Associate Professor of English and Fellow at the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Writer of books and composer of sounds. Mainly [url=]#DigitalHumanities[/url]. Way into [url=]#Linux[/url] [url=]#Programming[/url] (esp. [url=]#CLIs[/url] and [url=]#TUIs[/url]). I teach all that, plus [url=]#TheoryOfNewMedia[/url], [url=]#TheaterHistory[/url], and [url=]#BibleAsLit[/url]. Fanatical about [url=]#ElectronicMusic[/url], [url=]#FountainPens[/url], and [url=]#Coffee[/url]. The audio half of Perlin Trio. Thoughts are my own. I think.
Tags: bibleaslit clis coffee digitalhumanities electronicmusic fountainpens linux programming theaterhistory theoryofnewmedia tuis