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Comment on #Corona-classics 3: Hannes Minnaar plays Bach & Manneke by Archipel van Daan Manneke: bevlogen en genereus – Klassiekvannu

[…] 2018 culmineerde in de 6-delige, voor evenzoveel verschillende pianisten gecomponeerde pianocyclus Grote Archipel. – Die op zijn beurt weer is opgebouwd uit 24 grotere en kleinere stukken, vijf Interludia en een […]

12.3.2025 11:00Comment on #Corona-classics 3: Hannes Minnaar plays Bach & Manneke by Archipel van Daan Manneke: bevlogen en genereus – Klassiekvannu

Comment on Van Baerle Trio speelt ‘Tombeau pour Ton de Leeuw’ by Archipel van Daan Manneke: bevlogen en genereus – Klassiekvannu

[…] hielpen organist en componist te worden: Johannes Harthoorn; Adriaan Kousemaker; Jan van Dijk en Ton de Leeuw. De heruitgave Archipel ‘legt het accent op mijn compositieleermeesters in de breedste zin van […]

12.3.2025 11:00Comment on Van Baerle Trio speelt ‘Tombeau pour Ton de Leeuw’ by Archipel van Daan Manneke: bevlogen en genereus – Klassiekvannu

Comment on Calliope Tsoupaki: ‘Amsterdam breathes hope’ by Amsterdam 750 jaar wordt uitbundig gevierd in het Concertgebouw - De Nieuwe Muze

[…] Over Calliope Tsoupaki en ‘Another Day’ […]

10.3.2025 10:24Comment on Calliope Tsoupaki: ‘Amsterdam breathes hope’ by Amsterdam 750 jaar wordt uitbundig gevierd in het Concertgebouw - De Nieuwe Muze

Comment on The Netherlands: home to Calliope Tsoupaki and Genevieve Murphy by Calliope Tsoupaki: ‘Amsterdam breathes hope’ | Contemporary Classical – ...

[…] he helped me discover and develop my own strengths. Thanks to him, I also learned to appreciate my Greek roots more. Those constitute a great cultural baggage, I listen to music with a different ear […]

27.2.2025 10:45Comment on The Netherlands: home to Calliope Tsoupaki and Genevieve Murphy by Calliope Tsoupaki: ‘Amsterdam breathes hope’ | Contemporary Classical – ...

Calliope Tsoupaki: ‘Amsterdam breathes hope’

Born in Greece, Calliope Tsoupaki made it to Composer Laureate of the Netherlands, (2018-2021) in which capacity she wrote consolatory compositions during the covid-pandemic.* On the occasion of Amsterdam’s 750th anniversary, she composed Another Day for the Concertgebouw Orchestra, that … Continue reading

27.2.2025 10:30Calliope Tsoupaki: ‘Amsterdam breathes hope’

Comment on Petra Stump-Linshalm advocates contrabass clarinet on ‘Fantasy Studies’ by Thea Derks

In reply to <a href="">Julie Arnold</a>. Thanks Julie!

21.2.2025 05:02Comment on Petra Stump-Linshalm advocates contrabass clarinet on ‘Fantasy Studies’ by Thea Derks

Comment on Petra Stump-Linshalm advocates contrabass clarinet on ‘Fantasy Studies’ by Julie Arnold

Very nice bllog you have here

21.2.2025 03:02Comment on Petra Stump-Linshalm advocates contrabass clarinet on ‘Fantasy Studies’ by Julie Arnold

Comment on Kurt Weill, dancer on the tightrope between art and kitsch by A/V Revolution

… liked this!

12.2.2025 20:01Comment on Kurt Weill, dancer on the tightrope between art and kitsch by A/V Revolution

Comment on Kurt Weill, dancer on the tightrope between art and kitsch by Anonymous


11.2.2025 13:28Comment on Kurt Weill, dancer on the tightrope between art and kitsch by Anonymous

Comment on Hanns Eisler: life-long struggle against oppression. Two-day symposium in Amsterdam and Hilversum by Kurt Weill, dancer on the tightrope be...

[…] music by eight composers who fled the Nazis to America in the 1930s. From Arnold Schoenberg to Hanns Eisler and from Bartók tot Kurt Weill – who passed away 75 years ago. In 2000 I wrote a portrait of […]

11.2.2025 12:18Comment on Hanns Eisler: life-long struggle against oppression. Two-day symposium in Amsterdam and Hilversum by Kurt Weill, dancer on the tightrope be...

Comment on Arnold Schönberg is dead, long live Arnold Schönberg! by Kurt Weill, dancer on the tightrope between art and kitsch | Contemporary Classica...

[…] They will perform music by eight composers who fled the Nazis to America in the 1930s. From Arnold Schoenberg to Hanns Eisler and from Bartók tot Kurt Weill – who passed away 75 years ago. In 2000 I wrote a […]

11.2.2025 12:18Comment on Arnold Schönberg is dead, long live Arnold Schönberg! by Kurt Weill, dancer on the tightrope between art and kitsch | Contemporary Classica...

Kurt Weill, dancer on the tightrope between art and kitsch

On Wednesday 19 February, the Flemish ensembles Collegium Vocale Gent and Het Collectief present the programme In Exile at Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ Amsterdam. They will perform music by eight composers who fled the Nazis to America in the 1930s. … Continue reading

11.2.2025 12:18Kurt Weill, dancer on the tightrope between art and kitsch

Joey Roukens: ‘In my Second Violin Concerto the music is trying to escape from the depths’

On Friday 31 January, the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra and Simone Lamsma will christen Joey Roukens‘ Second Violin Concerto, Ouf of the Deep under the baton of  Markus Stenz, former chief conductor of the orchestra. The work was commissioned by the … Continue reading

23.1.2025 09:36Joey Roukens: ‘In my Second Violin Concerto the music is trying to escape from the depths’

Silvia Borzelli: ‘Cuerpo desierto is my Stabat Mater’

Italian-born Silvia Borzelli has lived in the Netherlands for many years. For a concert series around the Stabat Mater by Cappella Amsterdam in January 2025, she composed Cuerpo Desierto. It is based on a text by Mexican poet Susana Chávez, … Continue reading

9.1.2025 11:52Silvia Borzelli: ‘Cuerpo desierto is my Stabat Mater’

Composer Martijn Padding makes you smile

Greatest Hits (So Far!) perfectly captures the fresh, ironizing view with which composer Martijn Padding (Amsterdam, 1956) views the music world and himself. Deadpan he calls his album Greatest Hits, stretching the hyperbole even further by adding ‘so far’. In … Continue reading

13.12.2024 12:39Composer Martijn Padding makes you smile

Composer Maya Verlaak challenges musicians

The Hague-based Ensemble Klang’s new CD Vanishing Point is entirely dedicated to three pieces by Flemish composer Maya Verlaak (Ghent, 1990). She likes to challenge herself, the audience and her musicians. Instead of ready-made scores, she sometimes presents performers with … Continue reading

21.11.2024 11:44Composer Maya Verlaak challenges musicians

Jörg Widmann: ‘Schubert sings because he can’t help it’

Clarinettist and composer Jörg Widmann (1973) cherishes tradition. His Octet for clarinet, horn, bassoon and string quintet is a tribute to Schubert’s piece of the same name. It will be performed by musicians of the Concertgebouw Orchestra in the small hall of the Amsterdam Concertgebouw on 10 November 2024. Continue reading

6.11.2024 15:49Jörg Widmann: ‘Schubert sings because he can’t help it’

Franghiz Ali-zadeh at Cello Biennale 2024: ‘Composing is the unfolding of amorphous chunks of energy’

The Amsterdam Cello Biennale celebrates its second lustrum in Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ from 31 October through 10 November 2024 with lots of premieres. Among them the Cello Concerto SÖVQ that the Azerbaijani composer Franghiz-Ali-zadeh composed for Amsterdam Sinfonietta. This … Continue reading

29.10.2024 12:23Franghiz Ali-zadeh at Cello Biennale 2024: ‘Composing is the unfolding of amorphous chunks of energy’

Caroline Shaw: ‘Nothing breaks writer’s block like walking!’

Composer, violinist and singer Caroline Shaw is a musical jack-of-all-trades, who doesn’t limit herself to the world of modern-classical music, but just as easily collaborates with pop musicians, filmmakers and dancers. She is composer in residence at the Amsterdam Concertgebouw … Continue reading

10.10.2024 14:38Caroline Shaw: ‘Nothing breaks writer’s block like walking!’

Dutch National Opera presents Rigoletto as a mental wreck in a psychiatric clinic

Under dramatically dissonant orchestral sounds, the curtain rises on Rigoletto, Verdi’s 17th opera, in the Amsterdam Music Theatre. Instead of the ballroom in the ducal palace from the libretto, we find ourselves in a frigid room in a psychiatric clinic. … Continue reading

4.9.2024 11:57Dutch National Opera presents Rigoletto as a mental wreck in a psychiatric clinic


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