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You claim,
like your parents
before you
that killing
and wrath.
Yet, through scrolling streams,
I hear your words,
hurled in hate,
like sharpened stones,
piercing flesh,
ripping apart hearts
of the least
among us.
When …
The post Sharpened Stones appeared first on The Other KLM.
9.3.2025 17:01Sharpened Stones[…] joy,tears don’t drop,but there’s a beat in my chest,a pulse refusing to stop.It spins, it […]
8.3.2025 22:59Comment on Flashback by With Joy - The Other KLM[…] the least of theseShredding self-worth down to the core.True character shines light on how we treat others,The naked, the sick, the poor, in despair.Let's welcome the stranger, ease burdens, let's […]
8.3.2025 22:41Comment on At Least These by The Least of These - The Other KLM[…] trolling amplifies their muted cries,rolling engagement into a desolate, barren land.Who are the least of these, the marginalized? The tortured souls, victims of casual cruelty. Why do they hunger? Why do they […]
8.3.2025 22:38Comment on Yoked With Grace by The Least of These - The Other KLM[…] winter frostand freezewill soon wakeand break earth’ssurface,spreading colorfulsprays of spring’saromatic […]
8.3.2025 22:29Comment on Waiting for Spring by March - The Other KLM[…] bulbs I buriedbefore winter frostand freezewill soon wakeand break earth’ssurface,spreading colorfulsprays of spring’saromatic […]
8.3.2025 22:27Comment on HOPE(less) by March - The Other KLM[…] in bubbles Painting swirling streaksAcross the indigo watersBehind the glass […]
8.3.2025 15:22Comment on Water, Sweet Water by Blue Waters - The Other KLMThe Other KLMThe bulbs I buried
before winter frost
and freeze
will soon wake
and break
spreading colorful
sprays of spring’s
aromatic arrival.
The post March appeared first on The Other KLM.
8.3.2025 13:56March[…] Threads […]
8.3.2025 01:03Comment on Threads by Threads – https://jitendra.net.inLike those
Jesus wept—
not weak felt,
but love kept.
Tears shed
for lands
for hearts
for hands
Tears fall
when justice
when truth
when kindness
Tears stream
to nourish
our scorched …
The post Liberal Tears appeared first on The Other KLM.
2.3.2025 10:27Liberal TearsBeloved child,
gentle one.
Your wisdom,
in silver gray,
shouts kindness
in soft whispers,
words learned
in humble
noble youth.
The post Threads appeared first on The Other KLM.
1.3.2025 12:22ThreadsIn reply to <a href="https://theotherklm.com/2025/02/23/stars/#comment-2112">Ajita Sharma</a>. Thank you. I appreciate the recognition.
1.3.2025 11:59Comment on Astra Invicta by TheOtherKLMIs it fate?
My destiny?
Scribbled in the stars—
faraway stars,
those unreachable stars—
that guide my steps
along paths—
dark paths I do not choose.
Is it fate?
My life,
simply a game of chance,
played like a …
The post Astra Invicta appeared first on The Other KLM.
23.2.2025 12:46Astra InvictaBottomless
blue waters,
where warm
currents cradle
savage energy.
And storms,
in violent fits.
Tempests swirl in
whispered rage,
clapping thunder,
causing chaos.
Surely you
will carry destruction
when you hit
Our land,
intentionally sliced …
The post The Gulf appeared first on The Other KLM.
22.2.2025 12:38The GulfIn reply to <a href="https://theotherklm.com/2025/02/15/like-the-word/#comment-2067">Things on my mind</a>. Thank you. I am glad the flow moved you. That's what this poet hopes to achieve with everything I write. Sometimes it's the small moments that make the biggest ripples.
19.2.2025 00:17Comment on Water, Like the Word by TheOtherKLMFractured
smiles, shattered
like glass, cracking
wide. Eyes
unseeing, hearts
collide. Happiness
hoarded, scarce
and thin
as if more
for you means
less within.
crowds, hollow
cheer. Voices
loud to mask
our fear. Laughter
sharp, brittle
sounds. …
The post Disjointed Joy appeared first on The Other KLM.
18.2.2025 13:00Disjointed JoyThe meek move,
stepping soft,
but sure,
mothers’ sighs
and silent prayers.
In hospital rooms,
nurses abide—
holding anxious hands
pulsing with pain.
Behind shelter doors,
some stir broth—
thick with potatoes,
peas, pork.
Serving warm hope
to a …
The post Yoked With Grace appeared first on The Other KLM.
16.2.2025 16:42Yoked With GraceWaters wait, like unwritten rhymes—
silent, steady, streaming.
Splashed in childhood’s hosepipe laughs,
barefoot sprints across water-war-soaked sidewalks.
Sips of dusk on the back-door steps,
grandpa’s glass half-full stories.
No flavor needed—just the taste
of moments flowing, freely offered.…
The post Water, Like the Word appeared first on The Other KLM.
15.2.2025 17:16Water, Like the WordPatriotic are the poor in spirit,
for they shall see a nation rise when all are lifted.
Patriotic are those who mourn,
for they shall shift sorrow into justice.
Patriotic are the meek,
for they shall lead with wisdom, not …
The post Blessed Be the Brave appeared first on The Other KLM.
9.2.2025 17:25Blessed Be the Brave