We generally don't give nicknames to our releases, but if we did, this would be called "The Confusing Release". We know that some of you were expecting us to release Version 0.8, while others were eagerly awaiting Version 1.0 - and you've got neither! And there wasn't even a Release Candidate or any other announcement! Please allow us to explain ourselves.
As some of you know, we always work on two versions at the same time. One, that we call a "minor version", is the kind you see us releasing quite frequently. Minor versions include security updates, bugfixes, and some smaller feature additions. We design those versions in a way that allows pod administrators to install them as fast as possible, without manual changes or long downtimes. On the other hand, there are "major versions", that are... well, major. These contain big features, large breaking changes, stuff like that. We keep these seperate as we want to make the lives of our podmins as easy as possible, and major upgrades always require manual interventions or longer downtimes, so we want to keep them as rare as we can.
Our last major release, diaspora* 0.7, was released almost seven years ago - in August 2017. That is quite a long time! And ever since, we have kept working on two versions in parallel: the next "minor", and the next "major". This development model is quite common in big projects, and it's fine, until it's not.
Since the release of 0.7, the difference between the latest minor version and the work-in-progress major versions has become enormous: more than 20,000 lines of code added, and over 6,000 lines removed. For reference, that means that almost 15% of our entire codebase has changed. This huge divergence means that releasing new minor versions has become more and more complicated, as we always have to apply any changes to both work-in-progress versions, and it has reached a level where it's causing us lots of pain and making it harder to release any updates.
Additionally, our community of developers has built quite a few amazing new features for "the next big version". Some of you on pods that run the "development" code already get to use them, but a very large chunk of our userbase does not. That's a shame, because some of the things we have already built are a big deal!
At the same time, we have really ambitious plans for Version 1.0, and as much as we'd love to get it out there, we simply aren't done yet.
This is why we're now release a intermediate major release. We're calling it Version 0.9 because, while it's more than simply the next major version upgrade, it isn't quite Version 1.0 yet. Even so, there's still a really good list of stuff in this version, and we're really excited to get it out to you. And now, enough waffling, let's get to the details.
Since the last major release, Version, a total of 50 contributors have commited 1,833 commits. This includes 858 from 20 contributors that have never been included in any release up until now! A few highlights:
The full ChangeLog is available here For podmins, there are quite a few breaking changes. Please make sure to read the upgrade instructions in our wiki, and plan in some time for long database migrations to run!
While diaspora* is moving slower than projects with full-time, paid engineering teams, we are incredibly proud of our community and our work. A huge thank you goes out to all the people contributing to this project, entirely in their spare time.
It doesn't matter if you're writing code, helping with documentation or translations, or if you're just using diaspora* to post cute cat photos. We love all of you, and we're happy you're with us. <3
#diaspora #announcement #release #0900 #surprise
19.3.2025 10:30diaspora* version released!Sowas dreistes hab ich echt schon ne Weile nicht mehr gesehen ... falsch parkiert wird viel (die meisten Leute tun aber nur so, als hätten sie ne Panne aufm Radweg), aber das war schon eher extrem, der stand da nicht nur temporär. Die gestreifelte Fläche ist eigentlich kein Parkplatz sondern dazu da, dass Fussgänger und Radfahrer über bzw. auf die Strasse kommen (oder andersrum, von der Strasse runter), und stattdessen sind die Leute halt jetzt irgendwo übers nasse Gras gelaufen oder haben sich irgendwo 3 Autos weiter ne Lücke suchen müssen ...
#fahrradalltag #wermachtdennsowas
4.5.2021 12:11Sowas dreistes hab ich echt schon ne Weile nicht mehr gesehen ... f...Ich hab wie vor 2 Jahren schonmal ein kleines #diaspora #theme im #rC3 Style gebastelt, #nerdpol Nutzer können dieses Theme in den Einstellungen auswählen.
27.12.2020 11:25Ich hab wie vor 2 Jahren schonmal (https://nerdpol.ch/posts/19262a0...(English below)
Ja du! Kennst du den Chaos Communication Congress? Hast du vielleicht gehört das sich so ein paar diaspora* user da immer treffen? Aber das Ticket dafür zu kaufen ist immer so eine Herausforderung? Also wir finden wir sollten dort viele sein, damit wir auch hier immer mehr werden!
Falls du also schon immer mal zum Congress wolltest und auch mal etwas länger bei diaspora* assembly vorbei schauen möchtest, hätten wir da vielleicht einen Voucher für dich. Schreibe einfach eine kurze E-Mail an 36c3@diaspora.social mit deiner diaspora* ID und einer kurzen Begründung warum du dich von dieser Nachricht angesprochen fühlst. :)
Yes you! Do you know the Chaos Communication Congress? Did you maybe hear some diaspora* users meeting up there? But getting a ticket is always just such a hassle? Well, we think we should be many there, so we can become even more here!
So if you always wanted to visit Congress and also want to hang out at the diaspora* assembly for some time, we might have a voucher for you. Just send a short mail to 36c3@diaspora.social including your diaspora* ID and a short note on why this message speaks to you. :)
22.10.2020 01:06Hey du!Photo by Alena Pasheva, CC BY-SA 3.0
#CatsOfCommons #cat #cats #catcontent #caturday #cute #kitten #kittens #tiny #blep #cc-by-sa
20.6.2020 10:31Photo (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Photo_of_a_kitten.jp...#Ersthelfer impliziert, dass man danach noch mehr Helfer braucht!
Hey, #diaspora, I need your help. Or rather, your collective knowledge. I'm working on a blog post essay and plan-of-action about diaspora*s rather horrible performance. To make a point, I'll have some databases run against each other in a controlled environment with a real-world-database dump (i.e., Geraspora's database).
For me to have a chance to consider as many things as possible, I need you to throw your favorite databases that could store data like the things used in diaspora (profiles, posts, relations between those entities, ...) at me. It doesn't matter what kind, I'm okay with relational databases, document-oriented databases, elves looking at tape with giant magnifiers, .. everything is fine.
There are only a couple of rules:
To submit, please
Please keep this post's comment section free from anything that's not a suggestion. Please use this post for everything else.
28.12.2019 09:31Hey, #diaspora, I need your help. Or rather, your collective knowle...Der CCC lädt zu seiner jährlichen Hackerkonferenz und -party unter dem Motto #35C3 Refreshing Memories ein. Öffentlicher Vorverkauf startet am 8. November https://www.ccc.de/de/updates/2018/vorverkauf-35c3
6.11.2019 01:27Der CCC lädt zu seiner jährlichen Hackerkonferenz und -party unter ...Mir war etwas langweilig und ich hab nen #35C3 #diaspora #theme gebaut, #nerdpol Nutzer können das in den Einstellungen auswählen. Falls andere Podmins das auch haben wollen, können sie diesen Commit cherry-picken, aber wenn ihr das danach wieder rausmacht (macht auf Dauer nur das Precompilen langsamer) müsst ihr sicherstellen, dass keine User das mehr Konfiguriert haben, also in der DB alle zurücksetzen auf irgend nen default.
I was bored and created a #35C3 diaspora theme, nerdpol-users can select it in their settings. If other podmins want this too, they can cherry-pick this commit, but if you revert this afterwards (it only makes the precompile slower) you need to make sure that no users still use it, so reset them to something default in the DB.
28.9.2019 21:28Mir war etwas langweilig und ich hab nen #35C3 #diaspora #theme geb...Habt Mitleid mit den SUV! Die #SUV werden gegen ihre Natur in enge Städte und Parkplätze gesperrt! Befreit die SUV!
Ein Herz Fuer SUVs
#frühling #sommer #herbst #winter #jahreszeiten #islieb
27.7.2019 00:24https://islieb.de/ #frühling #sommer #herbst #winter #jahreszeiten ...Du warst auf dem #35C3 und warst Teil der diaspora assembly? Und du willst dieses Jahr aufs #cccamp19, hast aber noch kein voucher für ein Ticket? Dann schreib bitte hier nen Kommentar und teile mit mir, damit ich dir ne Nachricht schicken kann.
You have been at last years #35C3 and part of the diaspora assembly? And you want to go at this years #cccamp19, but you don't have a voucher for a ticket yet? Then please leave a comment and make sure you share with me, so I can send you a message.
15.6.2019 10:13Du warst auf dem #35C3 und warst Teil der diaspora assembly? Und du...
#humor #computer #games #cats #play #nathanwpyle
There will be a diaspora* assembly at #35c3. Like every year, it will be a place for community folks to sit and work on things, but it will also be a place to chat, get to know each other, have discussions, and share cookies (hopefully). Although it's called "diaspora* Assembly," other federated/distributed/decentralized social networks are welcome as well, obviously.
Few notes ahead of time:
And some personal tips, for both the assembly, and congress in general (in addition to the things already posted by other people):
Wenn man mit dem NOC nach Hause fåhrt <3 #35C3
31.12.2018 10:45Wenn man mit dem NOC nach Hause fåhrt <3 #35C3*laute Musik nähert sich*
"Fährt da grad nen Auto vorbei?"
"Nein, ein Boot ..."
#reallifezitate #congresszitate #35C3
30.12.2018 07:47*laute Musik nähert sich* "Fährt da grad nen Auto vorbei?" "Nein, e...It’s been wonderful to see so many new members joining our community over the past few days. <3
You might already have noticed that diaspora* is missing some features that you’d really like to use.
As an open-source Free Software project, diaspora* is created by its community. Now that you’re part of this community, we’d love you to help us improve it for everyone.
The main issue that slows the pace of development is simply developer time. To increase developer time and so increase the speed of development, the project needs more developers!
If you can code, or want to learn, we’d like to hear from you! diaspora* is built on Ruby on Rails, with many JavaScript elements. Have a look at our guide to contributing to diaspora*.
If you know someone who can code, and you think they might be interested in this project, tell them about diaspora* and encourage them to consider contributing!
Even if you don't code, there are still plenty more ways to help. Check our wiki for ideas.
Thank you! <3
#diaspora #diaspora-dev #development #developer #coding #ruby #rails #javascript #newhere
12.10.2018 14:59Calling all coders!Return of the Tentacle – Prolog: Inoffizieller Nachfolger des Kultspiels „Day of the Tentacle“ ist da
Official Website
#DayOfTheTentacle #Spiel #Tentakel #Bernard #Hoagie #Laverne
22.7.2018 13:40Return of the Tentacle – Prologhttps://youtu.be/CUNq2_VjRn4
#lucas the #spider is #cute ! #music
Noch mim doch längere ufenthalt do i dem freie dezentrale netzwerch isch mir nöd unlängscht ufgfalle dases do tendenziell echt wenig schwiizer user git, a was chönti da ligge hanich mir denkt.. und noch langem überlegge ischs mer gwar worde.
woruf ich vor einehalb johr anegsesse bin und agfange han dsproch Schwiizerdütsch (ostschwiiz) zübersetze.
scho sit einiger ziit sind ali User UI element übersetzt und d'übersetzig isch in Code ufgnoh worde. Nur de allgemein bekanntmachigspost het no uf sich warte loh..
Aber etz isches sowiit.
Und ihr sind debii miteme freie dezentrale netzwerk wo euen dialekt redt :)
Ich freue mich uf en bispillose kontinuierliche bsuecherzuestrom mit schwiizerdütschem sprochhindergrund :)
#me #schwiiz #schweiz #sproch #spache #neudo #neuhier #fun #joke #rofl #integration #chue #kuh #chuchichäschtli #willkomme #spass #freudeherscht
(c) bild