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The Candid Momma – Honesty on Motherhood

Visit the Mlog for more... “It's not our job to toughen our children up to face a cruel and heartless world. It's our job to raise children who will make the world a little less cruel and heartless.” ― L.R. Knost, Two Thousand Kisses a Day: Gentle Parenting Through the Ages and Stages Are you in search…

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Words on paper, blurry. Objects in the distance, hazy. I squinted; it didn’t help. Thoughts come and go like ghosts, misty and barely visible. Gooey sludge racing like a snail, clogging the wheels of my brain from turning like lightning. Strange ideas pop up, then fall away; anxiety and panic ensue, turning into self doubt...Continue reading »

26.12.2024 12:30Clouded

Just Another Day in Paradise


The road under my tires moved unevenly. As I came around the corner, sunlit sparkling dewy turf fields rolled into view. I’ve heard this song on the radio a million times, but today was different. “The kids screaming, phone ringingDog barking at the mailmanBringing that stack of bills, overdueGood morning, baby, how are you?” Like...Continue reading »

27.8.2024 10:30Just Another Day in Paradise

Second Time Around


“Hi, hunny. Come on in.” I opened the door and took a seat. “What are you here for today?” “My glucose test,” I said with a smile. “A GTT? I haven’t done one of those before. I’ll have to ask Amy. Let’s get you checked in.” I smirked at the coincidence of having the same...Continue reading »

16.8.2024 10:55Second Time Around

Comment on The Burnt Out Mom Part 2: a trail of breadcrumbs by The Burnt Out Mom Part 3: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – The Candid Momma


[…] are two different ways of living. If you missed Part 1, click here. If you missed Part 2, click here. Lets take a look at the Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid from Saul Mcleod, […]

3.2.2024 02:21Comment on The Burnt Out Mom Part 2: a trail of breadcrumbs by The Burnt Out Mom Part 3: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – The Candid Momma

Comment on The Burnt Out Mom (like toast without the crust) Part 1 by The Burnt Out Mom Part 3: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – The Candid Momma


[…] accept that surviving and thriving are two different ways of living. If you missed Part 1, click here. If you missed Part 2, click here. Lets take a look at the Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid from Saul […]

3.2.2024 02:21Comment on The Burnt Out Mom (like toast without the crust) Part 1 by The Burnt Out Mom Part 3: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – The Candid Momma

Comment on The Burnt Out Mom (like toast without the crust) Part 1 by amylou42


In reply to <a href="">Evelyn Byrne</a>. Hello Evelyn, Thank you so much for your comment. I am grateful to hear from you! Congratulations on your new grandchild! Earth is tough, and through it all, I am glad to be here in this life connecting with others. We are so lucky to be/have been mothers that stay(ed) home with their child(ren). It is a blessing to see my sweet little girl every hour of every day, and I wouldn’t change it for the world. Though it’s hard to hear the critics, it is also good to be guided to those who have similar values and have the gift of their support. I may not have support in person on a regular basis (aside from Sophie’s wonderful father), connection and relatability even just online helps to not feel so alone. I, too, pray for families everywhere. My hope is that sharing my thoughts and experiences can help others to not feel so alone or hopeless. Societal expectations of mothers, and parents, are distorted and unrealistic at times. Thank you for reading. Enjoy your little ones 💞

28.1.2024 03:28Comment on The Burnt Out Mom (like toast without the crust) Part 1 by amylou42


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