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In reply to <a href="">noelleg44</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The fix to the system didn't work. Now waiting until next Tuesday for a more 'specialist' engineer to have a look. But the work goes on!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
13.3.2025 17:36Comment on Further Progress on the #WIP. by stuartakenIn reply to <a href="">stuartaken</a>. Thanks, Stuart.
12.3.2025 18:51Comment on Further Progress on the #WIP. by Lynette d'Arty-CrossIn reply to <a href="">stuartaken</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I can see nothing deters you!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
12.3.2025 17:11Comment on Further Progress on the #WIP. by noelleg44In reply to <a href="">Lynette d'Arty-Cross</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Fingers crossed the people of Canada will see through the lies of the Conservatives and understand a less extreme approach is better for all.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
12.3.2025 10:24Comment on Further Progress on the #WIP. by stuartakenIn reply to <a href="">noelleg44</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Thanks, Noelle. Our heating 'should' be fixed today, which will make a lot of difference. But I'm keeping warm in my study with a fan heater for now. And, today, I'm continuing the edit process.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
12.3.2025 10:21Comment on Further Progress on the #WIP. by stuartakenIn reply to <a href="">stuartaken</a>. The Trump supporters in Canada are a very small number but they are part of the Conservative Party base and wield outsized influence over the leadership. Some of them are completely bonkers, so they are unlikely to shift their position. The party leader, Pierre Poilievre, has been trying to hide this poisonous element but their active participation in the party is becoming more and more evident as a result of Trump’s behaviour. It’s imperative that we keep him out of the PMO. Yes, he was head of the Bank of Canada during the 2008-09 recession and handled that well, also. He’s a very well qualified economist who has a reputation as a troubleshooter - he advised your government during Brexit - so I think he’s exactly what we need right now to handle that sociopathic narcissist to the south of us.
11.3.2025 21:17Comment on Further Progress on the #WIP. by Lynette d'Arty-Cross<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>You can do it!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
11.3.2025 19:31Comment on Further Progress on the #WIP. by noelleg44In reply to <a href="">pennyfrances</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I think there must've been a glitch on this attempt, Penny. Your original comment got through. Wordpress has recently changed some aspects of comments on the websites, and I suspect the one above fell into some digital chasm. <br />Goodluck with the blog post.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
11.3.2025 17:29Comment on Further Progress on the #WIP. by stuartakenIn reply to <a href="">pennyfrances</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Thanks for the empathy and encouragement, Penny. I'm still at it!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
11.3.2025 17:25Comment on Further Progress on the #WIP. by stuartakenHi Stuart, I tried to leave a comment on WordPress but it tells me comments are now closed on this item. Anyway, here it is, for what it's worth! I can also empathise with the problem of world politics stymying progress both on my WIP, and in writing anything new. Waking in the night overwhelmed by feelings of impending doom, which get mixed together with my own little fears and anxieties resulting in a soup of paralysis, where anything I do (or write) seems pointless. However, I do tell myself that succumbing to doom and gloom helps no-one, and I try to seek out positive accounts of resistance, wherever that may be, however small. The least we can do is to keep informed, stay resilient, and keep on keepin’ on, so good luck to you, and everyone else, with doing so. I'm actually trying to write a blog on this subject, but the paralysis sets in for that as well! But hopefully I will get it out before too long Cheers Penny Penny Frances, Writer 07792559818 Penny Frances | Short stories, novel extracts and musings from an emerging author (<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a> Facebook<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a> Twitter<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a> Medium<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a>
11.3.2025 17:07Comment on Further Progress on the #WIP. by pennyfrancesI can also empathise with the problem of world politics stymying progress both on my WIP, and in writing anything new. Waking in the night overwhelmed by feelings of impending doom, which get mixed together with my own little fears and anxieties resulting in a soup of paralysis, where anything I do (or write) seems pointless. However, I do tell myself that succumbing to doom and gloom helps no-one, and I try to seek out positive accounts of resistance, wherever that may be, however small. The least we can do is to keep informed, stay resilient, and keep on keepin' on, so good luck to you, and everyone else, with doing so.
11.3.2025 17:03Comment on Further Progress on the #WIP. by pennyfrancesIn reply to <a href="">Lynette d'Arty-Cross</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Agreed, Lynette. Let's hope Trump's idiotic antics will convince his supporters in Canada that he is an irresponsible, self-serving, bankrupt clown. <br />We had some experience of Mark Carney here when he was head of the Bank of England. He seemed to do a good job of that, and at least it means he has some idea of the financial world.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
11.3.2025 11:08Comment on Further Progress on the #WIP. by stuartakenIn reply to <a href="">stuartaken</a>. Our new PM, Mark Carney, so far doesn’t seem to have a problem with calling out Trump, and it’s clear that Canadians want someone who’s going to deal with him head-on. We will have a general election pretty soon and fingers crossed Carney wins. On the other side we have an ultra conservative Trump mini-me who has Trump supporters in the grassroots of his party. Up until recently he was favoured to win but Trump’s behaviour has caused his numbers to drop significantly. We’ll see what happens.
10.3.2025 20:32Comment on Further Progress on the #WIP. by Lynette d'Arty-CrossIn reply to <a href="">Lynette d'Arty-Cross</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Thank you, Lynette. DT is a disaster for the whole world, of course, and Putin has always been a bully, of course. Now you have a new PM, let's hope the message sent to DT is definitely 'Hands off Canada!'. And let's hope the other democracies can find some unity in opposing this coalition of the terrible twin destroying bullies.<br /></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
10.3.2025 15:41Comment on Further Progress on the #WIP. by stuartakenIn reply to <a href="">Time Traveler of Life</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I don't blame the whole of the USA for the actions of what was actually a minority (suggests the voting system needs to be brought up to date), Brenda. We have similar problems here with our antiquated FPTP system that results in the pendulum swinging from right to left to right, etc. There's a small chance that might change in the future.<br />As for your stroke, I sincerely hope you recover quickly and completely from that. My sister had a stroke a few years ago, unfortunately it is of a type that is known to recur and she has had several more since.<br />Concentrate first on getting well again. Good physiotherapists and counsellors can be a real help in that.<br />And thank you for you kind wishes.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
10.3.2025 15:37Comment on Further Progress on the #WIP. by stuartakenIt is a long time since I reported on my WIP. 19th January, to be precise.So, how’s it going? Inevitably, a touch of illness, advancing years, the state of the world since the orange clown was placed in a position of power way beyond his capacity, the frequent disappointments of a supposedly socialist UK government …
Continue reading Further Progress on the #WIP.
9.3.2025 17:45Further Progress on the #WIP.This short story appeared in a charity anthology, ‘Wrong’ to benefit Creative Writing Institute that sponsors cancer patients in writing courses. The theme was ‘I have a list and a map. What could possibly go wrong?’You’ll find a link to the book at the end of the story. A Fork in the Road Lauren tapped …
Continue reading A Fork in the Road: Short Story
10.2.2025 14:57A Fork in the Road: Short StoryTranslated from the original French, by Alison L. Strayer, with remarkable insight and understanding of the original text, this ‘autobiography’ is an extraordinary piece of work. I use quotes around ‘autobiography’ because this book is so much more than that. It’s a brilliant mix of life story, history, sociology, philosophy, meditation, and poetry. Although some …
Continue reading The Years, by Annie Ernaux: #BookReview.
6.2.2025 16:47The Years, by Annie Ernaux: #BookReview.It surely can’t be this long since I reported on my WIP, can it? But it appears my last post was way back on 23rd November 2024. How can that be? Well, I’ve some excuses. It’s possible some of you may consider them reasons, which would be better for my conscience. First excuse: I’m suffering …
Continue reading Further Progress on the #WIP
19.1.2025 16:45Further Progress on the #WIPThis condensation of an extensive theme into something far more concentrated, selective, and relevant manages to say everything it means in ways both accessible and moving. The appalling Irish Magdalen laundry system, imposed on the country by a church made far more powerful than it ever deserved by indoctrination and the spread of superstitious fear …
Continue reading Small Things Like These, by Claire Keegan #BookReview.
6.1.2025 17:07Small Things Like These, by Claire Keegan #BookReview.On rare occasions, a reader encounters a book that inspires, entertains, edifies, and asks questions in such a way as to force him to reconsider long-held views. Whilst I was already in full agreement with some of the ideas and conclusions revealed in this small and beautifully written book, there were some notions that forced …
Continue reading Orbital, by Samantha Harvey #BookReview.
26.12.2024 17:27Orbital, by Samantha Harvey #BookReview.Subtitled ‘Humanist Ideas and Philosophies to Live By’, this collection of thoughts from thirty-one intelligent, experienced, and fascinating people has been compiled from Andrew Copson’s podcasts with over sixty such individuals between 2020 and 2024. It was initially inspired by essays from Bertrand Russell in 1925 and E.M. Forster in 1938, and a separate collection …
Continue reading What I Believe, Edited by Andrew Copson #BookReview.
12.12.2024 18:29What I Believe, Edited by Andrew Copson #BookReview.This story won 2nd prize (a day at the local races) in a Yorkshire local writing contest in 2010. It was not published. The End of the Tempest. A terrified whinny urged Carl out of dreams and into reality, and metal clashing metal in a howling gale finally woke him. He must enter that storm, …
Continue reading The End of the Tempest: Short Story
26.11.2024 17:10The End of the Tempest: Short StoryI last updated progress on 28th of October, so a little late with this one. Sorry. At that time, the first draft was up to 80,840 words and I’d started editing to include a new character and had got as far as chapter 14. The old word count was 33,454 and the new to that …
Continue reading Further Progress on the #WIP.
23.11.2024 15:00Further Progress on the #WIP.This short story has a long history. It first appeared in the small print magazine ‘Ouse Valley Poetry’, unfortunately no longer around, where it was placed third in their monthly contest in January 2008. Following some slight editing, it was then published in the monthly print magazine ‘Writers’ Forum’, where it gained second prize in …
Continue reading Rebirth. A Short Story.
4.11.2024 16:37Rebirth. A Short Story.Subtitled ‘A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI, this weighty tome is actually surprisingly comprehensive. With 67 pages of Bibliography and an Index of 15 pages, the book is a veritable compendium of information, scholarly exploration, and informed opinion on the ways in which human societies have communicated over the …
Continue reading Nexus, by Yuval Noah Harari: #BookReview.
1.11.2024 17:29Nexus, by Yuval Noah Harari: #BookReview.I last updated progress on 8th of this month, when I reported that I’d experienced a strange epiphany not uncommon for pantsters. It meant I needed a new character, and that new person had to appear right at the beginning of the story. He also has an intimate connection to the original main protagonist, replacing …
Continue reading More Progress on the #WIP.
28.10.2024 18:18More Progress on the #WIP.This week’s #ScenicSaturday post is here, on Medium. That’s where all future posts in the series will be.
26.10.2024 16:27#ScenicSaturday 26th October 24This feature is now exclusively posted on Medium. You can access it here.
19.10.2024 13:46#ScenicSaturday 19th October 24It’s a few weeks since I last posted a short story here. I’ve been busy with other things. But I decided I’d continue the posts of previously published stories to give them a second chance of being read. Please feel free to comment, share and like as you will. This was published in the now …
Continue reading I Am, Perhaps. Short Story:
18.10.2024 16:13I Am, Perhaps. Short Story: