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#translation #traduction Translations for Progress
5.6.2018 18:06#translation #traduction#atheism #rationalism #religion #dogma #dogmatism #conformism #conformity #closeminded #stubborn Atheists are less tolerant than religious people, study claims
30.5.2018 05:56#atheism #rationalism #religion #dogma #dogmatism #conformism #conformity #closeminded #stubborn8 Punctuation Marks That Are Now Extinct
29.5.2018 18:468 Punctuation Marks That Are Now Extinct#postmodern #postmodernism #empathy #Asperger #autism #neglect #negligence #fanaticism #eugenics #neurodiversity The Problem with the Neurodiversity Movement - Quillette
26.5.2018 02:31#postmodern #postmodernism #empathy #Asperger #autism #neglect #negligence #fanaticism #eugenics #ne...#ethanzuckerman #activists #trends #trending #mobilization #trendingtopics #causes #opensource #media #mediaanalysis Welcome to media cloud
23.5.2018 19:39#ethanzuckerman #activists #trends #trending #mobilization #trendingtopics #causes #opensource #medi...The majority of the mothers reported some #fish consumption, measured as less than 340g per week. Higher fish consumption, of more than 340g per week, was associated with an even lower risk of smoking. As well, the number of mothers quitting during #pregnancy was also positively correlated with increased fish consumption. The researchers attributed these associations to biological effects such as alterations in the #dopamine rgic system.
#omega3 #smoking #addiction# Can eating more fish help pregnant mothers quit smoking? - Medical News Bulletin | Health News and Medical Research
19.5.2018 19:00The majority of the mothers reported some #fish consumption, measured as less than 340g per week. Hi...So if you are concerned about the growth in population, make yourself a champion of female empowerment in the developing world. You will be contributing to the most effective solution to the problem without any of the moral baggage.
And next time you’re at an environmental event, maybe instead of asking the population question, ask the female empowerment question. Why aren’t climate hawks talking about it more? They should be!
#feminism #birthcontrol #overpopulation #climate #environment #eugenism #racism #thirdworld #developingworld
I'm an Environmental Journalist, but I Never Write About Overpopulation. Here's Why. | Earth First! Newswire
#environment #greenwashing #capitalism #ego #responsibility #propaganda #pr #publicrelations #Native #AmericanIndian #NativeAmerican #NativeAmericans The 'Crying Indian' ad that fooled the environmental movement
17.5.2018 06:05#environment #greenwashing #capitalism #ego #responsibility #propaganda #pr #publicrelations #Native...#rent #renters #tenants #landowners #property #speculation #realestate #realestatemarket #idpol #identitypolitics #Marx #historicalmaterialism #socialism #strike #rentersstrike #tenantsstrike #AngelaNagle #Nagle #KillAllNormies Angela Nagle - Identity Politics
10.5.2018 03:57Angela Nagle on the next social uprising#linux #systembackup #backupx Cloudberry An Easy To Use Cloud Backup Tool For Linux
4.5.2018 21:10#linux #systembackup #backup