Happiness is Submission To God Alone
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[…] Notes from The Second Canonization of the Qur’an (324/936) Code 19: Qiraat Sura 36 (Y.S.) Sunnis Have 28 Different Authorized Qiraat Qiraat ≠ Ahruf The Mushaf Has Already Been Corrupted […]
26.2.2025 08:25Comment on The Mushaf Has Already Been Corrupted by Fallible Transmitters Transmitting Infallible Text (The Quran) - HadithCritic[…] The Mushaf Has Already Been Corrupted […]
23.2.2025 07:28Comment on The Mushaf Has Already Been Corrupted by Points & Refutations Against: "Beware of This Islamic Creator" - HadithCritic[…] Quran Affirms Key Premise of The Ontological Argument For God’s Existence […]
19.2.2025 16:16Comment on Quran Affirms Key Premise of The Ontological Argument For God’s Existence by Polytheism is Logically Impossible – Submission to GodCoexistence of multiple omnipotent beings is logically contradictory. If two gods existed, each would have the potential to limit the other's power, thus negating true sovereignty. This mutual restriction leads to paradoxes, such as being all-powerful and powerless at the same time. Therefore, multiple omnipotent beings cannot logically coexist, as it undermines the very definition of omnipotence and creates contradictions like the omni-impotence and dependency paradoxes.
19.2.2025 16:16Polytheism is Logically ImpossibleDedicating any portion of your Salat to other than God nullifies the entire prayer. Despite clear warnings, Sunnis and Shias dedicate a portion of their Salat to Muhammad and others. A divinely sent messenger restored Salat’s purity, ensuring it is dedicated to God alone. Rejecting this purification due to inherited traditions reflects the same resistance shown by past communities who refused to abandon their inherited innovations and shirk.
31.1.2025 07:24Dedicating a Portion of your Contact Prayers (Salat) to other than GodA claimant argues that the Quran depicts mountains as being placed from above, supporting a flat-earth view. However, a deeper linguistic analysis reveals that the Quran’s wording actually aligns with modern geological processes, describing mountains forming from below rather than being sent down. This distinction highlights the precision of the Quran’s language and serves as further evidence of its divine authenticity.
15.1.2025 05:56Mountains came from above according to the Quran? (Scientific Miracle)[…] The Mushaf Has Already Been Corrupted […]
9.1.2025 02:51Comment on The Mushaf Has Already Been Corrupted by Exposing the False Use of 'Ummiyeen' in Hadith - hadithcriticblog.com<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Peace, wonderful work. God bless.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
31.12.2024 18:30Comment on Why Mentioning Muhammad in the Shahada is Shirk? by AnonymousShirk, the act of associating anything with God, extends beyond idol worship to elevating anything or anyone to rival God in worth, power, or importance. This includes attributing outcomes to others, idolizing celebrities, or prioritizing worldly matters over God. Adding Muhammad to the Shahada exemplifies shirk by implying his worthiness to share in the ultimate declaration of existence, the most sacred of affirmations that serves as the first principle of God's religion. Is God not worthy of being mentioned alone in the most sacred of declarations and the greatest of testimonies?
28.12.2024 06:05Why Mentioning Muhammad in the Shahada is Shirk?Many Muslims assume that the Quran is word-for-word preserved, with many even asserting it is letter-for-letter preserved–that there aren’t variants in the Quran in existence, and that even if there are rare variants, the differences are limited to minor spelling changes. Many are completely unaware that there are different versions of the Quran, with variations […]
21.12.2024 23:01The Mushaf Has Already Been CorruptedQuran 63:1 highlights the hypocrisy of those who claim, "We bear witness Muhammad is a messenger of God,". There are several signs God has embedded that suggest that the inclusion of Muhammad’s name in the Shahada is not divinely sanctioned. The argument is made that one cannot bear witness to something not directly observed, implying that "muhammad rasulullah" should not be part of the Shahada. Instead, the Shahada should focus solely on God’s oneness.
10.12.2024 05:57Bearing False Witness & The Hypocrite Shahada[…] Don’t break up into Shia; Don’t follow hadith […]
12.11.2024 22:46Comment on Don’t break up into Shia; Don’t follow hadith by Examining All Occurrences of ‘Hadith’ in the Quran: More Signs from God – Submission to Go...The Quran makes it clear that the contact prayers (Salat) and religious rites were established by Abraham, not Muhammad. Muhammad was commanded to follow the rites of Abraham, and the Quran affirms that monotheistic prayer existed long before Muhammad’s time. Whether Surah 96 or Surah 74 was the first revelation, both acknowledge that the Salat was already practiced. This provides additional evidence that the monotheistic contact prayer was an ancient tradition, predating Muhammad’s prophetic mission.
3.10.2024 21:40More evidence from the Quran that the Contact Prayers (Salat) pre-existed MuhammadThe Quran provides clear, deliberate signs for those who seek guidance. One of the most telling signs concerns the word "hadith" itself. In the Quran, the term 'hadith' is mentioned 20 times to refer to anything besides the Quran, and in every instance, it is framed negatively. This consistent disapproval is a divine sign—alerting believers to the dangers of hadith outside of the Quran. The Quran repeatedly emphasizes the sufficiency of its guidance and implicitly warns against any external sources that would dilute or distract from its message.
2.10.2024 23:27Examining All Occurrences of ‘Hadith’ in the Quran: More Signs from GodMay God bless Shiki (from the Submission server) for these findings and bless us with more to whatever degree is good for us: The root of Rashad is R-Sh-DThe root of Khalifah is Kh-L-F In the 29 initialed chapters, these 6 letters occur 19x19x91If you include ALL 9 letters, R-Sh-A-D-Kh-L-Y-F-H, you’ll get 19x77905 Verse 3:81 […]
19.9.2024 05:58Additional Math Miracles Confirming Rashad Khalifa’s Messengership<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>God bless you brother</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
14.7.2024 04:27Comment on Follow the Quran Alone or Follow Rashad? by MouhsenJust as the Quran shows Muhammad issuing updated commands to believers, Rashad Khalifa’s role evolved to emphasize that truly following the Quran means adhering to God’s explanations through Rashad’s teachings. Thus, to follow the Quran alone, one must trust and obey the messenger as a conduit of divine wisdom. Thus, adhering to Rashad’s explanations of the Quran is not a deviation but a deeper commitment to divine guidance.
11.7.2024 22:32Follow the Quran Alone or Follow Rashad?<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Mashallah, very beautiful observation. I also understood myself about this issue that May be Rashad had this wishful thinking as a man not as a messenger.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
8.7.2024 02:25Comment on God calls out Rashad’s impatience in the Quran and corrects him by Anonymous[…] that the content of this blog here is false, it does not exclude Rashad from being a messenger):The failed UIN is actually evidence Rashad is a MessengerExample of Jonah: Messengers committing gross sins […]
18.4.2024 21:14Comment on The Failed Islamic Nation (UIN) is Actually Evidence Rashad Khalifa is a Messenger! by Covenant With the Arabs Nullified; the UIN Propheci...[…] Within a period of months, what we see here is Rashad had stated the Arab world would die in a certain time-frame, and then months later he said that the Arab world can be saved if they have a positive response to this most important message. In fact, the Quran and the Bible even say that if there is one believer in a country, God won’t destroy them (and it is very interesting Rashad said the Arabs are cursed, it seems them not believing, and us not finding a single believing Arab, is just another evidence that they will indeed be destroyed for their rejection of the messenger). But I digress, what we see here is Rashad acknowledging the conditionality of what he said in March 1988 just a few months later. IF the Arabs respond positively to his message, they won’t be destroyed as he prophesied earlier. Conditional prophecy, just as we talked about before. Done. End. Resolved. With respect to Egypt (who are not considered Arabs per Rashad’s explanation), something interesting happened. An Al-Azhar scholar (Ahmed Subhy Mansour) from Egypt denied hadith and became Quranist ( he wrote: “The Quran: the Only Source of Islam and Islamic Jurisprudence”, and weirdly enough, he published it in 1990!!–, so it is no longer true when Rashad said (in the 3rd sentence of the above screenshot): “This message has been vehemently rejected by Al-Azhar and it’s followers” (this was the condition of his prophecy!) and so the “Egypt dying” won’t happen unless this is true, and we have shown it is no longer true–an Al Azhar scholar and alma mater accepted part of the message partially and so the condition of this prophecy is no longer being met. Also take a look at the ‘coincidental’ timing of this Al-Azhar scholar (1990 is when he published and thus he believed before that publication date). What an interesting ‘coincidence’. It came right on time; right on Rashad’s timing. How does Rashad keep getting away with this? Could he be a messenger? Indeed, this only further adds more evidence that he is indeed a messenger. Add it is to growing list. SubhanAllah. All praise be to God alone. Related Blogs: The failed UIN is actually evidence Rashad is a MessengerExample of Jonah: Messengers committing gross sinsCovenant With the Arabs Nullified; the UIN Prophecies no Longer Apply […]
18.4.2024 21:00Comment on Covenant With the Arabs Nullified; the UIN Prophecies no Longer Apply by Even Rashad Considered his Prophecies as Conditional – Submission ...