Based in Poznań, Poland – poet, musician, book editor, vegan, barefoot shoes walker, philosopher, I don’t remember who else. My electronic music:
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Jeffrey Sachs in EU Parliament. Just watch it.
24.2.2025 17:53Jeffrey Sachs in EU Parliament. Just watch it.
Ducks on the bank of the river Warta basking in the sun.
#Warta #Poznań #kaczki #ducks
अनुवादकाणां महिमा • المجد للمترجمين • വിവർത്തകർക്ക് മഹത്വം • மொழிபெயர்ப்பாளர்களுக்கு பாராட்டுக்கள் • chwała tłumaczom • glory to the translators
#sankara #advaitavedanta #vivekacudemani #stefanziembiński
Buckwheat groats pancakes with fruits and coconut yogurt.
#vegan #veganbreakfast #poznań
Red lentils with beetroot, eggplant, sweet potato, fresh chilli and ginger, plus Indian spices with chapati.
#vegan #improvised #asaofetidajunkie
Dance like it’s 2008!
#technofeudalism #yanisvaroufakis #doppelganger #naomiklein