stuff I would have shared on FB and Twitter.
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The Favourite forms of physical exercise are walking, cycling and running, in that order. Walking is convenient. You can walk to the train station and you can walk from the train station to work. You can walk from the office to the shops and back. You can also go for walks and lunchtime and hikes […]
19.10.2024 15:08Favourite Form of Physical ExerciseThreads had potential but it has one massive flaw. It’s driven by algorithms. In the 90s and the 00s social networks were chronological. You reacted to the people speaking at the same time as you. Twitter was the same. Facebook was the same. I played with FB Threads for around two weeks and today I […]
8.10.2024 16:07Threads and TrollingRecently I have been called Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, Threads and other products Anti-Social media. I call them this because rather than find pleasant conversations with positive outcomes we find people that want to argue rather than become friends. Algorithms force us to see stuff created by strangers. Often it leads to a feeling of […]
8.10.2024 10:45Friendly Social MediaAlthough I use Garmin, Apple, Xiaomi and Suunto to track my hikes and other sports my life AFK is spent hiking, cycling, climbing (mainly Via Ferrata) and running. I recently took up running again. I set myself of running just three kilometres per run until I went to a Wake Up and Run event, and […]
27.9.2024 15:12Hiking, Walking, Cycling and RunningYes, against Facebook and Twitter. Twitter for selling out rather than considering its corporate social responsibility and Facebook for being deeply amoral, and never apologising when it is caught being amoral. We are now in the age of anti-social media. We’re trolling each other rather than having fun and getting along so well that we […]
4.9.2024 14:54Yep, against Facebook and TwitterThe natural question is to ask “To do what?” What motivates me to get up at sun rise? The pleasure of opening the velux to let in cool morning air, to help cool down the top floor where I sleep. What motivated me to do group activities again? Traffic, and aggressive dogs. I enjoyed solo […]
20.8.2024 09:38What Motivates MeIt varies, according to shifts, daylight, planned activities, noise pollution and more. I try to be consistant, to sleep between midnight and 0800. I could give a longer answer but I’m having lunch.
10.7.2024 10:38When the Noise Pollution StopsThis morning I looked at my FB timeline and noticed how junky it was. It has so much noise that I don’t know whether FB, IG et al are still worth using. I think “microblogging” with wordpress might be more interesting. 😉
30.6.2024 08:50FB and IG JunkBy car because it offers more flexibility. I would go by bike but only if a find Voie Verte that are far from dangerous car drivers. I love cycling, and if I felt safe on a bike then I would cycle rather than drive. It’s because I feel unsafe that I walk and drive, rather […]
17.3.2024 09:50Cross Country TripAnswer from wordpress
13.10.2023 12:22Comment on The fediverse test, once again by warzaI love walking/hiking. It always clears my head.
22.4.2023 14:03Comment on I Went For A Walk by issababycreatesTechnology is taking all over. Everything is being digitalized and if you don't go digital chances are your business or job will be over in coming few years. With the invent of AI everything is being transformed. Gone are the days that we need to go to any department or even banks for any kind of work or assistance. Everything is available online with just few clicks within minutes. For me it's a total transformation, as I changed what I do with the rising digitalization. My work is totally digital all from my laptop and mobile and I hope there is a coming Gen Z who would prefer to be so. However, digital can bring ease and work from anywhere to the tech pro people, but it cannot undermine the importance of many field and ground jobs. Go with the trends is all that I would suggest!
29.3.2023 12:58Comment on Tech And Work by Gkindshivani[…] […]
31.12.2022 15:15Comment on I want to like Mastodon by I want to like Mastodon – WantsIn reply to <a href="">New Media Works</a>. It’s in 2006 that we all centralised around the tech giants. It will be nice to spread out again.
29.12.2022 15:21Comment on I want to like Mastodon by warzaIn reply to <a href="">warza</a>. Yea, IDC about brand names :)
29.12.2022 15:17Comment on I want to like Mastodon by New Media WorksIn reply to <a href="">New Media Works</a>. So do I. I recently played with reddit. I think wordpress is a good place to be. Decades of community building and interactions.
29.12.2022 15:13Comment on I want to like Mastodon by warzaIn reply to <a href="">warza</a>. Oh, I just use TEH INTERNET ;)
29.12.2022 15:09Comment on I want to like Mastodon by New Media WorksHi warza
In other words, (it seems to me that) you don’t like liking mastadon?
Why do you want to like it?
In reply to <a href="">New Media Works</a>. I want to abandon Twitter, due to the new owner, but as I use Mastodon I don't see a vibrant community of friends speaking among themsevles. People are using Mastodon for the wrong reason, for now.
29.12.2022 14:04Comment on I want to like Mastodon by warza