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I have just enough time today to test my new plugin.
27.3.2024 09:05Testing bitReblog via xkcd.com
27.3.2024 09:01Reblog of xkcd.com: Moon Armor IndexI was crawling around the functions.php of a WordPress theme I made a long time ago and found this gem.
26.3.2024 21:08Fun with headersI just spent ten minutes in old code trying to remember what WordPress transients are called.
26.3.2024 21:02They’re called transients, MattTime to have fun with the add_shortcode() function.
26.3.2024 20:36Time to add_shortcode()In reply to <a href="https://staging.node.lordmatt.co.uk/2024/03/26/posts/me/now/custom-fields/#comment-154">lordmatt</a>. <p><a href="https://staging.node.lordmatt.co.uk/author/lordmatt/" rel="ugc">@lordmatt</a> Here's their page about it - its not unlimited but it may work. <a href="https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/including-acf-within-a-plugin-or-theme/" rel="nofollow ugc">https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/including-acf-within-a-plugin-or-theme/</a></p>
26.3.2024 20:03Comment on Custom fields by alpha1betaSingleton fun ahead.
26.3.2024 20:03Singleton fun ahead.In reply to <a href="https://libretweet.com/@alpha1beta/112163762335886489">alpha1beta</a>. I didn't know that (about the embedding). Thank you for the insight.
26.3.2024 20:01Comment on Custom fields by lordmattIn reply to <a href="https://staging.node.lordmatt.co.uk/2024/03/26/posts/me/now/custom-fields/#comment-152">lordmatt</a>. <p><a href="https://staging.node.lordmatt.co.uk/author/lordmatt/" rel="ugc">@lordmatt</a> So ACF can be embedded so you can use it without the plugin (Been a long while since I've done this). </p><p>Two more potential options: <br /><a href="https://metabox.io/" rel="nofollow ugc">https://metabox.io/</a><br /><a href="https://github.com/CMB2/CMB2#cmb2" rel="nofollow ugc">https://github.com/CMB2/CMB2#cmb2</a></p><p>Plus there's some frameworks like <a href="https://pods.io/" rel="nofollow ugc">https://pods.io/</a><br /><a href="https://github.com/makeitworkpress/wp-custom-fields" rel="nofollow ugc">https://github.com/makeitworkpress/wp-custom-fields</a></p><p>The basics functions are get_post_meta and update_post_meta for posts</p>
26.3.2024 19:59Comment on Custom fields by alpha1betaIn reply to <a href="https://libretweet.com/@alpha1beta/112163210774046171">alpha1beta</a>. ACF is a great tool. This time, I've got to do it the raw code way. For some reason, I always have to look up WordPress internals that I've not used in a while. I shall report back how I get on.
26.3.2024 19:56Comment on Custom fields by lordmatt<p><a href="https://staging.node.lordmatt.co.uk/author/lordmatt/" rel="ugc">@lordmatt</a> Without knowing more or your skill level, its hard to say. But check out Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)</p>
26.3.2024 17:39Comment on Custom fields by alpha1betaRight now, I am looking up how to add a form to handle custom fields in a plugin for WordPress. I have an idea.
26.3.2024 17:37Custom fields<p>Like: <a href="https://staging.node.lordmatt.co.uk/2024/03/26/posts/replies/pain-sucks/" rel="ugc">Pain sucks</a></p>
26.3.2024 17:20Comment on Pain sucks by fluffyReplying to Your Blog Should Have an About Page by Wouter Groeneveld I completely agree. I feel like a blog is missing something if I cannot find the name or handle of the person writing it. The first place I look (after the by-line) is the /about page. I am the nosey sort who will […]
26.3.2024 17:12All blogs need about pagesI asked, What are your hopes and dreams? This is my answer today. I dream of earning enough through things I love doing so that I don’t have to worry about paying bills or eating. I hope to one day be a published writer. The only thing standing between me and that dream is my own inherent laziness. The book is written and (according to my test readers) rather good. All I need to do is learn how to edit. More than anything I want – as I cannot live forever – to be remembered for an extremely long time and for good reasons not bad. I figure that writing a book or ten might be the way to do that. I’m not entirely gone until I am forgotten.
26.3.2024 16:24Comment on What are your hopes and dreams? by lordmattIn reply to <a href="https://staging.node.lordmatt.co.uk/2024/03/22/posts/tell-me-about-your-blog/#comment-147">Ronaldenugs</a>. Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.
26.3.2024 13:01Comment on Tell me about your blog by lordmattHello! https://googler.com Good luck :)
25.3.2024 16:33Comment on Tell me about your blog by RonaldenugsIn reply to <a href="https://mastodon.social/@lordmatt/112141595318686246">Lord Matt </a>.
Thank you me-on-another-account
<p><a href="https://staging.node.lordmatt.co.uk/author/lordmatt/" rel="ugc">@lordmatt@node.lordmatt.co.uk</a> I post nerdy stuff on <a href="https://lordmatt.co.uk/" rel="nofollow ugc">https://lordmatt.co.uk/</a></p><p><a href="https://mastodon.social/tags/AnsweringMyself" rel="nofollow ugc">#AnsweringMyself</a></p>
22.3.2024 22:02Comment on Tell me about your blog by Lord Matt ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️<p>I’ve solved the <a href="https://staging.node.lordmatt.co.uk/2024/03/22/updates/69831/" rel="ugc">critical error</a> with Matrix Dreams. I plugin called User Meta auotupdated but the author forgot to include a critical vendor library. Careful manual uninstall by direct database editing solved that issue.</p> <p>Don’t worry, I tested the fix in a staging copy first.</p>
22.3.2024 21:57Comment on by lordmatt