SV-POW! ... All sauropod vertebrae, except when we're talking about Open Access. ISSN 3033-3695
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[…] previous posts on Aquilops, see the linked list on this page. And don’t forget that the scientific paper describing Aquilops is free to the world here. […]
6.3.2025 15:03Comment on Farke, Cifelli, Maxwell, and Wedel (2014) on Aquilops by The Aquilops toy news will continue until morale improves | Sauropod Vertebra Pict...I’m kidding, of course. It will continue no matter what. Loads of more and better photos of the upcoming Aquilops Lego sets — yes, sets, plural — thanks to the Brothers Brick. What’s that other thing included in this jeep-and-raptor set? It’s a teensy widdle Aquilops of teensiness! And it’s pretty darned accurate! I don’t […]
6.3.2025 15:02The Aquilops toy news will continue until morale improvesIn reply to <a href="">Darius</a>. Thank you, Darius, that is extremely helpful!
5.3.2025 14:44Comment on Tutorial 11: Graphic Double Integration, or, Weighing dinosaurs on the cheap by Mike Taylor<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>For the sake of completeness: <br><br>By now there are several tools floating around the web that allow to perform this procedure more quickly and with greater precision than when done by hand, by taking digital silhouettes as input and measuring their diameters at every pixel along their length.<br><br>One program that basically does this is Motani’s paleomass (<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a>), another is my own gdi (<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a>), both of them packages for R.<br><br>There’s a basic tutorial for the usage of gdi available here: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a><br><br>I tried to keep it as straightforward as possible for simple use-cases, basically you just need two functions and three lines of code to do a simple gdi.<br><br>#to digitize the silhouettes (which must have the same width, default settings are for pngs with transparent background):<br><br>measuresil("lateral_view.png")->lateral<br>measuresil("dorsal_view.png")->dorsal<br>gdi(lateral,dorsal,scale=100) #where scale is the number of pixels in one meter, or decimeter if you prefer the output in liters. This line returns the volume determined via gdi</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
5.3.2025 13:56Comment on Tutorial 11: Graphic Double Integration, or, Weighing dinosaurs on the cheap by Darius<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>OK, I admit that having a Lego version is very very cool.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
4.3.2025 22:34Comment on I’m stoked for Aquilops in Jurassic World Rebirth by Mike Taylor<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Brian's Aquilops drawing is really wonderful. And what a remarkable dinosaur.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>and yes, it's very cute, but maybe paleoart needs more cute dinosaurs … and despite its cuteness, it leaves no doubt that the beak of Aquilops could take a finger or two if it needed to.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Belated congratulations to you and your co-authors on the 10 anniversary of its description.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
2.3.2025 20:55Comment on I’m stoked for Aquilops in Jurassic World Rebirth by llewelly[…] library services through enhanced discovery and integration of research content, librarians and scholars argue that renting rather than owning materials ultimately harms the libraries and their […]
28.2.2025 21:15Comment on Burn it all down by Wyden to FTC: Stop digital “bait-and-switch” sales – DrWeb's Domain[…] library services through enhanced discovery and integration of research content, librarians and scholars argue that renting rather than owning materials ultimately harms the libraries and their […]
28.2.2025 20:58Comment on Burn it all down by Wyden to FTC: Stop digital “bait-and-switch” sales | Internet Archive Blogs[…] ran across a blog post about someone trying to create a database of all dinosaur specimens. It’s basically the same […]
28.2.2025 04:04Comment on A database of all dinosaur specimens in the world by Archaeosauria<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Brad, you may recall that Brian offered us some more active sketches — you can see an example <a href="" rel="ugc">here</a> — and we commissioned the most cutesy and least kinetic. But like a lot of small herbivores with sharp bits, Aquilops was probably a vicious little monster when cornered.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
27.2.2025 23:57Comment on I’m stoked for Aquilops in Jurassic World Rebirth by Matt Wedel<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>OMG !!!!! She's at my museum!!!!!!! So tiny,cute wee baby, I'm so excited now,wait till I tell her she's in a film!!!!!!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
27.2.2025 14:53Comment on I’m stoked for Aquilops in Jurassic World Rebirth by heroic2d7fc8bb5cAquilops turned 10 years old in December. For all of that time, I’ve been waiting for Aquilops toys. I mean COME ON people, it’s an adorable little cat-ceratops, the only one of its kind so far in North America, how do we have multiple toys of Kaprosuchus and no Aquilops yet? Well, my good day […]
26.2.2025 20:12I’m stoked for Aquilops in Jurassic World RebirthClarivate is the content-hoarding corporation that owns ProQuest, the Web of Science and EndNote, among many other services widely used in academia. Plus a ton of content. Today’s announcement, “Introducing ProQuest Digital Collections, a new library subscription offering unparalleled breadth, value and access”, sounds nice, doesn’t it? And the first few paragraphs are certainly full […]
18.2.2025 20:19Burn it all downHere’s a Mastodon thread from a year ago. Just a quick check on how ChatGPT’s getting on … Me: Who reassigned the species Brachiosaurus brancai to its own genus, and when? ChatGPT: The species Brachiosaurus brancai was reassigned to its own genus, Giraffatitan, by the paleontologist Michael Janensch in 1914. Me: Dude, that is so […]
14.2.2025 23:25If you believe in “Artificial Intelligence”, take five minutes to ask it about stuff you know wellI’ll be sending this letter to the Royal Society, but I also want it out there in public, because I hope that more people will follow the lead set by Dorothy Bishop and Stephen Curry in putting pressure on the Royal Society to grow a backbone. Dear Royal Society of London, You exist to support […]
11.2.2025 21:11Dear Royal Society: please stop lending legitimacy to Elon MuskI have a new paper out: Ramnani, A.S., Landeros, J.T., Wedel, M., Moellmer, R., Wan, S., Shofler, D.W. 2025. Supernumerary muscles in the leg and foot: A review of their types, frequency, and clinical implications. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 114(6): 9pp. Hoo boy, this one has been a saga from almost the […]
4.2.2025 07:47New paper: review of the supernumerary muscles of the human leg and footNew paper out today, in Geology of the Intermountain West (free at this link): Boisvert, Colin, Bivens, Gunnar, Curtice, Brian, Wilhite, Ray, and Wedel, Mathew. 2025. Census of currently known specimens of the Late Jurassic sauropod Haplocanthosaurus from the Morrison Formation, USA. Geology of the Intermountain West 12:1-23. doi: 10.31711/giw.v12.pp1-23. This one was born while […]
29.1.2025 01:15New paper out today: Boisvert et al. (2025) on all the HaplosJessie Atterholt and I are helping one of our students write up a pathological dinosaur bone (you’ll definitely hear more about this in time), and we needed a good example paper for our student to use as a model. We chose several, but for me the standout was Scott et al. (2015), and that’s the […]
26.1.2025 20:00A great paper: Scott et al. (2015) on a traumatically amputated timber wolf femurHatcher (1903a) gave a very brief description — two pages and no illustrations — of the new sauropod Haplocanthus, basing it and its type species H. priscus on the adult specimen CM 572. Later that year, having been notified that the genus name was preoccupied by a fish, he renamed it Haplocanthosaurus in a single-paragraph […]
23.1.2025 20:34A unique sauropod mount: Haplocanthosaurus delfsi CMNH 10380Quick backstory: this post at Adam Mastroianni’s Experimental History led me to this post at Nothing Human, and poking around there led me to another good’un: “Shallow feedback hollows you out”. That post really hit for me, and it made me think about SV-POW! Especially this bit: Suppose you don’t want to lose your ability […]
16.1.2025 02:13My Constant Reader, and staying close to the work