</a>.
Thank you so much! I am glad you liked it!
Amazingly written especially the way you used known phrases idioms and extracted new meaning and ways out of it… Just awesome
26.12.2023 08:28Comment on The Beauty of Missing Things by AnonymousIn reply to <a href="https://thewavesofwords.wordpress.com/2023/12/26/the-beauty-of-missing-things/comment-page-1/#comment-2">Anonymous</a>. Thank you !
26.12.2023 07:35Comment on The Beauty of Missing Things by Mandar KulkarniIn reply to <a href="https://thewavesofwords.wordpress.com/2023/12/26/the-beauty-of-missing-things/comment-page-1/#comment-1">Anonymous</a>.
Thank you so much!
26.12.2023 07:27Comment on The Beauty of Missing Things by AnonymousIndeed an excellent read Mandar!
Keep up the good work
If you see a smile with few teeth missing, would you call it beautiful? Well generally you might say no but after reading this you may change your mind.
26.12.2023 06:15The Beauty of Missing Things