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Tags: wordpress
9.3.2025 08:09Jason Isbell – Eileen
3.2.2025 15:45Mary Chapin Carpenter, Julie Fowlis, Karine Polwart – Hold Everything
24.1.2025 17:29The Weather Station – Window
10.1.2025 12:09Franz Ferdinand – Hooked
3.12.2024 08:54The Coward Brothers – Always
4.11.2024 12:53Paul Heaton – Quicksand
11.10.2024 15:31Tindersticks – Nancy
23.9.2024 07:19The WAEVE – City Lights
12.8.2024 15:03James Vincent McMorrow – Things We Tell Ourselves
2.7.2024 11:07The Decemberists – Burial Ground
Definitely going to follow your blog!
14.3.2021 06:11Comment on Julien Baker – Hardline by Colorful Sistersawesome article cheers for posting this - Robert
27.6.2018 13:47Comment on NamesCo, WordPress & the iPad by Rob brettTop stuff. You've raised a huge amount, congratulations to all. Much love, Jim & Bobbie x
18.7.2016 13:03Comment on Ben Lomond by JimExcellent!
28.6.2014 08:30Comment on Deeside Open 2014 by JimThat was really good, wow!
5.3.2014 08:14Comment on Bradford Open 2014 by JimHi, I've just started exploring my partner's Ashcrofts, which include a stack of Elizabeths. He also has Holmes in his Tree, from Kent. His Ashcrofts came from Stepney where Jane Ashcroft (b. 1800) married James Thomas in 1822 & produced a family of children including George Ashcroft Thomas, William Ashcroft Thomas plus Henry, Ebinezer, Mary Jane, Eliza and Jane. These names have been carried on from the previous generation in her family, where brothers & sisters were Henry, Charles Ebenezer, William, Elizabeth and Susannah. The Ashcrofts in London were easy to group and trace at first with the help of the IGI and I've been able to make some family groups with the clear info on father/mothers' names at Christenings. However, the Ashcroft link quickly ran out in London and the only marriage of a George Ashcroft & Ann Parker to be the parents of my definite William Ashcroft, took place in Cheshire. Why William and his siblings were all born in London when their parents came from Cheshire is a mystery! Cheshire seems to be the origin of many Ashcrofts and looks very difficult to figure out. Have you got any links to this mob of Ashcrofts in Northenden, Cheshire that include the names George, Henry, William, Ebenezer, Jane & Elizabeth?
16.7.2013 06:33Comment on Elizabeth Ann Ashcroft by Kay WalkerHaving the same problem with Namesco. Solving it by moving elsewhere. Other Namesco issues affecting WordPress have included: - Files and folders created with incorrect permissions, particularly affecting uploaded files. - PHP memory running out if a few plugins are installed, even though phpinfo reports that memory settings are high. - Permalinks require /index.php/ in them. Why the hell do they use Zeus servers? They offer an Apache to Zeus .htaccess conversion tool but it doesn't work. Had enough.
28.5.2013 10:10Comment on NamesCo, WordPress & the iPad by Jason KingI've had this issue with Namesco also, I've had god knows how many arguments with Namesco Support about this issue, I've asked them why they are penalising users who do update there Wordpress installations and not going after the people who don't update, I've even suggested that they migrate all updated Wordpress users to a separate server so that they can at least be allowed to use the xml-rpc function, however it just falls on deaf ears. My advice is that all of us who are having this issue leave Namesco/Cheapnames for another provider who does allow this function, then perhaps they might actually do something to resolve the issue. Perhaps they should contact all those users with out of date wordpress installations and inform them to update or have there websites disabled due to security issues with there outdated Wordpress installations, but hey that would be to easy I expect. Anyway anyone know of any Webhosts who do allow xml-rpc posting in the meantime . . . ?
4.3.2013 11:46Comment on NamesCo, WordPress & the iPad by Vincent ElgeyHi, I do hope you check this, doesn't seem to have been any activity here for a while. I would love to know more about your findings for the Crawfords.
30.10.2012 02:38Comment on A Car Sold and a House For Sale by DeborahAs per the above, in Vista, it's worth first just running a basic 'diagnose and repair' in the 'Network and Sharing Center'.
19.10.2012 08:31Comment on iTunes 10.5 CPU Issue by MarkP