A personal site about technology, apple, and movies. That, and whatever else crosses my mind that day.
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Tags: personal technology whatever
As a new ebike owner, I’m in the market for panniers. I want to take home a large load of groceries. My bike has a rear rack and a front rack built into the frame. My current solution is a grocery tote box and cargo net. The whole setup is about $30, so you can’t ... Read more
1.9.2023 21:38In Search of Grocery PanniersSo I’m back again. Again. I’ve futzed with even more static site generators, in an effort to stay away from WordPress. The problem is I want to be a site author, not a site developer. I have plenty of development tasks in other parts of my life. So, this particular Rube Goldberg solution uses BBEdit ... Read more
11.6.2023 00:39Back AgainHere’s my goal: write 100 words every day. It can be any topic, it just has to be 100 words or longer. That feels like a decent length. I requires more thought than your typical lazy tweet, but not so much that it makes me feel like i have to clear an entire evening to ... Read more
12.3.2022 15:55100 WordsThis is a quick post from MarsEdit.
13.2.2022 17:40This is a quick post from MarsEdit.Just installed a bunch of indie web wordpress plugins that I don’t fully understand. Here comes a bunch of experiments.
13.2.2022 17:33Just installed a bunch of indie web wordpress plugins that I don’t fully understand. Here comes a bunch of experiments.Info in this article can be found in EdgeRouter – DNS Forwarding Setup and Options I have Google Fiber for Internet. $70/month for symmetric gigabit is a good deal. Speeds are consistent and service is reliable. But I don’t want to give Google the data of my DNS lookups, especially since it is so easily ... Read more
29.1.2022 14:30Edgerouter Custom DNSThe title Decasia is a play on decay and Fantasia. The allusion to the Disney film indicates a more straightforward narrative than you’ll find. The movie is made of deteriorated film clips from silent era films and newsclips. Filmmaker Bill Morrison edits them together and holds them in place with a detuned score. Nitrate film ... Read more
28.1.2022 04:00Film: DecasiaI don’t know if speculative anthropology is a genre, but if it were, The Sparrow would be an exemplary piece. It gets categorized as science fiction, but the science is the least of its concerns. Yes, there are spaceships and aliens. But the spaceships are dealt with just enough to assure us that the trip ... Read more
7.11.2021 15:06The SparrowMartin Luther King, in Letter from Brimingham Jail. …I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizens Councillor or the Ku Klux Klanner ... Read more
18.1.2021 18:00Happy MLK Day, 2021In the fall of 2020 I got Google Fiber. For about $5 more than I was already paying to my local cable company, I got 5x the speed. I remain skeptical of Google as a company, and I hate trusting them with my privacy, but so far Google Fiber is a good deal. Even better, ... Read more
9.1.2021 16:00Edgerouter XiA Writer just <a href="https://ia.net/topics/new-pdf-preview-better-web-publishing-improved-editing">updated to version 5.5</a>. This looks like a significant update, with one big feature that affects me: better support for self-hosted WordPress sites. Previous versions required the Jetpack plugin, which I <a href="https://steven.brokaw.org/posts/ulysses-vs-ia-writer">balked at using</a>. Now I can use the <a href="https://indieweb.org/WordPress_IndieAuth_Plugin">IndieAuth</a> <a href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/indieauth/">plugin</a>. The <a href="https://github.com/WP-API/OAuth2">OAuth2 plugin</a> is also supported with a little more configuration. This is my first post with iA Writer 5.5. It took me a couple of tries to get the plugin to work–documentation is scarce. But it works as advertised. Here’s hoping it leads to more posts here.
16.5.2020 14:01Comment on Ulysses vs. iA Writer by iA Writer 5.5 Improves WordPress Support[…] website to be their own OAuth server. This option is helpful for iA Writer users who were reluctant to install Jetpack just to hook up their accounts for […]
15.5.2020 21:46Comment on Ulysses vs. iA Writer by iA Writer Adds Expanded Support for IndieWeb Tools and WordPress Publishing – WordPress Tavern