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President Biden granted an expansive pardon to his son, Hunter, covering all federal crimes from 2014 to 2024. This decision creates a political dilemma for Democrats, as it suggests favoritism and erodes public trust in justice. Some Democrats have begun distancing themselves from Biden in anticipation of potential backlash linked to ongoing allegations of corruption involving Hunter.
3.12.2024 00:29Biden Pardons Hunter – Democrats Need Condemn Him to Prevent Blowback on the PartyGood analysis! Balanced, smart.
22.10.2024 20:34Comment on Two Weeks Until Election: Kamala is in Trouble, but Not Out Yet by asager13gmailcomThe 2024 election is in two weeks and Kamala is falling behind in the polls. That said, she has a chance to pull out a victory if she has a stronger ground operation than Trump.
22.10.2024 20:08Two Weeks Until Election: Kamala is in Trouble, but Not Out Yet[…] Do You Know What You Are Eating? The Progressive Cynic. September 2013. […]
25.7.2024 03:27Comment on Do You Know What You are Eating? by My First Impressions – BIOTECH+ARTIn reply to <a href="">sandraabornsteingmailcom</a>. <!-- wp:list {"ordered":true} --> <ol class="wp-block-list"><!-- wp:list-item --> <li>He didn't actually make the decision on his own. Pelosi and Obama pretty much forced his hand through the donors and leaks. His fundraising was down 75% and his polls were trash. I would bet that he was threatened with the 25th Amendment if he didn't step out of the campaign. There are going to be tell-all books about this in a few years. </li> <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- wp:list-item --> <li>Commentators are wrong about Harris. There is going to be a fight there, because Harris is a manifestly bad candidate. Also, the fact that Biden is now effectively admitting to being unfit has had the predicable outcome of opening Harris up to attacks based on their record. Basically, the Trump people are saying that Kamala was the puppet master for Biden's administration and that all his failures fall on her. It took less than an hour from Biden dropping out for this ad to start running in PA, WI, and MI. <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a></li> <!-- /wp:list-item --> <!-- wp:list-item --> <li>Whitmer saying that she isn't willing to run this year is the equivalent to how, up until about 12 hours ago, the Biden administration was still issuing statements that they look forward to beating Trump in 2024. It's a politically-expedient open lie. If she thinks that she has a chance of winning as VP, she's going to pick that spot every time. </li> <!-- /wp:list-item --></ol> <!-- /wp:list -->
21.7.2024 22:11Comment on Biden is Out of the Race, Who Should Replace Him? by jsager99Hi Josh, I'm out of my mind with delight that Biden has stepped down, and grateful that he finally put the good of the country over his own ego. And I'm sorry that Harris has so much baggage. But the commentators are saying she's a shoo-in, and that nobody will oppose her. Meanwhile, Gretchen Whitmer has said just today that she is not willing to run for any office this year, not even vice president. So that may be a non-starter. L, M
21.7.2024 21:10Comment on Biden is Out of the Race, Who Should Replace Him? by sandraabornsteingmailcomBiden has dropped out of the 2024 race, opening up the ticket to new candidates. Picking Kamala would be a catastrophic mistake. A ticket of Shapiro/Whitmer would have a much higher probability of success.
21.7.2024 19:55Biden is Out of the Race, Who Should Replace Him?<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Cleverly written and highly informative.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><a href="">Fencing Companies Thornton</a><br></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
18.7.2024 06:17Comment on Incarcerated and Incapacitated: The Failing State of Healthcare in Our Prison System by FemikoladeDear J, Smart ideas! Love, D
10.7.2024 11:21Comment on How Biden COULD Solve His Current Crisis by asager13gmailcom[…] current political crisis began because of his horrible “bad night” on the debate stage with Trump. If his performance were […]
9.7.2024 13:15Comment on 2024 Election: The Debate That Ended Biden’s Reelection Campaign by How Biden COULD Solve His Current Crisis | The Progressive Cynic[…] made it clear that I think that Biden is no longer mentally capable, and that his campaign has hit a fatal crisis point, there are several steps that Biden could take to mitigate his current issues if I am wrong. […]
9.7.2024 13:15Comment on Three 2024 Maps: Trump’s Highway to Victory and Biden’s Tightrope by How Biden COULD Solve His Current Crisis | The Progressive Cynic[…] I have made it clear that I think that Biden is no longer mentally capable, and that his campaign has hit a fatal crisis point, there are several steps that Biden could take […]
9.7.2024 13:15Comment on Leaks from Within the Biden Camp Raise a Serious Question: Who is Running the Country? by How Biden COULD Solve His Current Crisis | The Pr...If Biden wishes to demonstrate his competence to serve a 2nd term, there are three simple steps that he can take.
9.7.2024 13:00How Biden COULD Solve His Current CrisisRecent leaks reveal that Biden is effectively, a figurehead and his aides, and family, are making the decisions from behind the scenes. This is a total violation of our system of government and the line of succession. We cannot have unelected, unaccountable, and anonymous people wielding the power of the presidency.
5.7.2024 13:00Leaks from Within the Biden Camp Raise a Serious Question: Who is Running the Country?In reply to <a href="">brian ladyman</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Liberty is inherently more dangerous than not having liberty.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>That's just a duh.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>And every liberty is abused to the injury and death of the innocent.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Liberty and safety cannot coexist.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>And when you restrict liberty on the basis of its abuse, liberty doesn't exist, and criminals dictate what liberties innocents may have.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The reason we established government was to better protect the rights of the innocent over anarchy.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>For the government to then hand those rights back over to the criminals is dereliction of its first duty.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
3.7.2024 07:09Comment on Refuting Anti-Gun Control Arguments by Kevin KershnerBased on current polling numbers and trends, there are three maps that describe the outer edges of what we can expect in the 2024 election. Trump has a wide highway to victory, and can afford to lose multiple battleground states before he is in danger, while Biden has a chance to win, but it is by traversing the narrowest possible electoral tightrope.
3.7.2024 06:22Three 2024 Maps: Trump’s Highway to Victory and Biden’s TightropeOn June 27, 2024, Donald Trump and Joe Biden had their first, and likely last, presidential debate for the cycle. Not to sugarcoat it, this event was a calamity for Joe Biden and, in my opinion, will be the main impetus driving the DNC to replace Biden with another candidate.
28.6.2024 04:412024 Election: The Debate That Ended Biden’s Reelection Campaign© Josh Sager October 29, 2019 Medicare for All is a very simple program that would have an extremely large positive impact on the health and wealth of the American people. It would bring the USA in line with the rest of the developed world, ensuring that all Americans have access to vital healthcare at …
30.10.2019 20:14Medicare For All Will Raise Your Taxes…But Save You MoneyCheck out my most recent article for Truth Against the Machine by following this link: In this article, I look at the emerging movement in Boston, MA, to create supervised injection sites for opiates as part of a harm-reduction model. This is an important fight, as supervised injections are an extremely promising reform that is supported …
23.6.2017 18:46Truth Against the Machine Article: Boston Local Businesses May Be Stopping Heroin Addiction Recovery© Josh Sager – May 2017 This week, FBI director James Comey testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on a variety of issues related to the 2016 election. There were several interesting revelations from his testimony, one of which is that he apparently doesn’t understand what differentiates state-controlled media from a free media. …
5.5.2017 14:00FBI Director Comey Doesn’t Understand the 1st Amendment